Career & Business Coaching Blog.
Inspiration and tips for multi-passionate creatives & entrepreneurs.
7 Common Stumbling Blocks for Creative Entrepreneurs That Might Keep You Stuck
It's no secret that creative entrepreneurs can be their own worst enemy. As someone who identifies as one, I know how hard it can be to make progress on what you're working on when you're getting in your way. In this article, we'll explore seven common stumbling blocks for multi-passionate creative entrepreneurs and discuss what keeps you stuck or unable to move forward on your projects, careers, or businesses.
You're not flaky, you lack focus
How to focus on different things simultaneously and make progress on all of them without losing our mind? That's the question we need to answer to be happy multi-passionate entrepreneurs or creative generalists.
In Western society particularly, our worth is tied to our productivity. If we're not getting things done and getting them done quickly before the deadline is up, then we feel like a failure. A hurdle to this feeling of worthlessness comes from our mental blocks, often tied to limiting beliefs, negative thinking, or stress.
Creative entrepreneurs often struggle with productivity because they're not sure where their focus should be at any given time - or how to juggle with all the things on their plate at the same time.
The key is not in getting more focused but getting less unfocused, moving between different tasks without getting stuck or feeling like we're getting nothing done.
7 common stumbling blocks that might keep you stuck
#1 Not knowing what to get started with.
Aka having to make a choice. If I might change my mind later, why am I even starting? This is classic multi-passionate creative thinking, especially when you've experienced a change of heart before.
It would help if you remembered that choices are rarely forever, and you can always change your mind. Also, you don't know where a choice can lead, which is exciting! So instead of overthinking every choice and doing nothing, choose something! You can always change your mind later!
#2 Specialist schedules.
Even when you allow yourself to focus on multiple projects simultaneously, you can still fall into the trap of specialist schedules: a rigidity to concentrate on one particular project and nothing else. If you're anything like me, this will feel like you're still trapped.
As creative generalists, we need to know that we're allowed to let our minds wander and play with whatever interest comes up, even if only for a while. Of course, make sure you keep progress in mind and don't go down too many rabbit holes at once or for too long. But do allow yourself some time for flexibility to be curious and to explore.
#3 Poor time management.
It's an energetic thing; it's a boundaries thing; it's even a freedom thing. Time management, in essence, is self-management.
To improve how you use your time, you want to know how you work best first. To do this, you can keep track of what you're spending your time on for a week, and I have a handy PDF you can download to help you do that here. Once you have a better grasp of what works for you, apply that to your schedule.
#4 Internalized beliefs.
What you believe to be true could be keeping you stuck. We all have limiting beliefs about ourselves that hold us back from making progress or reaching our full potential. You might recognize them as things like not being good enough, always getting lucky with every project you work on, no one will ever take me seriously.
What's important is to become aware of your self-limiting thoughts and replace them with positive truths about yourself. For example, you might believe you're not good at writing because your brother always got better grades than you or that getting any job is hard if our school results weren't so great. But the truth could be that getting a job is hard for everyone, and you need to work on getting yourself out there.
#5 Fears and worries.
Besides limiting beliefs, our fears and worries are probably the biggest reason we stay stuck. Fears are the things that hold us back from getting started, getting out there, or showing ourselves and our work. We're afraid of failing, not getting it right, and being judged for it.
What's important to remember is that fears never go away - but they can be faced! You have to take little steps forward towards what you want to achieve, getting a little bit out there each time. Just by doing so, you will get more confident and fearless in the process!
#6 Lack of self-confidence and impostor syndrome.
Low self-confidence or feeling like someone is eventually going to find out about you will always keep you stuck. This is especially true if you're a creative generalist. You want to be the best at everything, and that's not possible!
The best thing to do to get rid of those feelings is to get clear on your strengths, how they can help you achieve what you want, and, most importantly, learn to trust yourself 100%. Because knowing that you always have your back is the most powerful feeling in the world!
#7 Not knowing when to quit.
On the other end of the spectrum, not knowing when to quit can be as problematic as not knowing when to start. For multi-passionate creatives especially quitting can be challenging.
Of course, there is no such thing as a perfect time to quit. But getting clear on what you want and especially what makes you happy can help you know when it's time for you to move on. Also, remember that your definition of "done" is different than that of other people. Once you've learned everything there is to know about a subject, job, or even business, chances are you'll be ready to move on.
I've been a creative entrepreneur for the past 20+ years and a coach for them for almost 8. In that time, I've seen many other creatives get stuck. I hope the common stumbling blocks and tips to overcome them that I shared with you today will help you move forward.
Before I go, I'd love to leave you with a question to ponder: what's one thing you could do this week to challenge yourself creatively?
Are you stuck in your career or life?
I can help with private coaching for creatives and entrepreneurs. You don't have to have all the answers, but you need to be ready to take the next step and get unstuck. If that's you, let's talk about how we can work together.
You deserve more than just another day at work or another night on Netflix. You deserve more than just going through the motions every single day without ever really feeling alive. It's time for something different – it's time for a change! If this sounds like something that resonates with you, then let's schedule a free 30-minute coaching session today! We'll talk about where you are right now, where you want to go next, and how coaching could help make those dreams come true.
Too Many Ideas? Here are 5 Tips to Stop Feeling Stuck, Lost or Under Pressure When you Don't Know Where to Start
As a (multi-passionate) creative, I know the struggle is real. We have too many ideas, and they all seem so good - all of the time! Feeling stuck or lost because of my lack of time or not knowing where to start used to be a familiar feeling for me. Feeling like I didn't have the legitimacy to do what I wanted to do also haunted me for years, and it still comes up from time to time.
If you're feeling overwhelmed with everything, pressured by the burden of having to do something meaningful that pays the bills, feel like you never have enough time to get started, or don't know what to do, this article is for you. Together let's discover how to stop feeling stuck, lost, or under pressure when you're a multi-passionate creative.
Thinking that we'll never have the time or never be able to do everything can make us restless: we want it all right now! It's not that we're greedy; we don't want to miss any opportunity, and we want to do all of the things! The problem is, we have so many ideas that even if we work relentlessly, we still don't know how to get around and do everything.
But the good news is, there's a way to get unstuck from under that pile of ideas AND take steps towards your dreams.
How to stop feeling stuck when you have too many ideas and don't know where to start. Here are 5 tips to help you get started.
#1 Make a list - braindump and categorize
Make a list of everything that is running the show in your head. Write it down as a brain dump or mind map. Don't worry about how good something sounds or if someone else might do the same thing: write everything down without editing yourself. You can also challenge yourself by writing your ideas out on paper instead of typing, but remember to get rid of distractions such as phone notifications or chatty colleagues or family members when doing this!
When you've got your list or overview, categorize (this is the magic step, so don't skip it!). See which ideas could work together, are related, or build on each other. Very often, a lot of our interests will be connected, even if just loosely. By grouping them, you'll feel less overwhelmed by everything that is asking for your attention, and you'll start to see what you could get started with.
#2 Make time - so you can take action
When you have categorized, start with what you think is most important RIGHT NOW, reminding yourself that you're choosing for now and not forever! All your other ideas will get their turn; you can't do everything all at once.
Take action by starting small; don't think about the result and go for it. Starting small can help you to get out of your comfort zone without feeling too overwhelmed by things that might feel stressful or difficult at first.
#3 Avoid perfectionism - it's nothing but a dream killer
Many of us are scared to start working on something we think might not be perfect, and that makes sense because nobody wants their work to look unprofessional or silly.
Avoid feeling overwhelmed by thinking about how difficult or stressful everything might seem at first, and go for it! Timeboxing your work will help by making you focus on doing something for a certain amount of time, giving you less time to overthink or worry about everything that could go wrong.
If you're struggling to get started because you're afraid your work won't be good enough, perfectionism might not be the only thing at play. It may be that you lack confidence or fear failure: both things we've all experienced at some point in our lives. Instead of focusing on the fear of failure, focus on what you have to gain by taking action and creating something real instead of just thinking about it!
#4 Follow a creativity schedule - not a specialist one
Multi-passionate creatives are rebellious by nature. The problem with most schedules and calendars is that they're made for specialists who don't need a sense of freedom as creative generalists do.
As creative generalists, we have many interests and talents. Still, the flow we need when performing a particular activity cannot just be turned on or off (although that would be incredibly cool!). Often unconsciously, we choose tasks based on the available physical, but especially mental energy of the moment. I, for example, write my articles in the morning because I know I won't get a decent word on paper in the afternoon. If I try to write in the afternoon on a tight schedule, this always leads to frustration and reduced productivity.
The solution is simple: put flexible blocks on your schedule, but only fill them when you're ready to get started. So you can decide when you'll work, but do not lock yourself in with "what" it is that you'll do during those blocks. Use a running list of tasks for the coming weeks, for example, and organize them by priority. Then, when you're ready to work, pick what feels good to you in the moment. When you can freely choose what you work on every day, the feeling you get is indescribable, especially for a rebellious bird like you.
#5 Ask for help - nobody can do it alone
Nobody can do it alone. But as creative generalists, because we're so used to learning quickly and understanding practically any subject, we often think we're supposed to do it all ourselves.
But the truth is: It's not because you can do something that you should. Realizing this changed my life and that of many of my clients.
It's essential to ask for help whenever you think it might benefit your project. Even if you're struggling with something that seems like an easy task, remember this: nobody can do it alone. And nobody should!
To end, I'd love to say once more that you don't have to choose just one idea over all the others. If you find yourself overwhelmed with too many ideas, take a deep breath and go through the tips above (again). You really can build a career or business that includes many of your passions and interests. Believe me, I know, because it's what I help people, just like you do every day!
Are you a multi-passionate creative who is stuck in your career or life?
I can help. My name is Murielle Marie, and I'm a private coach for multi-passionate creatives. If you have too many ideas but don't know what to do with them, let me help you find clarity and direction so that you can live the life of your dreams.
Let me show you how we can work together by scheduling a free 30-minute coaching session call today! Click below right now to get started.
I Want To Do Everything: Which Career Should I Choose?
"I want to do everything!" How many times have you told yourself that? As a creative generalist or multi-passionate creative (aka a multipotentialite, a polymath, a renaissance soul, or a slasher), you likely feel like this at least a few times a week. It's great to be passionate and curious about different things and to wonder about different career paths as a result. But without knowing which career would best suit your skill-set and personality, and more, make you happy, choice stress can set in. Don't worry! In this article, we'll discuss what career choices might be a good fit for someone who likes doing everything, so read on!
If you're a creative generalist or multi-passionate creative, the choice anxiety that plagues many people is probably your worst nightmare. It was for me, anyway. When I was younger, I wanted to do so many things! From graphic design to drawing, from freelance writing to web application development, I was interested in it all, and everyone around me was pushing me to pick a thing, to choose, to "decide my entire life!". This career choice stress got so bad at times that it kept me from doing anything at all, or it made me start too many things simultaneously and lose focus very fast.
If you're suffering from choice stress, the first thing you need to do is to figure out which (creative) career path makes your heart skip a beat and the multi-passionate creative that you are. Because, well, yes, there are variations in how we express our unique creative nature! For example, suppose you are a creative generalist who likes to dive deep into a subject for a while. In that case, you might want to choose your primary interest and follow that as a career path while keeping your other interests and passions alive on the side. If, however, you need a lot of variation (like me) and can't live without actively pursuing a few of your interests at once, then you should focus your career choice on jobs that include at least a portion of those interests and the variety that you need. Or perhaps you're more of an entrepreneur and would instead start your own creative business, in which case variety will be available to you.
Everyone goes through career and choice anxiety at times. Still, as a multi-passionate creative, the stress can skyrocket because you have so many interests, because you need variety and because you hate boredom. Your hunger for knowledge doesn't seem to help either. 'How can a job keep me interested for long?' is something clients ask me all the time.
I know how hard it can be to feel like you have to choose. But this is your lucky day. I'm here to tell you that you don't have to, at least not really. Yes, you have to pick something and get started, but that doesn't mean you have to stick with that one thing forever. You're free, remember.
Let's explore five tips to help you make your next career move as a creative generalist.
You can always change your mind later. You can always change career paths later, even if you make a decision now. It's not really about the career choice itself; it's more about what your career choice says about who you are as a person and how much passion you have for this path.
If nothing sparks your interest at all right now, then perhaps that means there might be something better suited to your personality? You don't need to force yourself into anything just yet! If possible, why not take some time off from making career decisions altogether? Maybe go travel or try out different things related to creative entrepreneurship first, which will help you figure out exactly where your passions lie before choosing any career path in particular. Or maybe do an online course on Etsy or Skillshare to try something new and see if you enjoy it.
1. It's not all about the money
Your career choice should never be about money. We all know that creative jobs are often lower-paying (at least at first) than business or office work, which is why many multi-passionate creatives are hesitant and hope they'll eventually "like" the regular job they hate... But there are other reasons to choose a specific career path beyond financial considerations. If you think your talents and skills can make an impact in one way or another, then perhaps it's worth giving it a shot! It doesn't matter whether you're making lots of money out of your passion right now; what matters is that you're being true to yourself and how valuable what you have to offer genuinely is (for whatever reason).
For instance, I remember struggling with how much to charge for my coaching services when I first started. The investment for working with me was lower than today's, but I was okay with that. I was learning, doing what I loved, and helping creatives get unstuck at the same time. If financial considerations had directed my decisions, I might not have become a coach at all because it meant I initially had to take a financial step back (which is often the case when we start something new).
Making the right career choice is never about choosing one career path over another because of its temporary benefits - it's all about which career choice fits who you are as a person and where your passion lies! So don't stress yourself out trying to find the perfect career path immediately; instead, focus on figuring out what makes you happy first before making any big decisions. It doesn't matter whether the money comes into play when deciding on creative entrepreneurship projects, at least not initially or not always; what matters is that you allow yourself to explore your full potential by doing what you love.
2. You don't need to find that one unique and perfect job
Trying to find the perfect job will keep you stuck. Instead, it's better to think like an entrepreneur. The whole idea of business is to be flexible, pivot and change when needed, and adapt fast. Entrepreneurs know that they might have to change directions in mid-air, that they might have to rethink their business at some point, and they're okay with that.
I see so many clients struggle with career anxiety. They're constantly stressing themselves out by trying to find the perfect, most convenient job. My advice to them is always: to pick something and get started. When they do, they immediately gain clarity, usually about what they don't like :) But that's precisely the point. You cannot think yourself into the career or business of your dreams; you have to go out and try something!
3. Don't forget about entrepreneurship
As a multi-passionate creative, the stuff you're made of suits an entrepreneurial path almost perfectly! Your hunger for knowledge, your capacity to learn new things quickly, your flexibility, and how you connect dots. All of this makes you an ideal entrepreneur.
When I coach multi-passionate creatives, one of the first things they tell me is all the ideas they have for their own business. But the problem is that they never act on them. They tell me how much they want to do it but then don't take action for another year or so. My advice here again is simple: start something! Try out one of those ideas and see what happens :) I've never had a client regretting doing so!
4. Start already! With one thing! Please do it now!
Don't wait any longer. You cannot think yourself into a new career path; you have to go out and do it. So please do it now! Pick something from your long list of interests and ideas and run with it for a while, see where it takes you.
I know it's not easy; I know it can be stressful and cause a lot of anxiety. But if you stop trying to find the perfect career path and instead focus on figuring out what makes you happy first and trying some of those choices out, you'll be well on your way to a blissful and rewarding career!
If there's one tip I can give you that works, it's this: stop worrying and start doing. Now.
Do you feel stuck in your career?
I can help! My specialty is to help creatives and entrepreneurs create careers and businesses that they love. I've worked with over 100 clients, helping them find their passion, get clear on what they want to do next, build a plan of action to make it happen, and take the steps necessary to move forward. You don't have to stay where you are or settle for something less than what you want out of life. Let me show you how we can work together so that you can finally start living the life of your dreams!
If this sounds like something that resonates with you, then let's talk about working together. Click below to schedule your free session now!
10 Practical Ways to Get Unstuck Right Now
Do you currently feel stuck in your life? If you do, I want you to know that you're not alone. As a coach for multi-passionate creatives and entrepreneurs, helping people get unstuck is what I do best.
I get excited about helping others finally move forward because it's one of the best feelings in the world. I get to see people who are passionately pursuing their true path and achieving what they want. There's nothing better than seeing someone move past obstacles that were keeping them from following their dreams.
So, if you're feeling stuck right now, I get it. It's not fun to feel this way. There are many reasons why you might, and they vary from person to person. However, no matter what your challenges are, there's always a way forward. The key is looking for a way out and being open to it.
Action Comes Before Motivation
One of the most challenging things when you're stuck is finding the motivation within yourself to get moving again. It's easy to get stuck, getting moving again... not so much. Old habits and routines can feel safe, and the unknown often feels scary, even if it's so much better in the long term than what you have right now.
There are many reasons why we get stuck:
because we're afraid of failing,
because we procrastinate and keep putting off anything that feels scary or uncertain,
because the path forward isn't clear yet,
because we don't have a plan,
because our family doesn't support what we want to do,
because it seems like everything around us is working against our goals,
because we feel like we're the only one who isn't happy with their life right now,
and so much more...
10 Practical Ways to Get Unstuck Right Now
What do you get when you combine procrastination with fear? Creative deadlock. It always amazes me how easy it is to get tangled up in doing nothing by overthinking what I need to do next.
Ironically, the idea of "being stuck" (the most common procrastination excuse) is itself a fear, and a sneaky one disguised as laziness or indecision. Interestingly, we get stuck with both positive and negative emotions – not just paralyzing fear but also excited anticipation. I know, right? So let's get the "I just don't know what to do" off our chest and look at ten ways to get unstuck right now instead.
Determine what part of getting started is holding you back – fear, indecision, procrastination? Usually, it's some combination. Next time you get stuck on starting something, ask yourself: Do I worry about this? What might the fear be? What is the worst/best possible scenario for getting started? Let's get into some action here.
Write a list of possible actions you can take right now as if you had no fear at all and knew with 100% certainty that it would turn out alright in the end. Most likely, there will be at least 60% of them that you get excited about.
Trust yourself and go for one of the actions on your list. As soon as you get into motion, you'll notice that the feeling of being stuck subsides. The trick is to get a second action going right away after the first one. Then another one, and another one (you get the picture :)).
Remember that the first step is often the hardest. Once you get started, unseen forces and power get you unstuck and get things done. Once you get a few actions going, the momentum will help carry you forward. It is a bit like a snowball effect: it becomes harder and harder to get stuck again once you're out of the starting blocks.
Identify your biggest fear about getting started. Get back to that fear with a worst-case scenario: what's the worse that could happen? Except for the odd one out, you'll realize the worst isn't that bad, and certainly not as bad as doing nothing! Once you get that one out of the way, it will become easier to get things done. Don't leave it on the list for later – do it today!
Reward yourself for getting started. Treat yourself, take a break, get outside in the fresh air. Don't wait until the end of a project or goal to celebrate. When you've been stuck for a while, it's essential to reward yourself for little progress. This will train your brain to want more of that feeling and make it easier for you to keep going.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Let me say that again: get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I know you're afraid of the unknown, I am too, but most people never get what they want because they quit when it gets tricky. By getting familiar with annoying or complex emotions, you give yourself a priceless gift. The more you get acquainted with them, the more control you'll have over them - instead of them over you!
If it's still hard to get started, make a plan for the next 15 minutes - not a minute more. Forget about the end goal, forget about all the tasks you have to accomplish, and focus on the next 15 minutes. Once they're over, you're done. Congratulations! Repeat for a few days or weeks until those 15 minutes feel too easy, then add more time as you progress forward.
Get an accountability partner. Find someone who will tell you to get your butt in gear even when you don't want to get started. Share goals, dreams, and work schedules with this person. Ask them to keep you on track and offer to do the same for them. You can get there on your own, but often knowing that you're accountable to someone will make it easier to get - and stay unstuck.
If you really can't get unstuck, find some professional help. There's a lot of it out there: therapists, support groups, coaches like myself... whatever it is you're struggling with, someone can help you figure things out. Don't be afraid to reach out.
I hope you've found these tips helpful. Just remember that being stuck is a feeling, not a fact. You have the power to move forward. I know it's hard, but you can do it!
Do you feel stuck?
I'm a coach and mentor for creatives and entrepreneurs who want to grow their careers or businesses. My specialty is helping people get unstuck so they can move forward with confidence. You don't have to go through this alone – I can help!
You don't have to stay stuck forever! Let me help you find the clarity, courage, motivation, and direction needed to progress your goals today! We will work together in an intimate setting where we can focus on what matters most for YOU. It doesn't matter whether it's writing a book, changing careers, or starting a new business - my job is to support you through this process until you're ready to fly again by yourself! This could be precisely what you need right now...
Yet: A Simple Three-Letter Word That Changes Everything
What if I told you that by adding just three letters to the end of your negative self-talk, not only would your mindset change for the better, but so would every aspect of your life? Imagine how much more good you could do in this world if you believed in yourself more and felt like anything was possible. The word "YET" is a three-letter word that can make all of these things happen.
Don't be fooled by the simplicity of the word. The implications are enormous! For many of my clients, it's the shift from a fixed to a growth mindset. They go from believing that their capabilities are what they are today to knowing they can continuously improve and become better - at whatever they set their minds to. By adding the nuance of "yet" to your thoughts and inner talk, you will not only believe you can do it, but you'll also give yourself the gift of patience. You'll know there's still time to perfect your execution of whatever it is you're doing, even if it doesn't happen right away.
Fixed versus Growth Mindset
Carol Dweck presents an interesting case about mindset in her book Mindset, which I highly recommend. She distinguishes between the fixed and growth mindsets saying that those who have a "fixed" mindset believe their capabilities are not changeable - they're just what they are right now. They think things like, "I'm not good at math." or "I'm not a good writer." This mindset limits people from excelling in these areas because they don't allow room or time to improve. People with fixed mindsets believe that their abilities are static, not able to be improved upon.
On the flip side is those who have what Dweck calls growth mindsets. These individuals believe their abilities aren't set in stone. Instead, they think they can develop their abilities through many different pathways - so people with growth mindsets tend to take on challenges head-on and work hard because they know the benefits of doing so will improve them over time. They understand things like "practice makes perfect" or "the more you do something, the better you become at it."
"Yet" changes not just how we see ourselves but also what others see in us. Not good at something yet? No problem! There's always a way so let's figure out how to get there. Suddenly, nothing seems impossible anymore. When you add "yet" into your life, you no longer feel like you're not "good enough" or "smart enough," and everything seems reachable with some effort. That's an empowering thought.
And one that we all desperately need to hear more - nobody was born knowing how to do everything right away. We all have to start somewhere, and we're not going to be good at it the first time, but that doesn't mean we can't get better!
How to use the word "yet" to change your mindset?
Don't say, "I don't know what to do," instead say, "I don't know what to do yet."
Don't say...
I'm not a writer
I'm not good with money
I'm not an entrepreneur
I have no clue on how to make my idea work
I don't know what I want
Instead, say...
I'm not a writer yet
I'm not good with money yet
I'm not an entrepreneur yet
I have no clue on how to make my idea work yet
I don't know what I want yet.
"Yet" is not just for yourself; it's also great to use when encouraging others. If you're not good at something yet, does that mean someone else can automatically do it better than you? Not necessarily. And if they try and fail (which will happen), don't be so quick to point out their failure; instead, ask them what they learned from the experience or how they plan on doing things differently in the future. They can't do it yet, but they might succeed next time!
The three-letter word can help you make all these changes in your mindset, but only if you remember not to take it for granted - to go from "yet" to success, you must be willing to work at it. So be patient with yourself and not too hard on yourself when things don't go according to plan.
Believe that you can improve your capabilities, but understand that the amount of effort and work put into something directly correlates to how good or capable you'll become. Don't be afraid to take on challenges because those challenges will stretch you beyond what's comfortable and allow for personal development and growth.
In the end, "yet" is a little word with significant consequences. It will make you feel like you can accomplish anything in life and be better at whatever it is that interests you.
Your newfound belief in yourself will help you to take more action toward reaching goals and objectives because you won't be fear of failure or embarrassment if not everything goes according to plan.
Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut?
You want to be successful, but sometimes it feels like something is holding you back. Maybe it's fear of failure or the feeling that nothing will work out for you. If this sounds familiar, coaching could help solve those problems and get your life on track again.
My coaching packages are designed to ensure that you get what you need from your time with me so we can create real change together. I know how hard it can be to face some of these issues, and I'm here to support you through them all. Don't wait any longer, and book your free session with me today!
3 Tips for Dealing with Fear of Criticism as a Creative
Everyone has dealt with criticism at some point in their lives. It's hard to hear criticism, especially when you put yourself out there as a creative person. Believe me, I know; it's probably the number one reason that kept me from showing my work for years! But criticism is something that can be beneficial if you take it the right way. This article will share three tips for dealing with criticism as a multi-passionate creative or creative generalist!
I know criticism can be scary - criticism from friends, family, or even strangers on the internet. It's easy to take criticism personally when you're a multi-passionate person who puts yourself out there in many different ways (and all at once). But negative feedback doesn't have to hold you back; it has the potential to motivate and inspire you! Here are three tips for dealing with criticism as a creative individual:
1. Find your inspiration in your naysayers
When criticism comes your way, you can take it as a sign that what you're doing is working. Think of all the people who told Oprah, J.K. Rowling, or Steve Jobs their ideas would never work - and how they turned those naysayers into media and tech empires, or one of most extensive bestselling book series of all time! They took criticism and turned it into inspiration to go after even bigger dreams.
As I mentioned before, take criticism as a sign that you're on the right track - criticism can inspire instead of discourage! When criticism isn't constructive or helpful, don't take it to heart! Remember that criticism is subjective - one person's criticism might be another person's inspiration. To know if the feedback you're getting is worthwhile, always consider the source. Who is telling you? What makes them experts? Do you trust their judgment? If not, have a good laugh and move on.
2. Use criticism as fuel for future work
Of course, criticism isn't always constructive - it can be discouraging and even bring you down to a dark place. But when criticism is helpful, use it as motivation for your next project or idea! If Steve Jobs' naysayers hadn't criticized him along the way, Apple wouldn't be the company it is today.
It's so easy to get discouraged by the people who don't believe in you along your journey - but it's just as important to remember that criticism only brings you down if you allow it to do so!
When you're passionate about your creative projects and put yourself out there in the world, criticism can be discouraging. But instead of focusing on the people who criticize what you do or how you act - concentrate on those few people (or even one person!) whose criticism inspires you to do better.
Do more of what criticism inspires - so it becomes fuel for your future work! Imagine being criticized for not knowing enough about a specific topic; that criticism can motivate you to learn even more about that subject. There's always something new to be discovered or explored when it comes to creativity and the world of multi-passionates anyway, right?! :)
3. Remember that someone is always criticizing you
The truth is - and nobody likes to hear this - you're already being criticized right now, whether you're perfect or not and whether you want it or not.
There will always be critics out there - you can't please everyone. Of course, passionate people don't like criticism and are more likely to be discouraged than inspired to do creative work that already comes with so many hurdles and challenges. But the fact is that not everything has to be perfect! There's no "right way" to do something creative; there are only the ways you choose to do it.
What matters most is your journey - and criticism doesn't have to be part of that journey if you don't want it to be. Remember that not everything has to be flawless, no matter what your critics claim.
Are you afraid of criticism?
You're not alone. The fear of criticism is a common problem that can stop people from being their best selves. But it doesn't have to be this way. With the proper guidance, you can learn how to deal with the fear and retake control of your life.
If you want to live a more fulfilling life but feel held back by fears about what other people think of you, then my private coaching services are for you! I will help you overcome your fears so that they don't hold you back anymore. I have helped hundreds of clients like yourself get past their fears and achieve success in all areas of their lives! I know I can help you too! So why wait any longer?
45 Minutes a Day to Make Your Dreams Come True
We all have dreams. We all want to be successful in life and at work, and we all know - on a conscious or unconscious level - that the decisions we make can move us forward what we want or hold us back. What if I told you that just one decision could make all the difference? And I'm not talking about deciding to drink more water or eat better. That's good advice, but it doesn't make a significant difference in your life (at least not that quickly).
I want you to imagine for just one minute what would happen if you decided to start working on your dreams - no matter where they take you - just 45 minutes a day. What if I told you that's how I wrote a 300+ page book in just over a year (371 days to be exact), will read 52 books this year, am teaching myself Spanish and started a new business on the side?
In this article, we'll explore how understanding the opportunity cost of wasting your time watching TV, on Netflix, scrolling through your phone together with the power of the compound effect will alter the course of your entire life.
As usual, the formula is relatively simple: find your time wasters and commit to replacing 45 minutes of wasted time with proactively working on your dreams. It's the execution that requires a little support, practice, and perseverance. I often find that understanding the mechanisms of our behavior helps to steer us in the right direction. So let's dive in.
What is opportunity cost?
We all have the same number of hours in a day. Yes, some of us have more help and support than others, making more of those hours available for the important stuff. But still, every one of us wastes time. Whoever says otherwise is a big time-wasting liar!
What this means is that every decision has a price. Opportunity cost is the loss of other alternatives when one alternative is chosen; it's what you are giving up to get something else.
Opportunity cost can look like this:
Watching TV instead of reading a book
Spending time on social media rather than learning how to play an instrument
Falling down the research rabbit hole instead of taking a practical step (aka doing something)
Worrying about a project instead of starting it
Wasting time binge-watching another Netflix series instead of writing the paper that's due tomorrow
All these things might seem like trivial decisions. They're not. When you make poor time choices, what you're leaving on the table is nothing less than your dream life. To grasp this enormity, we must first understand another concept of time: the compound effect.
What is the compound effect?
The compound effect is a concept that states that all small actions and decisions in life will have the opportunity to grow into big rewards. Although applicable to every aspect of our lives, this concept was first applied in the financial field. When talking about investments, compounding is the ability of money to generate more money, which is then reinvested or remains invested to create even more money.
A famous example is that of compound interest: the earlier your start investing, the more return you'll get for the same amount of money as someone who starts later in life than you.
The compound effect and your dreams
The compound effect isn't only applicable to money. Because everything we do requires time, it's relevant to EVERYTHING:
Spending 20 minutes every day exercising can add up to a fully toned body over a year if you maintain this habit. This same action could also make you healthier and happier, which will lead to more opportunities in the future.
Reading for 30 minutes a day, every day for a year can add up to over 60 books a year! The time you spend reading each day is short, but it adds up quickly and gives you new knowledge and life opportunities.
Writing for 45 minutes a day every single day can add up to over 100,000 words in one year. Imagine how much you could write if you commit yourself to this simple daily practice. I'm living proof that it's possible!
Now let's take this concept back to your dreams. Spending a little time each day on something worthwhile will produce incredible results.
45 minutes a day to make your dreams come true
Things start shifting when we put opportunity cost and compound effect together:
Identify 45 minutes of time wasters you can do without
Work on your dreams every day for that amount of time
Using the opportunity cost concept and the compound effect for your benefit is as simple as replacing 30 minutes of scrolling with writing or 15 minutes of thinking about something. Remember that opportunity cost comes from every decision you make in your life while compounding means doing the same small thing over and over again every single day.
You might not know this, but these concepts are already at work in your life. Every time you're scrolling through your phone, your compounding your knowledge of what's hot or not on Instagram or Facebook, all the hours you spent streaming series make you a champion at Netflix trivia.
There's no way to escape these forces from being at play in your life, so you might as well use them to build your dreams, don't you think?
You know you need to make a change in your life, but you keep putting it off.
Maybe you're not sure what the next step is or how to get started. Or maybe there are too many options, and it feels overwhelming. Whatever the reason, I can help! I offer personalized coaching services that will guide you through every step of making positive changes in your life so that you can finally start living the way YOU want to live!
Let me help take away all those feelings of overwhelm and confusion so that together we can focus on creating a plan for success for you and push past any resistance or procrastination holding you back from achieving your goals!