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Mindful Living Murielle Marie Mindful Living Murielle Marie

The Complicated Life of a Creative: Why It's Okay to Want More Out of Life

Are you feeling stuck in your life or work, even though it looks great on the outside? Do you feel like everything is fine and you should feel blessed, but you're still unhappy?

You're not alone. Last week, a client shared how he felt unfulfilled at work even though he has a "dream job" and asked, "why can't I just be happy with what I have?" The truth is: it's not because, on the outside, it looks like you're successful that you feel that way on the inside.

Creatives, in particular, need to understand how their brains are wired and what they need to do to be happy. You tend not to like boredom or continuous repetition of similar tasks. You crave variety and something creative that makes you want to get up in the morning. You will inevitably become bored and unfulfilled if you don't have this in your day-to-day activities.

It's okay to want more out of life - we all deserve our dreams

It's important to acknowledge that needing more is okay - we should feel no shame for wanting more out of life! But it's also essential to know when not to quit and push through even if things start feeling too routine or monotonous. Otherwise, you might miss out on opportunities that could bring you joy and fulfillment.

It's important to remember that feeling stuck is normal and doesn't mean something is wrong with you. It's a sign that it's time to reassess your goals and develop strategies to approach them differently or be creative in finding new solutions. The key is to find a balance between pushing through when needed and knowing when it's time for a change.

Creativity is an essential part of our lives, and boredom can be a real issue for creative types. If you need more variety in your life or work to keep you interested, it's easy to become unfulfilled. It's essential to recognize what you need so that you can make positive changes in your life. Here are a few things that can help:

#1 Understand your creative brain.

If you're feeling stuck in life or work, take time for self-reflection and use this as an opportunity to learn more about how your creative brain works. Psycho-education is one of the most freeing things you can do for yourself as a creative. It will help you to understand your needs better and make better decisions.

Understanding that a lot of the things you think are flaws and negative about yourself (seemingly not being able to stick to things, always wanting something new, scattered focus, and so on) is part of your creative wiring will enable you to harness the power of your creative abilities and make better decisions.

#2 Give yourself permission to try different things.

It's okay not to know what you want or what direction you're going in. Try something new and explore your options. This doesn't mean you have to quit your job right away or that it's an all-or-nothing thing (a trap many creatives, entrepreneurs, and generalists fall into) - it might just mean trying something new on the side or experimenting with other creative outlets.

When you give yourself permission to try different things, you open up the possibilities and learn more about what makes you happy and fulfilled. You'll be able to take back control over your life and find a way to make things work for you - even if it's not exactly how you initially expected them to.

#3 Take a break from the routine.

When you feel the itch telling you something is boring or has become too easy or repetitive, sometimes, getting away for a short time is all that's needed to reset and recharge. Whether it's taking a weekend off or just taking a walk around the block, take some time for yourself so that you can come back feeling refreshed and inspired again!

The complicated life of a creative can be frustrating at times, but knowing that it's okay to feel stuck and not knowing precisely what you want to do doesn't have to be anxiety-inducing. By allowing yourself to explore different paths, and taking regular breaks away from the routine, you can make positive changes in your life and find fulfillment.

#4 Feed your creative spark.

There's nothing worse for a creative than a life without a creative spark, where there seems to be no freedom to explore, learn new things, or express yourself. Feeding your creative spark is vital for feeling fulfilled and inspired, so be sure to find ways to stoke the fire in your life.

One of the best ways to break out of a rut and find your creative spark again is to do something completely different. Not only will this spark creativity and help get your juices flowing again (literally!), but it can also open up possibilities that you never thought were available. This might mean making time for a passion project, learning something new, or taking on an exciting challenge. It could also mean taking regular breaks away from work and doing things that will refresh your mind and refuel your creativity.

#5 Surround yourself with supportive people.

Finally, remember that plenty of creatives and entrepreneurs feel your pain and go through it themselves. It's helpful to surround yourself with like-minded people who are interested in the same struggles and successes that you are. Whether it's a friend, a mentor, or a coach - having someone to turn to for encouragement can be invaluable when feeling stuck.

By understanding your creative tendencies, giving yourself permission to explore different paths, and taking regular breaks away from the routine - as well as feeding your creative spark and surrounding yourself with supportive people - you too can find a sense of fulfillment and joy in your life. So don't let yourself be stuck - go out and make something great!

No matter how successful your life appears on the outside, it's okay to feel stuck. It doesn't make you a failure or someone who doesn't know what you want. We all need variety in our lives to stay inspired and motivated. Remembering this can help us take steps toward our goals while still accepting where we are in the present moment. With patience and perseverance, you can make the changes in your life that will bring about more satisfaction and joy.

Being honest with yourself about what you need is the first step toward making positive changes. So if you're feeling stuck or unfulfilled, don't be afraid to admit it and seek some support or guidance. Good luck!

Feeling bored and unfulfilled? You're not alone.

There must be more to life than this. Why can't I be happy with what I have?

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