Career & Business Coaching Blog.

Inspiration and tips for multi-passionate creatives & entrepreneurs.

Career Change Murielle Marie Career Change Murielle Marie

Quiet Quitting: A Creative Generalist's Response to Not Being Valued

You're stuck in a job you hate, doing work that doesn't challenge you, being undervalued by your boss. Maybe you've even tried to talk to them about it, but it always ends in disaster. So what do you do? You quit. But not just any old way – you quietly quit.

Quiet quitting has been in the news lately, with more and more people doing it. And there's a good reason for that. People want to be valued and recognized for their work; they want to feel they matter. As someone who works extensively with creatives and entrepreneurs, I know this to be true. In this article, I want to explore quiet quitting a little further, how it affects us creative types, and what to do about it.

What is quiet quitting?

What is quiet quitting? It's when you don’t leave your job, you just stop caring about it. You don't hand in your notice; you stop stepping up and doing your best. It might not be the most professional way to do things, but sometimes it's the only way to deal with a situation that's making you miserable.

There are a few reasons why people might choose to quietly quit their job. Maybe they feel undervalued, bored, and underappreciated, or they can't stand the thought of going to work another day. Whatever the reason, quiet quitting is on the rise. Low pay, poor working conditions, burn-out, unsustainable workloads, and pressure are only a few reasons why people choose to stay in their jobs but not give their all to them anymore.

Although the concept and term are pretty new, quiet quitting isn't. It says, "I'm still here, but I've checked out." Demotivation and loss of a sense of purpose, alongside negative experiences at work, often lead to quiet quitting. I see it in my coaching practice a lot: people remaining at the same workplace but relaying to doing the bare minimum, putting in time but not effort.

Why do creative generalists quiet quit?

I would argue that although quiet quitting isn't new, and many people do it, creative generalists especially, have been doing it for years. We've always been told that we're not good enough, that we're not focused enough, and that we need to pick one thing and stick with it. We've been told that our multiple talents and interests are a hindrance, not an asset. We've been told that we're not valuable. So we've quietly quit.

Creative generalists are often quiet quitters because their work is undervalued. They're told that their ideas are too out there, that they're too chaotic, that they'll never make it. So they give up and resort to doing what is asked of them, not what they’re capable of producing.

Just this morning, one of my best friends and a creative generalist told me she was quiet quitting her highly demanding job. "I'm tired of always hearing about the little thing not being right when I've moved mountains for this company and made miracles happen. I can't stand being underutilized and seeing my talents and interests go to waste. So if they don't want what I have to offer, I won't put in any extra effort from now on."

Last week, another creative client said something similar: "I'm so bored at work, I'm begging for them to use my talents, but they just want me to fill out spreadsheets. So now I've decided only to do the bare minimum; they don't appreciate me anyway."

Both are scaling back at work, taking a stance about exploitative work cultures, and thinking about where to take their careers next. One clear thing is that the next move needs to be meaningful, where they can reach their potential and hone in on their skills, talents, and expertise.

What to do when you realize you're quiet quitting?

People quiet quit for different reasons. Once you realize that you've been quiet quitting your job, my advice would be to do something about it. Don't just stay in a job because it pays the bills; you need more than money to be happy.

If you're bored and undervalued, it might be time to move on. Talk to your boss about using your talents more, or look for a new job that will value what you have to offer. If you're feeling burnt out, try cutting back on your hours or taking some time off. And if you're just plain unhappy, it might be time to start exploring other options.

Other things you can do when you realize you're quit quitting include:

  • Talk to a career coach or mentor about your options

  • Take steps at work so you can do more meaningful work

  • Consider a career transition and find something more aligned with who you are

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to quiet quitting, but the most important thing is, to be honest with yourself about why you're doing it. Once you know the reasons, you can start taking steps to change the situation.

The bottom line is this: if you're not happy in your job, don't just quiet quit, do something about it. Don't stay in a situation that's making you miserable. Life's too short to waste time on things that don't make you happy. Quiet quitting doesn't have to be the end of your career. It can be a new beginning. So if you're quiet quitting your job, it might be time to make a change.

Quit quitting your job?

You're not alone. Many people find themselves at a dead end, feeling like they've hit a wall. That's where private coaching can help. Together, we'll explore your options to help you find new opportunities and get unstuck in your career.

I know it can be hard to take that first step towards change, but I'm here to help you every step of the way. Coaching is an investment in yourself and will pay off for years to come.

Schedule your free session!

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Get Unstuck Murielle Marie Get Unstuck Murielle Marie

Brainstorming: The Disney Strategy For Finding Clarity And Getting Unstuck

If you're feeling stuck and need some clarity, brainstorming may be the answer! But not just any kind of brainstorming, the kind that doesn't kill your dreams before they even take shape in your mind.

The Disney strategy is a great way to get started. This strategy involves several steps for analyzing a problem, generating solutions or ideas to resolve it, evaluating those ideas, and finally constructing and critically reviewing a plan of action. I love this way of approaching a problem, especially when you feel there's nothing you can do to fix it. Often our lack of options or our difficulty in seeing the alternatives available comes from fear disguised as a strong focus to find flaws in any plan or course of action we come up with.

Clearly state the problem and brainstorm solutions

You start by clearly stating the problem or question you want to brainstorm about and what the task is you want to resolve.

For instance: "I want to move to a sunny location, preferably by the ocean, but I can't quit my job at the grocery store because I need to fund my life when I'm there. How can I ensure I will be financially secure to make this move?"

When I brainstorm possibilities or questions like this with clients, they all start with very few answers, sometimes none. But when we get creative, think outside of the box and go a little wild and crazy on what solutions might look like, we're always able to create an extended (and fun!) list of options to choose from.

For the question above, after a little bit of thinking and digging, the list might look something like this:

  • Not move and stay where I am.

  • Find a grocery store job where I want to be living.

  • Start my own business.

  • Get an inheritance, so I don't have to work at all.

  • Move to a sunny location and get a job that can be done online.

  • Start a GoFundMe page and ask for donations to help with the move.

  • Find a wealthy partner who already lives by the ocean.

  • Sell my art and pottery.

  • Become a coast guard.

  • Organize beach weddings and become a wedding photographer.

  • ...

As you can see, the list above contains a mix of very realistic and not-so-realistic options. And that's ok! The goal is to get as many ideas on paper (or in your notes app) as possible.

Don't censor yourself while you're coming up with ideas

One unique thing about this approach is that no criticism is allowed while you're in brainstorming mode. And you're invited to come up with the wildest ideas and as many ideas as possible. This is what makes this method so unique. It's named after Walt Disney because he was a hard realist who was critical of his ideas and knew how to dream up the biggest and most impossible dreams first. 

After coming up with creative ideas, Disney also introduced the practice at his animation studios. He would encourage his animators to "go wild" with their ideas and generate as many possibilities as they could. While doing this, nobody was allowed to criticize or downplay an idea. No feedback at all was being given. The only goal was to come up with as many possibilities as possible. There was plenty of time to think about their feasibility later.

In the 1990s, Robert B. Dilts developed a creative technique based on how Walt Disney brainstormed and called it the Walt Disney method. The original technique is meant to help a small group of four to six people develop new ideas and solutions. The basis for this is three roles that Walt Disney used during his creative process: the dreamer, the realist, and the critic:

  1. The dreamer: This person comes up with as many ideas and possibilities as possible.

  2. The realist: This person is responsible for looking at the ideas and judging which ones are realistic and feasible and which ones are not.

  3. The critic: This person's job is to find flaws in the ideas and help improve them.

Narrow down your list and set priorities

After you've come up with as many ideas as possible, it's time to evaluate your options, so you don't get overwhelmed by them. This is the realist's job. The best way to do this is to narrow down your choices using your intuition and ask yourself:

  • What would you like to do?

  • What could you realistically do in the short term?

  • What are the most important factors for you?

  • What are your priorities?

Once you're clear on your top priorities, start using logic to categorize them and make informed choices. List the positive and negative aspects of each option.

For example, if one of your options is to get a job at a grocery store, the pros might be that you would get a regular paycheck, and it would be easy to find jobs like this. The cons might be that it's not the kind of work you want to do long-term, and it's not in the location you want to be living.

Make a choice and create a plan to move forward

Once you've examined your options, weigh the pros and cons and then make a choice. This is where the critic comes in. They help you to find flaws in the ideas and improve them. After you've made a decision, it's time to create a plan and take action.

If you've decided to get a job at a grocery store, your next steps might be to research which stores are hiring in your area and then submit your resume. Or, if you've decided to start your own business, your next steps might be to research what kind of business you want to start and then create a business plan. Whatever you decide, make sure to put even a tiny plan together, so you know what the next step to take is.

The Disney Strategy is a great way to find clarity and get unstuck! Brainstorming is a great way to see all the possibilities out there waiting for you, but doing it without holding yourself back is much more powerful! So next time you feel stuck, remember Disney and try it.

You might be surprised by what you come up with when you don't put any limits on yourself.

Feeling stuck in your career and life?

Private coaching is a great way to get unstuck and find new opportunities. As a certified coach I will help you identify your goals and create a plan to achieve them. You’ll be amazed at how much progress you can make in just a few weeks.

Coaching can help you achieve anything you want in life. With the right coach, you can finally break through the barriers that have been holding you back for years. Stop dreaming and start doing – learn more about private coaching today!

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Career Change Murielle Marie Career Change Murielle Marie

The Real Question to Ask Yourself About Work

Work takes up a big part of our lives, yet we hardly ever think about how our work shapes us. Everything we do in life impacts us - positive or negative. So does our work. Because we spend so many hours doing it, it has one of the biggest influences on us throughout our lives. It's important to ask yourself if you're really doing what you love, not only because you deserve to be happy.

Think about it - the people you work with, the things you do at work, the environment you're in... all of these things affect you. They shape the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you behave. If you're not happy with your work, chances are it's having a negative impact on your life. But if you love what you do, it can have a hugely positive impact.

Your work shapes your life.

So many of us go through the motions of our jobs day in and day out without ever stopping to think about whether or not we're happy with what we're doing. We may have convinced ourselves that work is just work and it's not supposed to be fun or fulfilling, but that's not true. I believe we deserve work we love; we own it to ourselves even.

Work is such a big part of our lives that it absolutely and most certainly should be something we enjoy. It's not just about making money - it's about positively shaping our lives.

Gone are the days that we entered an office or a factory and left ourselves at the door in exchange for a paycheck. We live in such a hyperconnected world today that we have no excuse but to find work we love. Work that's aligned with who you are, that fills your cup, that makes you feel like you matter, and that your contribution makes a difference; that's what we should all aim for in life.

Is your work aligned with what's important to you?

If you feel stuck in a job that doesn't make you happy, it might be time to reevaluate your situation. Ask yourself if you can do anything to make your job more enjoyable or if there might be another career path that would better suit your interests and talents. Make sure that your work is aligned with what's important to you: your values and what you stand for in life. Because if it's not, chances are you will end up feeling unfulfilled and unhappy.

Doing work you love is essential for your happiness and the impact it can have on the world around you. You bring your best self to it, which ripples on those around you. When you're doing something you're passionate about, it shows in your attitude and your behavior. It's contagious in the best way possible.

So if you're not happy with your current situation, don't be afraid to make a change. Find work that lights you up and makes you excited to jump out of bed every morning. Your life will be so much better for it.

It's not about how much you make; it's about who you're becoming.

Don't be afraid to change your life if it means you'll be happier in the long run. Work is a big part of our lives, so it should be something we enjoy doing. Otherwise, what's the point?

We all work to make money. But the real question to ask yourself at work is not "what am I being paid here?" but "who am I becoming here"? The real problem in a career that isn't making you happy is not "that they should pay you more"; it's that they should "value you more."

The work we do affects us on a much deeper level than just our bank balance. It shapes our beliefs, our values, and our identities. It teaches us how to think, what to believe, and who to be.

If your work isn't helping you become the person you want to be, it's not the right work for you.

It's as simple as that.

I'm not saying that you should quit your job tomorrow (although, if it's that bad, maybe you should). But I am saying that you should take a long, hard look at your career and ask yourself whether or not it's helping you become the person you want to be.

If it's not, it might be time to make a change. You only have one life. Make sure you're living it in a way that allows you to become all you're meant to be. Work is a big part of that, so choose wisely.

Feeling lost in your career and unsure what to do next?

You're not alone. Many people find themselves at a career crossroads, wondering where to go. I offer private coaching to help you get unstuck and find work you love.

As a coach, I have helped hundreds of people like you figure out what they want from their careers and how to get there. I'll help you assess your skills, interests, and passions, explore your options, and create a plan that works for you.

Schedule your free session!

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Creative Generalists Murielle Marie Creative Generalists Murielle Marie

How to Overcome The Fear of Choice: 5 Tips For Those With Too Many Ideas And Interests

When you're a creative generalist (multi-passionate creative) or someone with many passions and interests, the fear of choice can be a real challenge. How do you know what the "right" thing to do is? How do you know which idea to pursue? How do you know which direction to take your career? This article will explore how to overcome the fear of choice and make decisions without feeling paralyzed by all of your options.

Not choosing is also a choice.

The first step is to understand that you don't have to choose forever. It's something I took a long time to learn and probably one of the most freeing things I teach my clients. If you're thinking about starting a new project but are afraid to commit, remember that you can always change your mind later. You really - really - never choose anything forever.

The second step is to understand that you can combine interests and ideas. It's one of the things that makes creative generalists so special. We can see connections between disparate things and bring them together into something new. So if you're feeling pulled in two different directions, try combining them into something new instead of choosing one or the other.

The third step is to choose temporarily. It goes hand-in-hand with the understanding that you can always change your mind later. When making a decision, remember that it doesn't have to be forever. You can always try something new later. It takes the pressure off of making a "perfect" decision and allows you to experiment without fear.

It's about the choice that's right for you at the moment.

When creative generalists are confronted with a choice, many are overwhelmed to the point that they do nothing anymore. But the truth is: that no choice is also a choice. If you don't decide, someone else will do it for you. So instead of being afraid of making the wrong choice, embrace your many passions and use them to your advantage. You never know where they might lead you. Remember, there is no "right" thing to do - there is only what is right for you at this moment. And even that can change tomorrow. So don't be afraid to experiment, combine interests, and change your mind. It's all part of the creative process!

Do you struggle with the fear of choice? Here are five tips to help you overcome indecision and move forward with your life.

  1. Write down everything that interests you and look for the common themes. Are there things you can combine or that build upon each other? For example, if you're interested in fashion and design, you could pursue a career in fashion journalism or start your clothing line.

  2. Look at your interests from different angles. What are the skills you have that are transferable to other contexts or environments? Instead of thinking in terms of knowledge gaps, what are your knowledge strengths? Remember that you don't have to choose just one thing. You can have multiple interests and pursue some of them simultaneously. The key is to be flexible and open-minded and not get too attached to any one idea.

  3. By understanding your values, you can start to narrow down your options. What is most important to you? Is it creative expression? Making a difference in the world? Financial security? Once you know what you value most, you can begin to make choices that align with those values.

  4. Try not to get caught up in the details. It's easy to get bogged down in all of the "what ifs" and "buts" when making a decision. But at the end of the day, there is usually more than one correct answer. So don't overthink it – go with your gut and trust that you will figure out the details along the way.

  5. Sometimes, the best way to make a decision is to weigh your options and see which one feels right. But don't get too caught up in this process – at the end of the day, you must go with your gut feeling. So if that means combining things that look different to everyone else but make sense to you, go for it! Make a list of pros and cons for each option, but don't agonize over it.

Making decisions can be challenging, but it's important to remember that you don't have to choose forever. You can always change your mind later. So embrace your many passions and use them to your advantage. You never know where they might lead you. So go ahead and let your inner creative generalist out! Don't let the fear of choice keep you from pursuing your dreams.

Feeling lost in your career?
Overwhelmed by all your interests and the things you "could be doing"?

You're not alone. A lot of people feel stuck at some point in their careers. That's where private coaching can help. I will help you get unstuck and figure out what you want to do next.

Imagine having a job that combines all your passions into one cohesive career. It's possible, I see it every day in my practice, and I can help make it happen for you. We'll work together to find the best way to use your skills and talents, so you can finally be happy with your work life.

Schedule your free session!

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Career Change Murielle Marie Career Change Murielle Marie

The Great Resignation: What to do if You're Ready to Quit Your Job

You might have heard about the Great Resignation, also known as the Big Quit and the Great Reshuffle. This massive wave of people quitting their jobs and looking for something better or a different way of life is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs en masse. And it all started at the beginning of 2021. 

Statistics point towards the younger generations as the biggest resignation group, but they're not alone. According to Wikipedia, possible causes include wage stagnation amid the rising cost of living, long-lasting job dissatisfaction, safety concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the desire to work for companies with better remote-working policies. An overall sense of dissatisfaction, a lack of purpose, and too little pay for shitty jobs make people want to explore new options. As a business and career coach, I've long seen this wave coming (it really didn’t start with the pandemic!), but everything accelerated with covid and the lockdowns.

This article is for people feeling the resignation itch and ready to quit jobs. It starts by briefly exploring the reasons why this resignation wave might be going on (without trying to be exhaustive as this is an incredibly complex socio-economic phenomenon) and continues by offering some tips and insights on how to best surf the wave and what to do if you're ready to quit your job.

What's wrong with work?

Work has been in crisis for a very long time. For the last decades, we've seen a slow and steady erosion of the social contract between employer and employee. In the past, companies offered workers stability and security for their loyalty and hard work. But now, that social contract has all but disappeared. Companies are no longer loyal to their employees – they're only interested in short-term profits. And as a result, employees have become increasingly disposable. If you don't like your job, or if you're not working hard enough, or if you're not making enough money, then there are a million other people who would gladly take your place. This is especially true during economic downturns when jobs are scarce, and competition for jobs is fierce.

In addition, the traditional career path – working your way up the ladder at one company until you retire – is no longer guaranteed. In today's economy, jobs are often temporary and insecure. And even if you have a secure job, there's no guarantee that it will be exciting or fulfilling. So it's no wonder that so many people are quitting their jobs. They're tired of being treated like commodities, and they're tired of work that isn't worthwhile.

The Great Resignation is also a response to the changing nature of work. We now live in a hyper-specialized world, where workers are expected to do a limited type of work. This is especially true in the knowledge economy, where workers are often nothing more than cogs in a machine. They're not allowed to use their creativity or their intelligence, and they're not given the opportunity to grow. This can be incredibly frustrating, (especially for creative generalists) and it's one of the main reasons many people quit their jobs.

What makes people want to quit?

As I mentioned before, there are many reasons why people might want to quit their jobs. But here are some of the most common ones:

#1 Lack of purpose

The first reason I see clients come to me for a career change is the lack of purpose that many people feel in their work. Jobs have become increasingly specialized, and while this has its advantages, it also means that people (particularly creative generalists or multi-passionate creatives) often spend their days doing things they don't care about or don't make them feel good. This can be incredibly frustrating and is one of the main reasons people are looking for something new.

#2 Low pay (for shitty jobs)

The second reason I see clients being dissatisfied is that many jobs don't pay enough. This has always been a problem, but it's becoming more and more acute as the cost of living continues to rise while wages remain stagnant. Add to this that many low-paying jobs are among the shittiest, and you've got a resignation wave waiting to happen.

#3 Boring and unfulfilling jobs

The third reason clients tell me they want to change careers is because they are dissatisfied with their jobs. Part of this is due to the reasons I've already mentioned, but it's also because we're becoming increasingly aware of the options out there. With the internet and social media, it's easier than ever to see what other people are doing with their lives, and this can often make our own lives seem small, boring, and unfulfilling by comparison.

#4 Lack of challenges and inspiration

The fourth reason I see clients change careers (or start a business of their own) is that they feel they're not being challenged enough at work. They're only allowed to bring a small part of their talents to work, but nothing else. Especially for (multi-passionate) creatives and entrepreneurs, this can be challenging. They want to be able to create, experiment and play, but their jobs often don't allow it.

#5 Toxic environments and being squeezed like lemons

The fifth most common reason I see people resign and change careers is when they're faced with toxic environments or are under such pressure to perform that they're being squeezed like lemons. Unfortunately, this is becoming increasingly common as organizations try to do more with less, and employees are expected to pick up the slack. This often leads to a toxic work environment, where people are constantly stressed and overworked.

These are just a few reasons people come to me for career or business coaching. If you're feeling ready to quit your job, my advice is to explore all of your options and find something that genuinely makes you happy.

So what can you do if you're ready to quit your job?

First of all, don't panic. This is a big decision, and you should not take it lightly. If you're thinking about quitting your job, it's essential to take the time to reflect on your decision. What are your motivations for wanting to leave? What are your goals? What are your alternatives? Once you've thought through these questions, you'll be in a better position to make a decision.

If you're sure quitting your job is the right decision, the next step is to start planning your exit strategy. It doesn't mean that you have to leave tomorrow, but it does mean that you need to start thinking about how you're going to transition out of your current job. Are you going to give notice? Are you going to start looking for a new job first? Are you going to freelance or become self-employed? There are many options, and the best way forward will depend on your circumstances.

The most important thing is to make sure that you have a plan. Once you have a plan, quitting your job will be much easier (and less stressful). So take the time to think through your decision, find support (hey, hello, I can help!), and develop a plan that will work for you.

Quitting your job is a big decision, but it can be incredibly liberating. With careful planning and a bit of courage, you can leap and start living the life you want to live! If you're unhappy with your current situation, don't be afraid to explore your options and make a change.

I know because I see and help people do it every day!

Feeling stuck in your career?

You're not the only one. A lot of people are unhappy in their jobs, but they don't know what to do about it. That's where we come in! I'm a certified career coach, and I can help you figure out what you want to do and how to get there.

I'll help you find a job that makes you happy, and give you the tools you need to succeed. I've helped hundreds of people make a change for the better, and I know I can help you too.

Schedule your free session!

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Career Change, Conscious Business Murielle Marie Career Change, Conscious Business Murielle Marie

Boredom Versus Resistance: How to Know When to Quit?

Creative generalists (multi-passionate creatives) are a rare breed. We have more than one passion, and we don't want to choose just one path in life. But when boredom starts creeping in, it can be challenging to keep up the momentum of being creative or pursuing one or more of our interests. Resistance is often mistaken for boredom, but there's a difference between the two that you should know about if you're multi-passionate like many of my clients and me! In this article, I'll explore boredom versus resistance so you know when to quit on something and when it's time to push through and stay motivated.

Do you ever feel like giving up? Like all your efforts pointless? You're not alone! This feeling is known as boredom. It's when we no longer find a project or passion interesting enough to continue with. Often, we've reached what we came for in that project, job, or interest (usually some form of skill or new knowledge). We got what we wanted from it, so why would we want to keep going?

A new definition of done

We immerse ourselves into playing the guitar diligently every day for two years and then one day put the instrument to the side to not pick it up again for years. Or we decide we want to know everything there is to know about YouTube marketing, create the channel, buy all the courses, post a ton of videos, and suddenly decide to move on to something else.

Why do we do this? For most, finishing means an external endpoint, not for creative generalists. It's more an internal feeling of being done (bored) with something than anything else, often when, to the outside world, we don't seem done at all.

On the other hand, resistance shows up when something is important to us, when we're hitting on what matters most or makes us come alive. It's an inner feeling of not wanting to do something, even though we know deep down we want to or we should, often disguised as stress, anxiety, or fear.

Is it boredom or resistance?

For creative generalists, boredom is the internal feeling of not wanting to do something anymore because it feels like a chore when we've reached what we want from that project, job, or interest and feel no need to push through anymore.

On the other hand, resistance is a biological and evolutionary response to things that are important to us. It's a protection mechanism that is rooted in our fight-or-flight response. What resistance wants is for everything to stay the way it is. So although boredom and resistance can feel pretty much the same, they're each other's opposites! Boredom is a gentle nudge that you need change; resistance is a - often much harder - blow that you want things to stay the same, precisely when you should be moving forward!

Resistance is when we should push through boredom or whatever else we're feeling - fear, lack of self-confidence, doubt, self-loathing, procrastination - and continue with what we're doing for some other, more profound reason. It's that feeling of "I don't want to do this, but I just know it's the right thing for me" because it matters more than anything else in your life right now.

How to know the difference between boredom and resistance?

Knowing the difference between boredom and resistance can help you understand when to quit something and when to push through. Boredom means it's time for a change, while resistance is the only way we can get back in touch with what matters most right now.

If you're not sure whether you're experiencing boredom or resistance, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What is my goal with this project, job, or interest?

  • Have I reached that goal?

  • Do I still find this project, position, or interest interesting?

  • Why do I want to quit?

  • What would happen if I did leave?

  • Would I regret quitting later?

Answering these questions can help you determine whether you're experiencing boredom or resistance. If you're bored, it might be time to move on to something new. But if you're feeling resistance, it's probably because there's something vital that you need to do! Instead of quitting, take stock of what's going on emotionally. How are you feeling? What is that telling you about what you're trying to resist?

When to quit?

There's no shame in admitting that you're bored of something or ready for something new. It doesn't mean that you're a quitter or not good at it. It means that you've reached a point where you no longer want to continue with that project, job, or interest. And that's perfectly okay!

In summary, here's how to know when to quit:

  • The critical difference between boredom and resistance is that boredom feels like the project or job has become too easy. You've learned everything you wanted or needed to know from it, so the boredom feeling is our body telling us to move on and try something new.

  • Resistance happens when we're doing something important to us, or that needs our attention for other reasons. It feels like, "I don't want to do this, but I have to because it matters more than anything else."

  • If you're not sure whether you're experiencing boredom or resistance, refer to the questions above to find more clarity.

The most important thing to remember about being ready to move on to something else like a (multi-passionate) creative or entrepreneur is that your cut-off point, when you're "ready" with something, will often be different from that of other, more specialist people. So it's useless to mirror your actions to what they would do. They don't have your multi-passionate brain, and they're not you. How could you then know what you need or what is suitable for you?

So if you're feeling bored, it might be time to move on. But if you're feeling resistance, it's probably because there's something important that you need to do! Push through and see what happens!

Feeling stuck in your career or business?

You're not alone. Many people find themselves at a crossroads, not sure what to do next. That's where I come in - I'm a career and business coach with almost ten years of experience helping people figure out their next steps.

Quit your job? Start your own business? There are many options, and it can be tough to know which one is right for you. That's where I come in – I can help you figure out what to do next and put together a plan to help you achieve your goals.

Schedule your free session!

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Career Change Murielle Marie Career Change Murielle Marie

How to Get Unstuck in Your Career: 5 Tips to Figure Out Your Next Career Move

Are you feeling stuck in your career? Are you unsure of what your next career move should be? If so, don't worry – you're not alone. Many people find themselves in this position at some point. The good news is that there are ways to get unstuck and figure out your next career move. This article will discuss five tips to help you get started.

Over the last decade, I've spent thousands of hours helping business owners and (multi-passionate) creative entrepreneurs get unstuck.

There are many reasons we get stuck, but one of the most common reasons I hear clients talk about when they get stuck is overwhelm. We get a burst of inspiration or passion and get carried away about how awesome it all could be. The ideas get more elaborate without us taking any real action until we wind up feeling afraid, frustrated, and burnt out at the mountain we've created in our mind - even before we started!

Or we're caught up in the routines of everyday life, going through the motions, feeling like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day, reliving the same day repeatedly. I felt like I was stuck on the same day for a long time, and many of the people I've helped throughout the years have told me that they felt like that for a long time as well. 

When every day feels the same, we start to feel an itch. 

Perhaps you’ve felt or are currently feeling like this. We know something is off, but we can’t quite put our finger on it. This, too, can be very overwhelming. I remember spending sleepless nights imagining an alternative life where I was happy and successful, where I wasn’t afraid of making mistakes or making bold moves, where every day would be exciting and new. But every morning, I would go back to doing the same thing. I knew what I had, but I didn’t know if what I wanted would even be possible for me.

The thing about overwhelm is that it's a catch-all phrase. The visual I get when I hear the word is a big, tsunami-like wave that splashes over us. When we say we're overwhelmed, we don't see the forest through the trees anymore. It's not always because we have a burst of energy or inspiration and too many ideas. Overwhelm can also happen when we're afraid, anxious, stressed out, or overthinking. All of these feelings and states of being can and often will get in the way of what we want.

If you get overwhelmed, are afraid, or don’t know what to do at times, I’m sure you’ll know exactly what it means to “feel like there’s so much out there for you, but you don’t know where to start, how to get there, and you’re afraid it won’t work.” If this is you, don't worry, you're not alone. I've felt that way for a long time, as have many of my clients. That's precisely why I decided to write this article.

The tried & tested action steps I'm sharing below have helped hundreds of people to find clarity and a way forward in their careers, sometimes after feeling stuck for years. Maybe this is how you're feeling right now. Perhaps you've been thinking about a career change or what to do next for a while. If you have, I want you to know that there is a way out of this rut, that there is a creative, fun, fulfilling career waiting for you, and that this guide will help you get there. 

How to get unstuck and move forward with your career

Change takes time, effort, and commitment. But I can tell you that if you keep reading and do the short exercises below, you will gain clarity and start thinking about things differently. That's precisely where we need to begin to help you get unstuck: change how you look at the problem in front of you. 

STEP 1: Ask yourself what you can control regarding your career.

When talking about change, I always ask clients to share how difficult they find it to change. They reply by telling me that it's probably one of the hardest things they've ever had to do. I think it's true, don't you? When you've been stuck for a while, thinking about change can cause agony and despair. That's how hard it is (but it doesn't need to be, hence this ebook). But here's the thing. If it's so hard to change ourselves, how hard is it for us to try and change someone else? Still, we insist on trying. The boss that never listens to us, the co-worker who's always sloppy and never fills the coffee machine properly, the clients who know we're giving them our best but keep on nagging about something anyway. As strange as it may be, we've told all these people a million times how we want them to behave and treat us, and still they insist on ignoring us.

So what’s a better way to deal with this?

To get unstuck, you have to rethink the person you are to fit your dreams. And most importantly, you must take control of your career, allow yourself to dream your dreams, and believe that you can achieve them. Remember that you can control how you show up, work, and treat the people around you. But that's it. You cannot control other people, their reactions, or what they do. You also cannot control the economy, your boss, or the company you work for.

STEP 2: Get curious about your professional life.

The second step is to get curious. Yes, really! Curiosity breeds creativity and innovative thoughts, so it's time to start asking yourself questions that will help you see things differently and get unstuck.

Especially as multi-passionate creatives and entrepreneurs, we use our curiosity every day. We don't always use it to our advantage when it comes to our careers. Right now is the time for you to be limitless, to imagine your professional life as big and bold as you can imagine it because successful career change can happen for you if you let it.

As we've touched on in step one, it's about starting to see things differently and discover the options you have, not the ones you have confined yourself to. Remember that the answers to these questions might not come right away, and that's okay. Allow yourself the time to marinate on them and see what new ideas or options start to emerge.

STEP 3: Get creative about your career options.

The third step is to get creative about your career options. In my experience, one of the key reasons why we get stuck in our careers is overthinking. "I have all these career and business ideas, but I'm not sure which one to start first or what could even be successful!"

It's normal because our natural human tendency is to overthink before taking action. Almost everyone experiences this at least once when wondering about a career change or thinking about starting their own thing. When I get stuck on an important decision, I've learned to distract myself temporarily until the answer becomes obvious; less thinking + more doing = taking action.

When we get stuck, our momentum has been slowed down or dramatically stopped. The easiest way to get unstuck is to get back into some action where you are moving forward again, even if it's just taking one tiny step in the right direction. That's where creativity comes in: come up with some actions you can take. Remember that you can't go wrong with your answers and that it doesn't need to be an overnight insight. Creatively brainstorming about solutions can feel uncomfortable. Letting go are your fears and limiting beliefs is the first step to taking action on your creative career ideas. After all, this is your career we're talking about, and you deserve to spend time getting to know inside and out what could work for you.

STEP 4: Take inspired action on your career options.

The fourth step is to take inspired action on your career options. I say "inspired" because I want you to do something that feels good in your gut, even if it scares you. Inspired action always comes from a place of knowing and feeling that what you're doing is the right thing, even if it's not clear yet.

When we don't take inspired action, our career goals can feel more like obligations or duties instead of something that feels good to us. This is usually because we haven't taken the time to clarify what we want and why we want it. Remember that it doesn't have to be perfect and that you'll learn as you go. The most important thing is that you take action towards your career goal and don't give up.

STEP 5: Believe in yourself and your career dreams.

The fifth step is to believe in yourself and your career dreams. This might be the hardest step for some people because it means feeling confident even when we're not sure of what the future holds.

Making a career change can be scary, but it's also a fantastic opportunity to discover more about yourself and what you're truly capable of. We should continuously work towards career dreams and goals, even when we don't feel confident in them. The truth is that nobody knows everything, and that's okay.

Moreover, confidence - just like clarity - is something that you achieve by doing. The more you try things out, the more you learn about what works and doesn't work for you, and the more confident you become, especially in your capacity to grow and figure things out. That's why it's so important to move forward and think about your next step consistently. Remember that you’re capable of anything you put your mind to. Believe in yourself and the career dreams you have, and take action on them.

PS: This article is the short version of an eBook I wrote and that you can download for free here.

Feeling stuck in your career?

You're not alone. A lot of people feel stuck at some point in their careers. That's where I come in. I'm a career coach with almost a decade of experience helping creatives and entrepreneurs figure out their next steps.

Wouldn't it be great to have someone help you get unstuck? Someone who understands what you're going through and can help guide you to the next step? Well, that's what I do. And it's what I love to do. So let me help you get unstuck and on your way to the career of your dreams.

Schedule your free session!

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