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Murielle Marie Murielle Marie

How to Get Unstuck and Overcome Procrastination as a Creative Professional

When I tell people the things I do - and finish! - today, the consensus is that I'm so "productive" and "focused." I can achieve many things in reasonable amounts of time, it’s true, but it hasn't always been this way. In fact, I used to be a massive procrastinator. For anyone, this can be detrimental to success. For creative professionals or entrepreneurs, this can be the main reason they’re not achieving success - something I experienced firsthand early in my career.

But the good news is that it's possible to overcome procrastination and get unstuck. Once I'd figured out how to get unstuck and do things instead of thinking about them, I decided to sell my first business and pivot into a career helping others do the same.

Do you find yourself in an inescapable cycle of procrastination? Good ideas that fizzle out and die, projects that get endlessly delayed, and personal growth that doesn't bring about real change. It's a problem many people struggle with, but only a few know how to find the tools to break free from this self-defeating behavior. And it takes time! But imagine a world where you naturally take action and are free from the misery of procrastination - a life filled with productivity, confidence, achievement, and personal and professional success. I have dedicated the past decade to helping you achieve that vision, and it’s what my new book, "Get Unstuck!" is all about.

Procrastination: the paralyzing habit

Procrastination is more than just a time-wasting activity; it's a habit with different root causes: fear, uncertainty, boredom, or even perfectionism. Procrastination means delaying or postponing tasks that need to be accomplished, even when we know they're important and will benefit us in the long run.

One of the main reasons why procrastination can be so damaging is because it often leads to unnecessary stress and anxiety. When we put off important tasks, they linger in our minds, causing constant guilt and pressure. This can also affect our mental health, leading to feelings of inadequacy and failure. Not to mention the missed opportunities, the projects that don't get done, the relationships that suffer, and the potential income we miss out on.

But why do we procrastinate? Why can't we just get things done when we know they must be done? The truth is, there are many factors at play. From our upbringing, trauma, and past experiences to our current environment and mindset, all of these contribute to our tendency to procrastinate.

Overcoming procrastination: how to get unstuck

The first step towards overcoming procrastination is understanding why we do it. Often, it's not because we're lazy or unmotivated but because we're afraid of failing or making mistakes, question our ability to succeed, or simply don't know where to start. Identifying the root cause of our procrastination is crucial to finding effective solutions.

One common misconception about overcoming procrastination is that it's all about willpower and discipline; as I mention in my book, while these are important factors, they're not the only ones. Relying solely on willpower (a finite resource) and discipline will often lead to temporary success, followed by an even bigger procrastination setback.

Here are some tips on how to get unstuck and overcome procrastination:

  1. Figure out what you really want: We often procrastinate because we don't know what we want. We could do so much, and everything seems exciting and new. Take some time to reflect on your long-term goals and how they align with your current ideas or projects. The more aligned this gets, the easier it will be for you to stay motivated and focused.

  2. Look at the excuses you tell yourself. What is hiding underneath? Are you afraid of failure? Are you unsure of your abilities? A perfectionist? Are you struggling with limiting beliefs or negative experiences? Once you identify the underlying cause, it's easier to address and work on overcoming it. Remember, your fears and doubts are not facts; they're just thoughts you can change.

  3. Don't make a mountain out of a thought: Often, we procrastinate because the task at hand seems too daunting. I tell my clients, "Don't make a mountain out of that thought you just had!" when I see them start to overthink it. It happens often. You start with a simple idea; before you know it, your mind has turned it into this big, scary, and impossible mountain. And, of course, you want to achieve the top with one big step. Realizing how impossible this is, instead of going back to the original idea, you give up on it completely. 

Understanding being stuck: identifying your paralysis

Stuckness is the feeling of indecision and paralysis when faced with a challenge or an important task. I often explain what being stuck feels like by using the crossroads metaphor. Imagine standing at a crossroads and having to choose which path to take. But instead of making a decision, you freeze, unable to move or progress. You keep looking left and right or front and back, waiting for clarity on what choice to make. And because that clarity doesn't come, you're paralyzed and stay at the crossroads, contemplating all the options available to you without ever taking a step forward.

Some people stay stuck like this for a long time. I had a client once who came to me after having felt like this for ten years. Ten years! Imagine feeling paralyzed and indecisive for such a long time. But even if you don't stay stuck for that long, the feeling of being stuck can be incredibly frustrating and discouraging. It can make us feel incapable or not good enough to move forward.

But here's the thing: most people associate being stuck with failure when it is a natural part of any growth process. It's like being at the foot of a mountain, looking at its intimidating height and thinking, "I'll never be able to climb that." But once you start taking small steps forward, one after another, you eventually reach the top.

That's why understanding your paralysis is crucial for overcoming it. Identify what is keeping you stuck - fear, self-doubt, lack of direction or resources, not knowing how to start or what to do - and work on addressing those issues. Seek support and guidance from a professional coach like me or trusted friends and family.

Remember, being stuck is a feeling, not a fact. It’s not a sign of weakness or incompetence. It's a temporary state that can be overcome with determination, perseverance, and the right mindset!


To help you get unstuck, I'm hosting a "Get Unstuck!" The virtual Book Deep Dive Event on April 11th, 2024, at 11 am PST, 2 pm EST, 7 pm UK, 8 pm CET - LIVE ON ZOOM!

This event is more than just a seminar or book launch; it's an interactive experience designed to help you get unstuck and overcome procrastination for good! This year is the year you're going to do the thing, not just think about it!

I’m bringing together experts from the art world, tech, entrepreneurship, and academia to provide insights on the phenomenon of procrastination and understanding what being stuck really is.

For all participants: don’t miss exclusive gifts delivered to your mailbox and fantastic giveaways during the event! It’s about YOU - learn how to overcome procrastination, stress, indecision, burnout, and overthinking and walk away with the power to create a fulfilling life and career.

Start MOVE-ing Forward. The Time is Now! Reserve your spot now by clicking here!

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