Career & Business Coaching Blog.

Inspiration and tips for multi-passionate creatives & entrepreneurs.

Murielle Marie Murielle Marie

How to Get Unstuck and Overcome Procrastination as a Creative Professional

When I tell people the things I do - and finish! - today, the consensus is that I'm so "productive" and "focused." I can achieve many things in reasonable amounts of time, it’s true, but it hasn't always been this way. In fact, I used to be a massive procrastinator. For anyone, this can be detrimental to success. For creative professionals or entrepreneurs, this can be the main reason they’re not achieving success - something I experienced firsthand early in my career.

But the good news is that it's possible to overcome procrastination and get unstuck. Once I'd figured out how to get unstuck and do things instead of thinking about them, I decided to sell my first business and pivot into a career helping others do the same.

Do you find yourself in an inescapable cycle of procrastination? Good ideas that fizzle out and die, projects that get endlessly delayed, and personal growth that doesn't bring about real change. It's a problem many people struggle with, but only a few know how to find the tools to break free from this self-defeating behavior. And it takes time! But imagine a world where you naturally take action and are free from the misery of procrastination - a life filled with productivity, confidence, achievement, and personal and professional success. I have dedicated the past decade to helping you achieve that vision, and it’s what my new book, "Get Unstuck!" is all about.

Procrastination: the paralyzing habit

Procrastination is more than just a time-wasting activity; it's a habit with different root causes: fear, uncertainty, boredom, or even perfectionism. Procrastination means delaying or postponing tasks that need to be accomplished, even when we know they're important and will benefit us in the long run.

One of the main reasons why procrastination can be so damaging is because it often leads to unnecessary stress and anxiety. When we put off important tasks, they linger in our minds, causing constant guilt and pressure. This can also affect our mental health, leading to feelings of inadequacy and failure. Not to mention the missed opportunities, the projects that don't get done, the relationships that suffer, and the potential income we miss out on.

But why do we procrastinate? Why can't we just get things done when we know they must be done? The truth is, there are many factors at play. From our upbringing, trauma, and past experiences to our current environment and mindset, all of these contribute to our tendency to procrastinate.

Overcoming procrastination: how to get unstuck

The first step towards overcoming procrastination is understanding why we do it. Often, it's not because we're lazy or unmotivated but because we're afraid of failing or making mistakes, question our ability to succeed, or simply don't know where to start. Identifying the root cause of our procrastination is crucial to finding effective solutions.

One common misconception about overcoming procrastination is that it's all about willpower and discipline; as I mention in my book, while these are important factors, they're not the only ones. Relying solely on willpower (a finite resource) and discipline will often lead to temporary success, followed by an even bigger procrastination setback.

Here are some tips on how to get unstuck and overcome procrastination:

  1. Figure out what you really want: We often procrastinate because we don't know what we want. We could do so much, and everything seems exciting and new. Take some time to reflect on your long-term goals and how they align with your current ideas or projects. The more aligned this gets, the easier it will be for you to stay motivated and focused.

  2. Look at the excuses you tell yourself. What is hiding underneath? Are you afraid of failure? Are you unsure of your abilities? A perfectionist? Are you struggling with limiting beliefs or negative experiences? Once you identify the underlying cause, it's easier to address and work on overcoming it. Remember, your fears and doubts are not facts; they're just thoughts you can change.

  3. Don't make a mountain out of a thought: Often, we procrastinate because the task at hand seems too daunting. I tell my clients, "Don't make a mountain out of that thought you just had!" when I see them start to overthink it. It happens often. You start with a simple idea; before you know it, your mind has turned it into this big, scary, and impossible mountain. And, of course, you want to achieve the top with one big step. Realizing how impossible this is, instead of going back to the original idea, you give up on it completely. 

Understanding being stuck: identifying your paralysis

Stuckness is the feeling of indecision and paralysis when faced with a challenge or an important task. I often explain what being stuck feels like by using the crossroads metaphor. Imagine standing at a crossroads and having to choose which path to take. But instead of making a decision, you freeze, unable to move or progress. You keep looking left and right or front and back, waiting for clarity on what choice to make. And because that clarity doesn't come, you're paralyzed and stay at the crossroads, contemplating all the options available to you without ever taking a step forward.

Some people stay stuck like this for a long time. I had a client once who came to me after having felt like this for ten years. Ten years! Imagine feeling paralyzed and indecisive for such a long time. But even if you don't stay stuck for that long, the feeling of being stuck can be incredibly frustrating and discouraging. It can make us feel incapable or not good enough to move forward.

But here's the thing: most people associate being stuck with failure when it is a natural part of any growth process. It's like being at the foot of a mountain, looking at its intimidating height and thinking, "I'll never be able to climb that." But once you start taking small steps forward, one after another, you eventually reach the top.

That's why understanding your paralysis is crucial for overcoming it. Identify what is keeping you stuck - fear, self-doubt, lack of direction or resources, not knowing how to start or what to do - and work on addressing those issues. Seek support and guidance from a professional coach like me or trusted friends and family.

Remember, being stuck is a feeling, not a fact. It’s not a sign of weakness or incompetence. It's a temporary state that can be overcome with determination, perseverance, and the right mindset!


To help you get unstuck, I'm hosting a "Get Unstuck!" The virtual Book Deep Dive Event on April 11th, 2024, at 11 am PST, 2 pm EST, 7 pm UK, 8 pm CET - LIVE ON ZOOM!

This event is more than just a seminar or book launch; it's an interactive experience designed to help you get unstuck and overcome procrastination for good! This year is the year you're going to do the thing, not just think about it!

I’m bringing together experts from the art world, tech, entrepreneurship, and academia to provide insights on the phenomenon of procrastination and understanding what being stuck really is.

For all participants: don’t miss exclusive gifts delivered to your mailbox and fantastic giveaways during the event! It’s about YOU - learn how to overcome procrastination, stress, indecision, burnout, and overthinking and walk away with the power to create a fulfilling life and career.

Start MOVE-ing Forward. The Time is Now! Reserve your spot now by clicking here!

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Goals That Matter Murielle Marie Goals That Matter Murielle Marie

How to Make Your Biggest, Most Unrealistic Dreams Come True

It's easy to think about all the little things you want to have or accomplish in life, but it's much harder to dream big and think about all the things you could achieve if you genuinely felt like you had no limits. To make matters even more challenging, once you've got the hang of dreaming bigger, it can still be hard to figure out how to make those dreams happen.

Our dreams are what make life worth living. They can be as big or small as you want them to be, but the bigger you allow yourself to dream, the more those dreams will carry you forward on your journey. If we dream big enough and act upon those dreams consistently, those dreams do come true! I know, believe me because I see it happen every day in my coaching practice.

In this article, we'll talk about how you can dream bigger and make your biggest, most unrealistic dreams come true! Because you know what? You can!

How to Stop Being Afraid to Dream Big

The first step to dream bigger is learning not to be afraid of your dreams. What's the worst that can happen? You fail; you learn something new and try again! There are no limits on what you're capable of if you dream big enough!

The first step to overcoming the fear of what's possible for you in your life is to admit you have the dream. You have to stop brushing it off as something "you could never do" or that "will never happen. Whenever a client dismisses their dream like that, my question to them is this: "What proof do you have that this could never happen or that you could never do it if you don't try?"

We tend to make other people or the world responsible for not achieving our dreams, but in most cases, those big dreams don't even get a chance to get out of the starting blocks because we throw them out before we reach the running track.

So take a moment now to think about some big, beautiful, seemingly unrealistic dream or goal you have for yourself. Got it? Good! Now let's talk about how to make that dream a reality.

How to Make Your Biggest, Most Unrealistic Dreams Come True

Once you're ready to accept your big dreams for what they are and are no longer pushing them away, the next step is to figure out how to make them happen.

Here's an easy 5-step plan to follow to get you started:

  1. Make a list of your biggest dreams.
    Don't censor yourself, instead of push yourself to dream even bigger. Imagine you'd like to leave your 9-to-5 job and start your own business. How big would you like that business to be? How free would you like to be with it? What would it look like if this business could be exactly as you want it? Those are the dreams we're looking for. There will be plenty of time to be realistic later.

  2. Pick a dream and give it 30 days of undivided attention.
    If you only have one dream, you're good for this step. If you have more, and they're all screaming for your attention, pick one - for now - and devote 30 days to it. I know this can be scary for creatives and entrepreneurs, especially those with many ideas lying around, but we're not saying drop everything forever. Just pick one idea (the one that speaks to you the most right now) and give it four weeks of your time. After that, you're free to drop it, pick another or keep going.

  3. Start with the end in mind and create a plan.
    What small step can you take every day for the next 30 days to bring you closer to this dream? I'm not saying reach it, but get closer to it because a big part of achieving unrealistic dreams is to be very realistic about the time you have and the effort needed to achieve them. You can only sustainably achieve big dreams because, yes, it's a marathon and not a sprint.

  4. For the next 30 days, spend at least 10 minutes working on your dream.
    One small step each day for 30 days is all it takes to make unrealistic dreams feel more attainable.
    Please don't take my word for it (who am I, I've only been doing this work for almost eight years with 100s of clients :) ); try it for yourself. You'll see.

  5. Keep moving forward, and don't stop dreaming bigger.
    Even if it takes some time for your dreams to become a reality, keep dreaming big and never give up – every time you take a step, every time you believe you can do it, you'll get closer to achieving your dreams!

If you want to make your biggest and most unrealistic dreams come true, start by believing in them. Get the ball rolling on achieving them by taking small steps towards making your dream a reality, and don't give up when things get tough. Conditions are constantly changing, so be flexible with yourself as well! It's not that hard to turn any fantasy into reality if you're willing to put in the work. What is one of your biggest or most seemingly impossible goals? Do you believe it can happen? Why or why not? Let me know!

You have big dreams but you don't know how to make them a reality?

I'm here to guide you through the process of achieving your goals and living a life that's fulfilling, exciting, and successful. When it comes down to it, my clients tell me they want a life that is truly meaningful and rewarding - both personally and professionally - because ultimately this is what helps us feel fulfilled as human beings (and isn't this why we're all here?).

And when we feel fulfilled, everything else falls into place much easier. So let's do this together! Let's start working towards creating the kind of life where fulfillment comes naturally instead of being forced upon us by circumstance alone...

Schedule your free session!

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Get Unstuck Murielle Marie Get Unstuck Murielle Marie

How to make space for your dreams

We all live busy lives. They’re packed full with to-dos, responsibilities, jobs, businesses, things we need to take care of on a daily basis. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine that keeps little room for change. And when dreaming big is concerned, change is what we’re after.

In my coaching practice, but also in my life in general I come across a lot of clutter that keeps so many big dreamers from achieving their dreams. The thing is, if you’re going after your big dreams you need to make room for them to come alive. And that’s where I see a lot of people get stuck.

If you dream about more free time to spend doing what you love, but you keep binging on Netflix every chance you get, you’re not making space for your dream. If your big dream is to become a writer, but your desk is so cluttered that even a post-it note won’t fit on it, you’re not giving your dream a chance. That’s why making room for your dreams to come alive is so important.

How do you make room for your dreams?

  • Make space

Space is a broad concept. Sometimes for our dreams to come alive we need to make physical space for them, like in the example of the cluttered desk above. Sometimes the space we need to make is less literal, like a change in the way we spend our time, or a mental uncluttering so we can have more room to think, be creative, see things from a new perspective that will help us achieve our big dreams. If you’re not making progress on your dreams, clutter might be the culprit. So look around you, and inside of you for what might take up space and keep your dreams from blooming.

  • Let go of what doesn’t serve you

Imagine you’re a bookkeeper who’s big dream is to become a chef. You’re used to finding answers to most of your questions in books, or online. So you set out to learn how to cook the same way – after all that’s how you do everything! Quickly you realize it isn’t working. It’s lonely in the kitchen with just books. Sometimes you’re lost, not sure you’re doing it right or what the result should be.

We’ve all learned to do a million things in a million particular ways. As humans that need to operate in society, keep ourselves alive, make a living, raise families this is an incredible bag of tricks to have. It usually serves us well, and makes our lives easier. The issue with all these acquired ways of thinking, seeing, and doing things is that often achieving big dreams requires a new set of skills, another approach, a different perspective.

That’s why it’s important to check in with yourself regularly, and let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore. Our bookkeeper above clearly isn’t getting anywhere by applying a strategy that worked well for other areas of her life. By checking in with herself she realizes she needs to let go of her books, and find someone to actually show her how it’s done so she signs up for a cooking class. From there she enrolls in a cooking school, earns a degree, starts her own restaurant, and achieves her big dream.

  • Focus on how you want to feel

Often the room our dreams need to come alive relates to the way those dreams will eventually take shape. When we have a goal or dream in mind we have a mental picture of what our life will look like once that dream comes true. That mental picture can take up so much space, that there’s little room left for the dream to take on a shape of its own.

Someone dreaming of love, passion, and romance might be stuck on the mental picture that achieving her dream can only be within the unhappy relationship she’s in. By detaching from the outcome – infuse passion in a relationship that no longer works – and focusing on how she wants to feel instead – loved, and wanted – she’s able to let go of the mental picture that it can only happen with her current partner, and create room for a new relationship that can make her dream come true.

If you want more tips to get unstuck, I’ve got great news for you! This tip is part of a series, you can find all entries here.

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Get Unstuck Murielle Marie Get Unstuck Murielle Marie

How to believe your dreams are possible

Have you ever dreamt about something really, really big only to find yourself a few minutes later deciding that you’d never be able to achieve it? If you did, I want you to know that you’re not alone. I’ve been through this with my own dreams, and I’ve helped so many women that experienced the same thing with theirs.

One of the main reasons why we don’t achieve our big dreams, is that we don’t really believe we can achieve them. Of course, the dynamics at play are a bit more complicated than that, but the bottom line remains the same: we don’t pursue what we don’t believe in.

So in order to achieve our dreams, first we need to truly believe they are possible. Here are three tips that I’ve used to believe in my own dreams, and that many clients, and friends have successfully applied to believe in theirs.

How to believe in your dreams?

  • Don’t censor yourself

When you dream big it’s important not to censor yourself. Don’t think about how you’re going to achieve something when you’re dreaming about it, but instead focus on what it is that you want. Planning can come later, for if you start questioning the plan at this stage, you’ll never get past your own doubts.

  • Visualize yourself achieving your dreams

The bigger the dream, the harder it is to imagine yourself achieving it. One way to help you believe in your dreams is to short wire your brain into believing you’ve already achieved them. To do this you must visualise yourself already there, and keep the picture of your dreams in your mind as much as possible. I love creating vision boards on Pinterest to help me do this. Every morning I’ll do a quick browse through my boards. It helps me remember what I’m going for, and believing that I can achieve it!

  • Keep track of small wins

The road to big dreams can be long. Even if you start out believing in your dreams, the longer a dream takes to achieve the bigger the chance you might lose faith along the way. That’s why it’s important to keep track of your small wins. I keep a list close by with all the tiny milestones I’ve achieved for each of my dreams. When I feel doubt creep in I take out my list and I review it. It reminds me of where I started, and how far I’ve come. This helps me to stay motivated, and to keep believing I will eventually get there.

If you want more tips to get unstuck, I’ve got great news for you! This tip is part of a series, you can find all entries here.

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