Do you feel trapped in a cycle of working hard and not seeing results?
Work Less & Achieve More with Smart Work™
In just 6 weeks learn how to get unstuck, beat procrastination,
and prioritize effectively while feeling organized and at ease.
Meet Your Teacher
As Seen In
Could you Work Less & Achieve More?
Imagine... getting through the day feeling stress-free and accomplished, with plenty of energy left to head to that art class you’ve always wanted to take, or whip up a delicious meal for your friends.
I can already picture your inner perfectionist getting skeptical, but hear me out…
Keeping busy and getting a lot done can feel like success, but is it getting you closer to the life you really want?
I’ve spent years hostage of my self-imposed, impossible-to-do task list, not realizing that’s NOT what doing my best work should feel like. Meanwhile, I brushed away thoughts about all those declined coffee invites, rescheduled weekend getaways, letting close friends down with last minute “Sorry, too busy!” texts.
Success came with a high price of stress, overwhelm, neglected relationships and never feeling good enough.
If you’re reading this, my guess is, you’ve been there too.
We live in a world of 12-seconds attention spans, instant replies and need-it-for-yesterday deadlines, with constant pressure to be everything to everyone.
And the person who’s pressuring you the hardest? That’s probably you.
The truth is: creatives & entrepreneurs like us work DIFFERENTLY.
We’re driven by our desire to accomplish, explore our interests and turn creative ideas into action. We have that nagging feeling that there’s something more out there for us… If we could, we would do even more of what interests us, not less.
Then, reality sinks in...
In the middle of the balancing act that is your life, you’re hoping to finalize a project before that important meeting, wishing you could pick up the kids from school on time for once, you blame yourself for not getting everything right. By trying to meet obligations and exceed the expectations of others, you fail to honour the promises you make to yourself.
Deep down you know you might be on a path to burnout, and not having a clue what to do about it is getting you down, weighing heavily on your physical and spiritual well-being.
In a world where there’s never enough time, moving past overwhelm is a true act of bravery! It begins with giving things - and ourselves! - the time they deserve. The truth is, the demands will always keep popping up (like that ad for sunglasses that just won’t go away), making you feel guilty questioning your always-on, chaotic lifestyle.
Are you brave enough to make new decisions?
Smart Work™ is a decision to become who you are. To trade superficial belonging for your deepest, most authentic dreams. A decision made easier with some guidance, and I’m here to help...
If you want different results, you need a new Action Plan.
One that’s not filled with “have tos” and other people’s priorities. No more guilt and discomfort that feed your inner perfectionist until you’re exhausted from just trying to stay afloat. All of that can end now - with Smart Work™.
Like any other plan, Smart Work™ gives you a set of concrete steps to take. The difference is, where most action plans challenge you to do more, I’d like to challenge you to do things the smart (and easier) way.
Instead of trying to catch up with your endless to-do list, in this course we’re going to make the clock work for you. Together, we’re going to develop a system designed just for you - no more trying to squeeze you into a setup handed to you by someone else (uhm, hello, blueprints that never work!).
During our 6 weeks together, I’ll take you from overwhelm to flow in 6 steps:
Banishing those pesky distractions - once and for all.
Setting healthy boundaries so that your priorities can finally come first.
Decluttering your life and embracing simplicity to make space for the work you were truly meant to do.
Finding balance and learning to be intentional versus running on auto-pilot.
Cultivating daily rituals to make your new, smart habits your second nature.
Mastering Smart Work™ by creating your own happiness plan and venturing into #dreamingbigger.
Being smart about your productivity starts with taking a look inside your creative mind; we’re going to get to know you – and what makes you tick - on a deeper level.
Together we’ll knock down the barriers that have been preventing you from working from a place of calm instead of stress. We’ll uncover what has been limiting you, with an actionable approach tailored to your unique needs. This is the key to successfully turning your overwhelm into flow once and for all.
A little more about me
My name is Murielle Marie. I’m a passionate creative just like you. With no job title fitting my purpose I created my own, becoming a Mentor to the Unconventional. I’m a career, business and leadership coach, and a Smart Work™ advocate.
Based in Belgium (the world capital of chocolate and diamonds!), I have a global network of of phenomenal humans that I’m lucky to call my clients. Over the years, I saw these brilliant people conquer their fears, revolutionize their to-do lists and in turn, their lives.
My work brings together practical, conscious career and business advice with wisdom and insights from the smart productivity practices I developed, and philosophies of the mind, metaphysics, neuroscience, ecology, mindfulness, essentialism and minimalism.
I’m a certified, and extensively trained life coach and ILS Professional Coach (1200+ coaching hours) and I have a Masters in Philosophy. My life-long passion for learning led me to study mindfulness training, transcendental meditation, Hatha yoga, conscious business and leadership, get a Feel the Fear trainer accreditation, pursue a year-long feminist marketing program, and get a certification in positive psychology.
I'm currently training to become a psychoanalyst. I'm enrolled in a financial mastery program, and I was once seen rocking a Blondie t-shirt on a TEDx stage.
I felt ready to build my own business, be my own leader, send positive energy into the universe. But I had no idea how I would even get started. Meeting Murielle I believed she could support me and my dreams. She understood what I was going through, my anxiety, loneliness and eagerness to live abroad. Coaching was deeply empowering. It helped me gain motivation, self confidence and trust in myself.
Sara Verhelst - Bowspring teacher & Wildernesscoach
Working with Murielle was a beautiful experience where I learned to trust myself more, and discovered the power of being supported by others. Everything about it was perfect.
Ruslana Regi - Make-up Artist & Hair Stylist
Working with Murielle was nurturing, illuminating and reaffirming. When we first connected, I wanted to get clarity about my purpose and confidence to pursue it. I was able to trust Murielle because of how genuine, honest and really positive she is. I have become more aware of some of my self defeating habits and thought patterns and I have a more "just do it" attitude, whether I truly feel confident or not.
Shola Adisa-Farrar - Indie Artist
Coaching with Murielle was a fantastic experience. I was a bit stuck after leaving my 9 to 5 job, trying to start my own business and struggling to find clients and stick to my personal goals. Now I feel ready when an opportunity presents itself. Following Murielle’s advice I have a clearer plan that helps me with clients, and to make marketing or business decisions. I run my business in a much more conscious way, and not with the constant anxiety that comes from not feeling or being ready.
Gabi Carpenter - Filmmaker & Producer
Coaching with Murielle was insightful, to the point, and efficient. I’m grateful for her valuable business insights. I have been doing a lot of inner work since, which I believe has created a shift in how I approach work and the notion of success. However Murielle’s belief in me and her continued support from afar were very helpful!
Lavinia Brown - Life Coach for Mamas
When I reached out to Murielle I was looking for new and effective ways to promote my business after a few months of inactivity. Through the safe and encouraging space she created I realized the things I had in mind were feasible. I’m now more open to see different kinds of business opportunities; and feel more confident promoting my work.
Giulia Porro - Career Coach
The Smart Work course is very insightful and grounding. I learned a lot going through the modules and workbook. I loved the certificate at the end, when I completed the course!
Murielle’s work and presence are very inspiring, too.
Cristina Correia - Career Accelerator for Women
What you’ll learn
Change your relationship with time - make the clock work for you, learn how to be the one in charge of your day, and ultimately, your life.
Get clear on your dreams so that your goals become a true reflection of what you want.
Learn how to break down your “really big goals” into bite-sized chunks, making them actionable and easily attainable.
Protect and express boundaries clearly to finally honour your needs (watching reruns of “Friends” can absolutely be productive!).
Learn how to set guilt-free priorities, make time for the things that matter to you without discomfort or feeling bad, and work on what nourishes you.
Differentiate between real priorities and busy-work that just seems urgent, and choose Smart Work™ that lights you up.
Learn how to break the cycle of stress-induced procrastination by cultivating more self-compassion and reducing anxiety.
Benefit from support and experiences of a community of creatives who have been right where you are today, and used Smart Work™ to almost effortlessly turn their dreams into reality.
Why it works
Let’s face it, our always-on world often makes being productive close to impossible!
A University of California study found that a typical office worker gets only 11 minutes between each interruption, while it takes an average of 25 minutes to return our focus on the original task - that means many of us never achieve our peak productivity.
The trendy open plan offices were designed to promote equality and collaboration, but an Exeter University study showed they create a 32 percent drop in "workers' well-being" and 15 percent reduction in productivity.
A study from the University of Kansas found women are burning out faster than men. With multiple demanding roles women are expected to fulfill (perfectly), women experience significantly higher rates of role overload while struggling with overwhelm.
In these circumstances, just wanting and trying to be productive is not enough - you need tested and research-based techniques to overcome these very real challenges.
My approach is based on over 25 years of study, working with 100+ creatives directly, as well as being a passionate “guinea pig” of productivity in my own life. I’ve sifted through endless scientific studies to identify what’s harming your productivity, and what will give you an edge and help you get ahead.
The Smart Work™ course incorporates renowned and empirically proven ways to boost productivity:
Single Tasking Technique - a technique proven to give you an average of 2.1 hours of extra productivity each day
Pomodoro Technique, which we’ll study in Module 4, is supported by “mental breaks” study, and proven to help you stay focused on your task.
Tiny Habits, developed by Dr. BJ Fogg from Stanford University Behavior Design Lab, evidenced to be one of the most efficient ways to build new habits.
Flow productivity model developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, focused on achieving a state of intrinsic motivation faster, and for longer periods of time.
Additionally, you’ll gain access to tools and techniques I’ve developed exclusively for my clients, such as:
Efficiency Blind Spot Finder
The Wheel of Boundaries
The Smart Work™ Grid
The 1-1-1 Habit Formula
Inherited Dreams Decoder
SmartER Goals Blueprint
...and many more practical tools!
Program Information
6 Weeks to Smart Work™
Experience real, lasting transformation in just 6 weeks.
Module 1: Banish Distractions
Let’s start by getting rid of everything that’s holding you back. You’ll free up many precious hours you can spend on discovering your “why” and getting ready to work on your goals.
Discovering your “5 Whys”
Identifying Your Distraction Profile
10 Tools for Eliminating Distractions
Your Value Ladder
The Smart Work™ Grid
8 Ways to Organize your Thoughts & Your Time
Single-Tasking Your Tomorrow Activity
Psychological Time vs. Clock Time
Reflecting on Distractions
Bonus Resources and Reading List
Module 2: Build Healthy Boundaries
Now that you’re learning to respect your time, it’s time for those around you to get the memo, too! By the end of this module, you’ll say “No” effectively and confidently, feeling guilty for standing up for yourself will become a distant memory.
Name Your Boundaries + Wheel of Boundaries
Communication Reset
Assertiveness Bootcamp
Owning your “Yes” and “No”
From Negative Self-talk to Positive Affirmations
Reflecting on Boundaries
Bonus Resources and Reading List
Module 3: Embrace Simplicity
The complex, chaotic and overwhelmed reality you might be living in is long due for a makeover. By decluttering every aspect of your life with effective and practical tools, tips and life hacks, we’ll move from chaos to calm, and easy systems to make space and time for the things that truly matter.
10 Steps to Decluttering
31-day Declutter Give Away Challenge
Self-Care as a Daily Ritual
Self-Care Checklist
Self-Care Daily Ritual Tracker Activity
Efficiency Blind Spots Finder
Learning to Automate & Delegate
Finding “You Time”
Daily Work Habits Tracker Activity
Reflecting on Simplicity
Bonus Resources and Reading List
Module 4: Find Balance
You’re so much more than the work you do! You’ll learn the difference between being intentional versus running on auto-pilot and discover what success really means to you (and not other people). We’ll also tackle that pesky ‘imposter syndrome’ - once and for all.
Energy Management Principles
Your Energy Tasks
Designing Your Own Energy Management System
Success or Successful?
Inner Reflections on Success
Imposter Syndrome: validate yourself first
Stream-of-Consciousness Writing
“How many roles do you hold?” Activity
Inherited Dreams
Reflecting on Balance
Bonus Resources and Reading List
Module 5: Celebrate Daily Rituals
This week we’ll nurture smart habits, self-awareness, and routines to finally give you permission to put yourself first. We’ll practice effective goal-setting, to move habits from awareness into practice, and turn them into inspiring and life-changing daily rituals.
13 Ways to Address Habits the Smart Way
My Habits Awareness Activity
Effective Habits Practices
The 1-1-1 Habits Formula
1-1-1 Habits Activity
Rituals vs Habits
Creating Daily Rituals
Daily Ritual Planner Activity
Reflecting on Daily Rituals
Bonus Resources and Reading List
Module 6: Master Smart Work™
It’s time to bring everything together - this week we’ll unmask the common traps we can fall into and learn to navigate them. You’ll join me in a unique process of #dreamingbigger - turning our dreams into reality - through the final step toward Smart Work™.
Crush Self-Sabotage
Healing Your Inner Perfectionist
Avoiding Common Mind Traps - Activity
Opening Space - Activity
Your “Recipe to Happiness”
Venturing Into Dreaming Bigger
Design Your Own Dreams - Activity
Reflecting on being Smart
Bonus Resources and Reading List
Your Limited-Time Bonuses
To make this Smart Work™ Course even more valuable and to guarantee a truly fail-proof, transformational experience for you, for a limited time only, you’ll receive all the bonuses below at no extra cost.
#1 A Free 30-minutes Private Coaching Session with me.
#2 A 40+ page printable Smart Work™ PDF Workbook.
#3 Lifetime access to a Private Facebook Group where 100s of creatives and I will be with you every step of the way, offering live guidance and weekly Q&A sessions (no question is too silly!)
#4 Free Lifetime Access to my Signature Dream Bigger Goal-Setting Email Course.
#5 An Official Course Completion Certificate.
#6 A Welcome Package with orientation material sent to you immediately (via email) upon sign-up, so you can start your Smart Work™ adventure right away!
#7 Mini-course “The 9 Principles of a Conscious Work Life” by Kate McCready
#8 Mini-course “Minimalism as a Tool for Creating a Life that is Free from Chaos and Clutter” by Lexx Ellins
#9 Mini-course “How to Manage Money More Effectively and Run a Profitable Business” by Katherine Pomerantz
Try it risk-free
There’s a proverb that goes “investment in yourself is the best investment you’ll ever make”, but I know that investing in your growth can sometimes feel like a risk. As I don’t want pesky self-doubt or uncertainty to hold you back from this opportunity, I‘m offering a full money-back guarantee to put your mind at ease.
It’s simple - if you go through all 6 modules and apply the strategies I teach in your life, and you don’t see a shift, you can ask for a full refund.
I’m offering this guarantee because I’ve tested all these techniques myself, and used them to completely change my clients’ approach to work and productivity - with consistently astounding results! Not to mention numerous scientific studies that support what I teach!
I know these methods really work if you commit to the 6 weeks of learning and invest in your transformation, with me by your side.
I’ve designed this experience to offer you personalized support all the way through. You’ll have some one-on-one time with me to ensure you’re on track, and we have a vibrant Facebook community waiting to support you too.
And, if you’re not thrilled with the results, let me know and I’ll offer you a refund - no questions asked.
Invest in yourself today & achieve anything you want with Smart Work™
Smart Work™ Course
Get instant digital access to the program, on any device.
Lifetime Access to Smart Work™ Self-Paced Course
Bonus #1: A 40+ page Smart Work™ PDF Workbook
Smart Work™ + Support
Get instant digital access to the program, plus lifetime access to a supportive community of creative go-getters just like you.
Lifetime Access to Smart Work™ Self-Paced Course
Bonus #1: A 40+ page Smart Work™ PDF Workbook
Bonus #2: Access to Private Facebook Community
Smart Work™ Ultimate Experience
The most complete, fail-proof Smart Work™ Experience: get full digital access to the program, lifetime access to our Facebook community, a private coaching session with me, an official completion certificate and much more!
Lifetime Access to Smart Work™ Self-Paced Course
Bonus #1: A Welcome Package with orientation manual
Bonus #2: A 40+ page Smart Work™ PDF Workbook
Bonus #3: Access to Private Facebook Community
Bonus #4: A 30-min private coaching session with me
Bonus #5: Mini-course “The 9 Principles of a Conscious Work Life” by Kate McCready
Bonus #6: Mini course “Minimalism as a Tool for Creating a Life that is Free from Chaos and Clutter” by Lexx Ellins
Bonus #7: Mini-course “How to Manage Money More Effectively and Run a Profitable Business” by Katherine Pomerantz
Bonus #8: Dream Bigger 3-week goal-setting email course
Bonus #9: An Official Course Completion Certificate
Why start today
I want to help you take action NOW by making the course as complete as possible for you. I know that deep down you’re a motivated go-getter, and today can be the day you take the first step towards achieving what you’ve been craving for so long.
Not being productive is costing you - a lot!
You might still be unsure if it’s the right time to give the Smart Work™ Course a try, but let me ask you - how much is inaction really costing you?
During the many years I struggled with productivity, I’ve lost tens of thousands by:
agreeing to free work and time-consuming favors for other people
not standing my ground with clients and notoriously undercharging for my work
paying premium for things due to poor planning, being disorganized, and missing out on the best offers
getting overpriced wellness treatments just to offset stress and tension
taking unpaid leave and refusing attractive projects due to near burnout
Does any of this sound familiar? How much will it cost you to stay on this path? As an alternative, I offer you a completely new approach to work and productivity. You’ll not only unlearn many harmful and money-draining habits, but achieve more in your work with ease, and feel relaxed while doing it!
Don’t decide now: Try it for 6 weeks
The content of this course has been tried and tested by 100s of creatives & entrepreneurs who went to transform their careers, start businesses, take up new passions... and are loving every minute of their lives right now! If you go through the full course and utilize the tools, you will see results. I promise you!
That being said, if after 6 weeks you aren’t 100% satisfied with Smart Work™ you can contact me any time for a prompt refund - no questions asked. You don’t have to make a commitment now until you’ve fully tried this out for 6 weeks. Try it for yourself - risk free - and then decide.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are a multi-talented, creative doer with more interests than you possibly could chew, this program is made for you.
If you have big dreams and goals that you want to achieve, but you keep losing the battle against your to-do list, then this program is absolutely right for you!
If you’re tired of the stress and overwhelm, and are ready for a new Productivity Playbook, this program is exactly where you want to be.
If you’ve been dreaming about starting your own business but can’t carve out the time (or muster up the confidence), I’ll help you bust through these blocks and set you on a new path of entrepreneurship.
If you’re feeling stuck, not sure what to do next but know it’s time for a major change in your life, you need this system.
Do you wake up every day feeling like you have plenty of time to accomplish everything you set out to do, and a clear plan of action of how to do that?
The truth is, most of us don’t. And this program can help you get there.
You’re still here, reading, because you crave a new approach to productivity in your life. You are exactly where you need to be.
The Smart Work™ principles I teach in this course are the best practices I gathered over many years as a coach, entrepreneur and teacher. You will get the best results by going through the entire 6-week course.
However, many clients and audiences of my masterclasses report that applying even one of the principles I shared with them, completely transformed the way they approach their work and productivity.
Right in the middle of the course, I will show you how to eliminate distractions and regain control of your calendar. Many course participants found that in itself was worth more than the investment because of how much it changed the way they work, ant therefor their lives!
I offer a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee if you go through all 6 modules, apply the techniques I share in your life, and don’t see the results.
I’m offering this guarantee because I’m that confident that this program will transform your productivity (and your life)! In the past seven years, through 1200+ coaching hours, I helped clients transform their work life and go from chaos to calm, while fast-tracking their path to smart success.
As I uncovered patterns that drive true productivity, I set out to create the best productivity course for ambitious, creative humans - one I’d wish I’d taken years ago, when I embarked on figuring it out for myself.
This course combines the best of current academic research, human psychology, as well as empirical evidence I gathered working with women from all over the world. If you truly commit to going through the course, you will see results.
Many creatives start private coaching with me or take my courses because they feel that what they’ve been doing so far doesn’t work for them anymore. They know they have to make a big change in their life and are ready for something new. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur, or even want to be one, to get tremendous value from this course. You can use the Smart Work™ principles that I teach to get clarity on your next step, take action, go after what you want, and get it - no matter the goal.
I created the Smart Work™ Course to help multi-passionate, entrepreneurial creatives like you completely transform their work in the space of a short 6 weeks. All the strategies I’m sharing in this course are either academic research-based, or techniques that I saw first-hand transforming the lives of my clients (and mine!).
Still, if you go through the entire course, apply the learnings, and don’t see results, you will get your money back - no questions asked.
So glad you asked! I’m so proud of my private coaching clients and course students that went on to achieve amazing things. Take a look at my Client Success Page and get inspired - your story could be next!
Success Stories
When Murielle heard some of my dreams and said, "Why shouldn't you do those things? You can, you know", without making me feel crazy for wanting such big things, I knew I wanted her as my coach. Working with her was supportive, nourishing, and clarifying. And although I felt pretty honest with myself before, I feel even stronger in my honesty now. I can still get confused. I can still feel like I hit speed bumps. But I really trust my inner voice.
Lena Gilbert - Multi-passionate performer, choreographer, coach
Meeting Murielle was a defining moment in my professional development, which convinced me in my ability to fully transition to a freelance career. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to benefit from Murielle’s teachings, wisdom and contagious enthusiasm in my life. She’s a natural leader, transforming lives not only through her coaching and programs, but through her powerful presence which inspires everyone around her.
Ewa Lewandowska - Senior Marketing Manager
When we connected I was launching my coaching career and needed to have clarity on my coaching niche and vision. Through the work we did together I realized that more is less. I quit overthinking, and favored done over perfection. It also helped me get clear on the people I want to work with. Coaching with Murielle was a lovely and supportive experience.
Marie-France Samba - Life coach
Working with Murielle has been life changing for me. I was stuck in a rut and knew Murielle had successfully helped my sister. I was inspired by Murielle’s multi-passionate approach to career coaching, and to know things would be viewed from a different (empowering) perspective. With the constant support and acknowledgement of Murielle, I was able to move at a much faster pace, and to move towards what I truly wanted when she helped me realise my real dreams lay somewhere else entirely than what society wanted me to believe.
Kristien N - Horse Trainer & Trail Guide
Murielle helped me to find the confidence in myself and put my business out into the world. Working with her was inspiring, powerful, and empowering. People have noticed my business and are inspired by what I’m doing. Thank you Murielle. I absolutely enjoyed working and learning from you!
Bailey Opsal - Life & Empowerment coach
When Murielle and I connected, I felt stuck in trying to build a sustainable business. Thanks to her amazing support I was able to take more inspired action and move forward in my life. Coaching taught me it's all UP to me. I am the owner of my life. As a result, I am more alive, and feel empowered.
Cloé Bertrand - Life coach
Still undecided?
It’s a simple choice between 3 options…
ONE. You can choose to do nothing and continue on the same path, working harder and harder but still feeling unfulfilled and worn out. But know that for an ambitious, creative go-getter like you, not having that sense of progress you crave and lacking satisfaction from your work can put you on a fast-track to burnout.
TWO. You keep doing what you’re doing now, even though deep down you already admitted to yourself that you’re stuck and not as happy as you could be. You can spend countless hours reading through books, Youtube talks and blog posts. A few months (if not years!) later, you might stumble on something that will help you develop a system similar to the one that I’m offering you NOW with my Smart Work™ course.
THREE. You can click on the big burgundy ‘ENROLL NOW’ button below, commit to spending 6 weeks with me and 100s of happy Smart Work™ students who have gone before you, and take the shortcut to achieving more and working less.
If you’re ready for a change now, Smart Work™ is the system for you.
Change the way you work & live forever…
Invest in yourself today & achieve anything you want with Smart Work™
Click the big burgundy button below for instant access
Smart Work™ Course
Get instant digital access to the program, on any device.
Lifetime Access to Smart Work™ Self-Paced Course
Bonus #1: A 40+ page Smart Work™ PDF Workbook
Smart Work™ Course + Support
Get instant digital access to the program, plus lifetime access to a supportive community of creative go-getters just like you.
Lifetime Access to Smart Work™ Self-Paced Course
Bonus #1: A 40+ page Smart Work™ PDF Workbook
Bonus #2: Access to Private Facebook Community
Smart Work™ Ultimate Experience
The most complete, fail-proof Smart Work™ Experience: get full digital access to the program, lifetime access to our Facebook community, a private coaching session with me, an official completion certificate and much more!
Lifetime Access to Smart Work™ Self-Paced Course
Bonus #1: A Welcome Package with orientation manual
Bonus #2: A 40+ page Smart Work™ PDF Workbook
Bonus #3: Access to Private Facebook Community
Bonus #4: A 30-min private coaching session with me
Bonus #5: Mini-course “The 9 Principles of a Conscious Work Life” by Kate McCready
Bonus #6: Mini course “Minimalism as a Tool for Creating a Life that is Free from Chaos and Clutter” by Lexx Ellins
Bonus #7: Mini-course “How to Manage Money More Effectively and Run a Profitable Business” by Katherine Pomerantz
Bonus #8: Dream Bigger 3-week goal-setting email course
Bonus #9: An Official Course Completion Certificate
Try it risk-free
There’s a proverb that goes “investment in yourself is the best investment you’ll ever make”, but I know that investing in your growth can sometimes feel like a risk. As I don’t want pesky self-doubt or uncertainty to hold you back from this opportunity, I‘m offering a full money-back guarantee to put your mind at ease.
It’s simple - if you go through all 6 modules and apply the strategies I teach in your life, and you don’t see a shift, you can ask for a full refund.
I’m offering this guarantee because I’ve tested all these techniques myself, and used them to completely change my clients’ approach to work and productivity - with consistently astounding results. Not to mention numerous scientific studies that support what I teach!
I know these methods really work if you commit to the 6 weeks of learning and invest in your transformation, with me by your side.
I’ve designed this experience to offer you personalized support all the way through. You’ll have some one-on-one time with me to ensure you’re on track, and we have a vibrant Facebook community waiting to support you too.
And, if you’re not thrilled with the results, let me know and I’ll offer you a refund - no questions asked.
As Seen In
Success Stories
Murielle is the most wonderfully vibrant and warm person. Having been on her own journey of self discovery and self love, she knows the path she preaches as she has walked it. She is a brilliant business woman who brings deep reflection, care and love to all she does. She is truly passionate about empowering other women to know and love themselves. If this is something you’re craving, you will do amazing things with Murielle alongside you.
Kate McCready - Holistic Business & Career Coach
Through the work I’ve done with Murielle, I became aware that I deserve better, that I have to listen to myself more, that I have to believe in myself, and that “yes” I can do this! So I’m working on my own project idea, and I’m letting it grow together with me. I don’t know where it will take me, but I’m really enjoying the journey. And I’m so much happier for it. It’s been such an amazing journey.
Stéphanie Mertens - Bachelor in Pharmacy and Biology
Murielle helped me to finally put what I wanted into words, in such a powerful and motivational way that it helped me remember them often and find ideas, and possibilities to make them happen, wherever I was and whatever I was doing. Thanks to the work I’ve done with Murielle I’m more confident. My friends and family believe it’s because I became a coach, but it is a combination between becoming a coach and creating a feeling of "believing I am a coach", and the last part was definitely something we worked together in our coaching series.
Carolina Mera - Life Coach
I reached out to Murielle shortly after I’d met her in person to help me launch my coaching business. The work we did together was in depth. It provided me with emotional release, and renewed energy. With her support I started to put myself first in my life. I’m also much more gentle with myself now, and I have more appreciation for the things I’ve already accomplished.
Kerstin Ackerhans - Life Coach