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Conscious Business Murielle Marie Conscious Business Murielle Marie

How to become a happy, confident, and successful coach

I’ve recently been nominated as a finalist for an international life coaching award by the Beautiful You Coaching Academy. What an honor! And an amazing icing on an already delicious cake, as in 2015, I also became a Certified Beautiful You Life Coach. Another honor, and one that I wear with a lot of love and pride. Little did I know, when I first started wondering about how to become a successful life coach, that the journey I was embarking on would be so amazing.

When I decided to enroll in the BYCA, I really didn’t know what to expect…. Well, that’s not entirely true. I had an idea of what the course was going to be like, based on all the previous online courses I had taken, and the many I had consulted prior to making my decision to enroll in this one. And that idea involved some kind of online classes, lectures probably, and some interaction – perhaps with a teacher or trainer. But nothing of what I had known and experienced before prepared me for what I was going to receive.

Being part of the BYCA has changed my life…

Participating in the course, and being one of Julie’s trainees, has been one of the most beautiful and transformative journeys I have ever undertaken. And from where I’m standing, that’s not a small feat.

I’ve been in business for almost 20 years, I’ve started projects and businesses, I’ve managed and employed people, and I’ve brought hundreds of my clients’ ideas to life throughout the years. So when I started studying through the BYCA, I felt pretty confident that I was already an experienced business coach, at least. And I expected to learn how to become a good life coach, too.

But BYCA gave me much more than that…

By joining the BYCA family, I made friends for life. Never in a million years had I dreamed of making so many new and supportive friendships as I did while studying at the academy.

By joining the BYCA family, I received warm love and profound support from Julie and my other trainers. I had never felt so encouraged to undertake, follow through, and succeed at anything so much as I did while studying at the academy.

By joining the BYCA family, I gained incredible tools and extensive training to be the best coach that I can be. And yes, I did expect some course material, duh! But not to the extent of what I was given. What Julie teaches really works, and it’s based on her own years of experience in working as a life coach.

By joining the BYCA family, I got gently pushed to take a good look at myself and to grow, both as a person and as a coach. Being a trainee at the BYCA doesn’t only teach you how to be a life coach – you go through it and you have to dig deep to become the best and most serving version of yourself. This alone makes the investment worth it.

And these are only the highlights of what I gained from joining the Beautiful You Coaching Academy. Besides offering a life coaching course, the BYCA also gives you a full-blown business course. At the end of it, you’re not only a coach, you’re also absolutely and totally prepped for business.

If you’re wondering about how to become a life coach…

Don’t think for a second that this course is a one-way, take it at your own pace kind of thing. Julie and the other trainers are so accessible to you during your time as a trainee, and the weekly and then fortnightly calls are so supportive and personal that, once it ends, you really miss it. At least I know I do.

So if you’re considering becoming a life coach, I can only recommend you enroll in the Beautiful You Coaching Academy. It has made me a very happy, confident, and successful coach, and I’m confident it can do the same for you, too.

But that’s not all…

I’ll be supporting you along the way, too. If you mention my name upon sign-up (field “code”), you’ll get this bonus package from me (with a total value of +€2000 / +$2200):

  • A 3-month / 6-session coaching series with me to help you work towards your life coaching certification.

  • Free access to all my courses, and programs for the entire duration of your life coaching studies at the Beautiful You Academy.

Check out the Beautiful You Coaching Academy website now

Important Note: If you enter my name in any other area than the one instructed, (which is the code field at your enrolment stage – please see graphic below), or not at all at the exact time of your enrolment, you will not be able to receive my affiliate offerings. This is not something that can be amended at a later time and so please be careful at your sign up stage to do this as I want to be able to support you on your coaching journey!


If you have questions about how to become a life coach or the Beautiful You Coaching Academy, why don’t you sign up for a free 30-minute complimentary session, during which I’ll be happy to answer all your questions and tell you more about my time at the academy and what the BYCA has done for me.

And tell me, why do you want to become a life coach?

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