Career & Business Coaching Blog.

Inspiration and tips for multi-passionate creatives & entrepreneurs.

Mindful Living Murielle Marie Mindful Living Murielle Marie

The Complicated Life of a Creative: Why It's Okay to Want More Out of Life

Are you feeling stuck in your life or work, even though it looks great on the outside? Do you feel like everything is fine and you should feel blessed, but you're still unhappy?

You're not alone. Last week, a client shared how he felt unfulfilled at work even though he has a "dream job" and asked, "why can't I just be happy with what I have?" The truth is: it's not because, on the outside, it looks like you're successful that you feel that way on the inside.

Creatives, in particular, need to understand how their brains are wired and what they need to do to be happy. You tend not to like boredom or continuous repetition of similar tasks. You crave variety and something creative that makes you want to get up in the morning. You will inevitably become bored and unfulfilled if you don't have this in your day-to-day activities.

It's okay to want more out of life - we all deserve our dreams

It's important to acknowledge that needing more is okay - we should feel no shame for wanting more out of life! But it's also essential to know when not to quit and push through even if things start feeling too routine or monotonous. Otherwise, you might miss out on opportunities that could bring you joy and fulfillment.

It's important to remember that feeling stuck is normal and doesn't mean something is wrong with you. It's a sign that it's time to reassess your goals and develop strategies to approach them differently or be creative in finding new solutions. The key is to find a balance between pushing through when needed and knowing when it's time for a change.

Creativity is an essential part of our lives, and boredom can be a real issue for creative types. If you need more variety in your life or work to keep you interested, it's easy to become unfulfilled. It's essential to recognize what you need so that you can make positive changes in your life. Here are a few things that can help:

#1 Understand your creative brain.

If you're feeling stuck in life or work, take time for self-reflection and use this as an opportunity to learn more about how your creative brain works. Psycho-education is one of the most freeing things you can do for yourself as a creative. It will help you to understand your needs better and make better decisions.

Understanding that a lot of the things you think are flaws and negative about yourself (seemingly not being able to stick to things, always wanting something new, scattered focus, and so on) is part of your creative wiring will enable you to harness the power of your creative abilities and make better decisions.

#2 Give yourself permission to try different things.

It's okay not to know what you want or what direction you're going in. Try something new and explore your options. This doesn't mean you have to quit your job right away or that it's an all-or-nothing thing (a trap many creatives, entrepreneurs, and generalists fall into) - it might just mean trying something new on the side or experimenting with other creative outlets.

When you give yourself permission to try different things, you open up the possibilities and learn more about what makes you happy and fulfilled. You'll be able to take back control over your life and find a way to make things work for you - even if it's not exactly how you initially expected them to.

#3 Take a break from the routine.

When you feel the itch telling you something is boring or has become too easy or repetitive, sometimes, getting away for a short time is all that's needed to reset and recharge. Whether it's taking a weekend off or just taking a walk around the block, take some time for yourself so that you can come back feeling refreshed and inspired again!

The complicated life of a creative can be frustrating at times, but knowing that it's okay to feel stuck and not knowing precisely what you want to do doesn't have to be anxiety-inducing. By allowing yourself to explore different paths, and taking regular breaks away from the routine, you can make positive changes in your life and find fulfillment.

#4 Feed your creative spark.

There's nothing worse for a creative than a life without a creative spark, where there seems to be no freedom to explore, learn new things, or express yourself. Feeding your creative spark is vital for feeling fulfilled and inspired, so be sure to find ways to stoke the fire in your life.

One of the best ways to break out of a rut and find your creative spark again is to do something completely different. Not only will this spark creativity and help get your juices flowing again (literally!), but it can also open up possibilities that you never thought were available. This might mean making time for a passion project, learning something new, or taking on an exciting challenge. It could also mean taking regular breaks away from work and doing things that will refresh your mind and refuel your creativity.

#5 Surround yourself with supportive people.

Finally, remember that plenty of creatives and entrepreneurs feel your pain and go through it themselves. It's helpful to surround yourself with like-minded people who are interested in the same struggles and successes that you are. Whether it's a friend, a mentor, or a coach - having someone to turn to for encouragement can be invaluable when feeling stuck.

By understanding your creative tendencies, giving yourself permission to explore different paths, and taking regular breaks away from the routine - as well as feeding your creative spark and surrounding yourself with supportive people - you too can find a sense of fulfillment and joy in your life. So don't let yourself be stuck - go out and make something great!

No matter how successful your life appears on the outside, it's okay to feel stuck. It doesn't make you a failure or someone who doesn't know what you want. We all need variety in our lives to stay inspired and motivated. Remembering this can help us take steps toward our goals while still accepting where we are in the present moment. With patience and perseverance, you can make the changes in your life that will bring about more satisfaction and joy.

Being honest with yourself about what you need is the first step toward making positive changes. So if you're feeling stuck or unfulfilled, don't be afraid to admit it and seek some support or guidance. Good luck!

Feeling bored and unfulfilled? You're not alone.

There must be more to life than this. Why can't I be happy with what I have?

Private coaching can help you figure out what you want in life and how to get there. With the help of a coach, you can finally start living the life you've always wanted. Coaching is an investment in yourself - one that will pay off for years to come.

Schedule your free session!

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Get Unstuck Murielle Marie Get Unstuck Murielle Marie

Too Many Ideas? Here are 5 Tips to Stop Feeling Stuck, Lost or Under Pressure When you Don't Know Where to Start

As a (multi-passionate) creative, I know the struggle is real. We have too many ideas, and they all seem so good - all of the time! Feeling stuck or lost because of my lack of time or not knowing where to start used to be a familiar feeling for me. Feeling like I didn't have the legitimacy to do what I wanted to do also haunted me for years, and it still comes up from time to time.

If you're feeling overwhelmed with everything, pressured by the burden of having to do something meaningful that pays the bills, feel like you never have enough time to get started, or don't know what to do, this article is for you. Together let's discover how to stop feeling stuck, lost, or under pressure when you're a multi-passionate creative. 

Thinking that we'll never have the time or never be able to do everything can make us restless: we want it all right now! It's not that we're greedy; we don't want to miss any opportunity, and we want to do all of the things! The problem is, we have so many ideas that even if we work relentlessly, we still don't know how to get around and do everything.

But the good news is, there's a way to get unstuck from under that pile of ideas AND take steps towards your dreams.

How to stop feeling stuck when you have too many ideas and don't know where to start. Here are 5 tips to help you get started.

#1 Make a list - braindump and categorize

Make a list of everything that is running the show in your head. Write it down as a brain dump or mind map. Don't worry about how good something sounds or if someone else might do the same thing: write everything down without editing yourself. You can also challenge yourself by writing your ideas out on paper instead of typing, but remember to get rid of distractions such as phone notifications or chatty colleagues or family members when doing this!

When you've got your list or overview, categorize (this is the magic step, so don't skip it!). See which ideas could work together, are related, or build on each other. Very often, a lot of our interests will be connected, even if just loosely. By grouping them, you'll feel less overwhelmed by everything that is asking for your attention, and you'll start to see what you could get started with.

#2 Make time - so you can take action

When you have categorized, start with what you think is most important RIGHT NOW, reminding yourself that you're choosing for now and not forever! All your other ideas will get their turn; you can't do everything all at once.

Take action by starting small; don't think about the result and go for it. Starting small can help you to get out of your comfort zone without feeling too overwhelmed by things that might feel stressful or difficult at first.

#3 Avoid perfectionism - it's nothing but a dream killer

Many of us are scared to start working on something we think might not be perfect, and that makes sense because nobody wants their work to look unprofessional or silly.

Avoid feeling overwhelmed by thinking about how difficult or stressful everything might seem at first, and go for it! Timeboxing your work will help by making you focus on doing something for a certain amount of time, giving you less time to overthink or worry about everything that could go wrong.

If you're struggling to get started because you're afraid your work won't be good enough, perfectionism might not be the only thing at play. It may be that you lack confidence or fear failure: both things we've all experienced at some point in our lives. Instead of focusing on the fear of failure, focus on what you have to gain by taking action and creating something real instead of just thinking about it!

#4 Follow a creativity schedule - not a specialist one

Multi-passionate creatives are rebellious by nature. The problem with most schedules and calendars is that they're made for specialists who don't need a sense of freedom as creative generalists do.

As creative generalists, we have many interests and talents. Still, the flow we need when performing a particular activity cannot just be turned on or off (although that would be incredibly cool!). Often unconsciously, we choose tasks based on the available physical, but especially mental energy of the moment. I, for example, write my articles in the morning because I know I won't get a decent word on paper in the afternoon. If I try to write in the afternoon on a tight schedule, this always leads to frustration and reduced productivity.

The solution is simple: put flexible blocks on your schedule, but only fill them when you're ready to get started. So you can decide when you'll work, but do not lock yourself in with "what" it is that you'll do during those blocks. Use a running list of tasks for the coming weeks, for example, and organize them by priority. Then, when you're ready to work, pick what feels good to you in the moment. When you can freely choose what you work on every day, the feeling you get is indescribable, especially for a rebellious bird like you.

#5 Ask for help - nobody can do it alone

Nobody can do it alone. But as creative generalists, because we're so used to learning quickly and understanding practically any subject, we often think we're supposed to do it all ourselves.

But the truth is: It's not because you can do something that you should. Realizing this changed my life and that of many of my clients.

It's essential to ask for help whenever you think it might benefit your project. Even if you're struggling with something that seems like an easy task, remember this: nobody can do it alone. And nobody should!

To end, I'd love to say once more that you don't have to choose just one idea over all the others. If you find yourself overwhelmed with too many ideas, take a deep breath and go through the tips above (again). You really can build a career or business that includes many of your passions and interests. Believe me, I know, because it's what I help people, just like you do every day!

Are you a multi-passionate creative who is stuck in your career or life?

I can help. My name is Murielle Marie, and I'm a private coach for multi-passionate creatives. If you have too many ideas but don't know what to do with them, let me help you find clarity and direction so that you can live the life of your dreams.

Let me show you how we can work together by scheduling a free 30-minute coaching session call today! Click below right now to get started.

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Mindset Murielle Marie Mindset Murielle Marie

Yet: A Simple Three-Letter Word That Changes Everything

What if I told you that by adding just three letters to the end of your negative self-talk, not only would your mindset change for the better, but so would every aspect of your life? Imagine how much more good you could do in this world if you believed in yourself more and felt like anything was possible. The word "YET" is a three-letter word that can make all of these things happen.

Don't be fooled by the simplicity of the word. The implications are enormous! For many of my clients, it's the shift from a fixed to a growth mindset. They go from believing that their capabilities are what they are today to knowing they can continuously improve and become better - at whatever they set their minds to. By adding the nuance of "yet" to your thoughts and inner talk, you will not only believe you can do it, but you'll also give yourself the gift of patience. You'll know there's still time to perfect your execution of whatever it is you're doing, even if it doesn't happen right away.

Fixed versus Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck presents an interesting case about mindset in her book Mindset, which I highly recommend. She distinguishes between the fixed and growth mindsets saying that those who have a "fixed" mindset believe their capabilities are not changeable - they're just what they are right now. They think things like, "I'm not good at math." or "I'm not a good writer." This mindset limits people from excelling in these areas because they don't allow room or time to improve. People with fixed mindsets believe that their abilities are static, not able to be improved upon.

On the flip side is those who have what Dweck calls growth mindsets. These individuals believe their abilities aren't set in stone. Instead, they think they can develop their abilities through many different pathways - so people with growth mindsets tend to take on challenges head-on and work hard because they know the benefits of doing so will improve them over time. They understand things like "practice makes perfect" or "the more you do something, the better you become at it."

"Yet" changes not just how we see ourselves but also what others see in us. Not good at something yet? No problem! There's always a way so let's figure out how to get there. Suddenly, nothing seems impossible anymore. When you add "yet" into your life, you no longer feel like you're not "good enough" or "smart enough," and everything seems reachable with some effort. That's an empowering thought.

And one that we all desperately need to hear more - nobody was born knowing how to do everything right away. We all have to start somewhere, and we're not going to be good at it the first time, but that doesn't mean we can't get better!

How to use the word "yet" to change your mindset?

Don't say, "I don't know what to do," instead say, "I don't know what to do yet."

Don't say...

  • I'm not a writer

  • I'm not good with money

  • I'm not an entrepreneur

  • I have no clue on how to make my idea work

  • I don't know what I want

Instead, say...

  • I'm not a writer yet

  • I'm not good with money yet

  • I'm not an entrepreneur yet

  • I have no clue on how to make my idea work yet

  • I don't know what I want yet.

"Yet" is not just for yourself; it's also great to use when encouraging others. If you're not good at something yet, does that mean someone else can automatically do it better than you? Not necessarily. And if they try and fail (which will happen), don't be so quick to point out their failure; instead, ask them what they learned from the experience or how they plan on doing things differently in the future. They can't do it yet, but they might succeed next time!

The three-letter word can help you make all these changes in your mindset, but only if you remember not to take it for granted - to go from "yet" to success, you must be willing to work at it. So be patient with yourself and not too hard on yourself when things don't go according to plan.

Believe that you can improve your capabilities, but understand that the amount of effort and work put into something directly correlates to how good or capable you'll become. Don't be afraid to take on challenges because those challenges will stretch you beyond what's comfortable and allow for personal development and growth.

In the end, "yet" is a little word with significant consequences. It will make you feel like you can accomplish anything in life and be better at whatever it is that interests you.

Your newfound belief in yourself will help you to take more action toward reaching goals and objectives because you won't be fear of failure or embarrassment if not everything goes according to plan.

Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut?

You want to be successful, but sometimes it feels like something is holding you back. Maybe it's fear of failure or the feeling that nothing will work out for you. If this sounds familiar, coaching could help solve those problems and get your life on track again.

My coaching packages are designed to ensure that you get what you need from your time with me so we can create real change together. I know how hard it can be to face some of these issues, and I'm here to support you through them all. Don't wait any longer, and book your free session with me today!

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Creative Generalists Murielle Marie Creative Generalists Murielle Marie

10 Advantages of Being a Creative Generalist in a Specialist World

In general, people are encouraged to specialize. In a world where everything is specialized and compartmentalized, generalists often feel like the odd ones out. As a multi-passionate creative myself, I've lived through the agony and pressure of a world that wanted me to 'find one thing and stick to it.' It took me a long time to figure out I could never live up to the specialist expectation because that's not who I am.

Like other creative generalists, I need variety, a sense of purpose, a mix of interests and passions to keep me going. I have to be able to learn something new (almost) all the time, and my attention does move from one thing to another faster than I can take a breath sometimes. For the most significant part of my life, I thought this was a problem. Until I realized it was my strength.

In this article, we'll discuss the advantages of being a generalist or multi-passionate creative in an increasingly specialist world and how what might look like weaknesses on the surface are your superpowers.

It's a great time to be a creative generalist

“If you're creative generalist, it's a great time to be alive.” - David Epstein.

In his book Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, David Epstein documents how generalists are more necessary than before today, in an era that demands more and more specialization. Creatives who have mastered multiple skills can now leverage these abilities in ways like never before, generating new opportunities for themselves and their clients. It's a brave new world for creative generalists - but we've never had it so good!

To add some weight to this point, here are 10 advantages of being a creative generalist in a specialized world today:

  • #1 Innovation
    Creative generalists can be more innovative and creative than their specialized peers because they have a more comprehensive range of interests and skills to bring together. They are great at connecting seemingly wholly different pieces of information and pull from a wide variety of life and career experiences.

  • #2 Curiosity and adventure
    Creative generalists are often more curious and adventurous than other types of people because they're used to exploring uncharted territory, with thicker skin for failure and a capacity to be a beginner over and over again. This gives them (us) a competitive advantage in many technological and business fields today that require finding new ways to approach problems or the market.

  • #3 Employability
    Multi-passionate creatives (aka creative generalists) can work in multiple fields thanks to their incredible hunger for knowledge and wide range of interests, translating into broader employment opportunities. The term "creative generalist" has even become a category on job sites now. Companies are looking for you at this very moment!

  • #4 Leadership
    Creative generalists make better leaders because they can see things from multiple angles. Because of their natural curiosity, they have an easier time stepping into someone else's shoes and understanding all stakeholders' needs involved in a project or team.

  • #5 Building bridges
    Creative generalists can work across disciplines and have a general understanding of the workings of different industries because they're interested in so many things. As a result, they're great bridge builders who bring together people and ideas who would probably never meet if it wasn't for them.

  • #6 Problem solving
    Multi-passionate creatives can draw from past experiences when solving problems or facing challenges in new circumstances. Because they have such an active, dot-connecting mind, they love challenges, which makes them my favorite type of natural problem solvers. They're more challenge seekers than problem solvers. To them, everything is possible, they need to figure out how to do it, and that's what drives them.

  • #7 Diplomacy
    Creative generalists may be more adept at navigating ambiguous situations than specialists because they're used to seeing things through many lenses. With a natural inclination to try and understand people, conditions, and contexts, creative generalists tend to find some truth in pretty much everything. It might not be the best position when you need to take a firm stance on something, but it sure makes you a hell of a diplomat at the dinner table or in the meeting room.

  • #8 Adaptability to change
    Creative generalists are more easily adaptable to change than specialists and have a bigger capacity for resilience. Because they're used to juggling multiple jobs or interests simultaneously, switching between things doesn't require as much effort to them as to someone who's only focused on one thing. That's not to say that all creative generalists bend like leaves in the wind, but we do tend to adapt quickly to new environments, ideas, and people.

  • #9 Fast learners
    Creative generalists might not go in-depth into one specific area, but that might just be the advantage they need to be better able to see the long game, which can help their career prospects in a world that changes rapidly. Research shows that creative generalists learn faster and remember things longer because they switch between interests and return to them more often, instead of focusing on one thing for too long.

  • #10 A badge of honor
    Creative generalism is not a dirty word anymore - in fact, it's seen as more of an asset than ever before. Be proud to wear it!

There are many other advantages to being a creative generalist, and in an increasingly specialist world, they outweigh any drawbacks that may exist more and more. If you have multiple interests or passions but feel like your options are limited - don't despair.

Every day there are more ways (and reasons) creative generalists can thrive in a specialist world. Whether you're generalizing for your professional life or personal hobbies, there is a world of opportunities waiting for you out there - so get creative!

Do you feel like your interests are all over the place?

You're not alone. Many people have a hard time figuring out how to make their many interests work together. It can be frustrating and confusing. I help creative generalists figure out what they want to do with their lives and then get them on the path towards making it happen.

If you're ready for a change but don't know where to start, I can help you find clarity so that you can move forward confidently and successfully toward your goals. Let me guide you through my unique 5-step process so that you can create the career or business of your dreams!

Schedule your free session!

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Career Change Murielle Marie Career Change Murielle Marie

Ambitious and creative? Entrepreneurship might be a good fit for you.

Admit it, you’re a passionate, life long learner person. You’re thorough, and a bit of a perfectionist at times. Now, what does that have to do with entrepreneurship?

You’re open to new experiences and you’re never bored learning something new. You’re conscientious too. After all, you want to read and review a report or email at least three times before sending (guilty :)), help others on different teams when you already have four projects on the go, or clean every nook in the house and run 5 errands in one day before calling it quits. You’re ambitious and creative.

But these qualities can work for you or against you. If you feel like you’re hitting a dead end where you are in your life and career right now, here’s something to ponder…

From my coaching experience, more often than not, my clients have a hidden itch and talent for entrepreneurship – actually most of them eventually follow that path. They work with me and uncover what their deepest dreams and goals are. Let’s see if that’s what you want to do also…

1. Was that child curiously leader-driven?

Revisit your younger self, when you were your most passionate and imaginative. What were you doing in unrestrained happiness? Check out the photo albums and speak with family and friends. Was that child hustling and trying to sell things to unsuspecting family members? (Guilty) Was that child in charge, curious and a little, okay, quite bossy? (Yep, that too!) Did you have a stronger feeling of wanting to problem solve or fix everything when you were younger? 

2. Do you have an idea?

You probably have an endless supply of ideas and hundreds of notes in your phone. (Hello multi-passionate mind!) Things you quash or forget easily because, well, you’re busy! Go back and review those notes. Go back to certain years in your life when you had an aha! moment. Go back to those conferences, events or people you learned from that left you in awe. What ideas are you brewing now?

3. What does your dream life look like?

You might keep a journal, a mood board, or a vision board on Pinterest of all you want to do in your life. If you have none of those, now’s the time to do so. Grab some magazines, or just put on your favorite playlist and meditate. Centre yourself on what you’ve been thinking about. 

If money and resources were not an issue, what would you do?

4. Who inspires you?

When getting to know your entrepreneurial spirit, listening is more important than speaking. Listen to yourself and to others. If you’re networking, pause and get to know everyone, and find out from the people around you, what entrepreneurship is like and what their favorite part is. Hey, maybe you’ll end up with a mentor! What entrepreneurs are you instantly feeling connected with? Are their success stories inspiring you to start your own thing?

5. What’s holding you back?

When was the last time you faced uncertainty, but you were in control? That’s kind of like considering being your own boss. You learn the skills as you go, yes (hello, Google), but you also have to get inspired by your inner child, ideas, dreams and professional desires. What types of problems or issues get your juices flowing? Is it fashion, accessories, education, injustice, animals, housing affordability – what’s a problem you face that you would love to fix?

Many preliminary and seemingly impossible daydreams have lead to a lot of creative – and successful businesses today.

Answering these questions got you excited, and inspired to start your own project but you feel stuck where you are, and not quite ready to take a leap (even to start with a little side hustle)? Self-doubt and fear might be holding you back from expressing your true entrepreneurial nature. As will the “stuff” you carry (we all do) that you keep pushing in front of you.

Reflect and review the activities above and get back to me to tell me all about what came up for you in your free coaching session.

It’s never too late to step into the entrepreneurial life.

Admitting you’re bored or uninspired is the first step! Get off the couch after work (and on the weekends), change out of your PJs and start getting inspired. If you journal and seize the moments outlined above you will soon uncover if entrepreneurship is for you and how. I promise!

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Creativity Murielle Marie Creativity Murielle Marie

The multi-passionate struggle: when quitting simply means you’re done

Being a multi-passionate person in today’s world can be difficult.  Multi-passionate creative entrepreneurs are often told that they need to pick a thing and stick to it. But as multi-passionate people know, there’s no real way to do that. At least, not without feeling like you’re leaving out so much of your personality, so many of your passions and dreams. If this need to choose wasn’t enough, there’s something else that is equally annoying, or even worse. That’s the guilt accumulated from not seeing things through or finishing what you started.

But before I dive further into this…

What Is a Multi-Passionate Person Really?

The way I see it (I’m not alone in this), being multi-passionate is simply a personality denominator – not unlike being an introvert or an extrovert. It’s something that you need to be aware of and accept as part of who you are in order to be happy.

Just like introverts and extroverts, multi-passionate people have a number of common personality traits that define them. Especially when it comes to the passion part, where attention and distraction will often form a cycle of various stages that the multi-passionate woman goes through. Here’s a 5-stage example:

1. Beginning a Cycle

You’re at the beginning of a cycle, you’ve just found a new passion.

You’re interested, you start doing research, you learn and enjoy this process just for the sake of acquiring new knowledge.

2. Digging Deeper

You dig deeper and become more aware of the subject you’re interested in. 

You might even get a little obsessed. This new subject is all that you can think or care about, you want to know everything there is to know about it.

3. Telling People

You’re starting to tell people about it. 

You’ve mastered enough information, you want to spread the love and passion all around. Whatever it is, you’re talking about it – a lot.

4. Formalizing Knowledge

You want to formalize this knowledge and pass it on. 

You feel the urge to teach others, so you start a project or put something into place that formalizes the way you share information about your new passion.

5. Starting to Lose Interest

People want what you’ve got – you’ve hooked them – but now you’re starting to lose interest. 

You’re not at the end of your learning curve. You’re just at the beginning or in the middle of sharing your knowledge. But here comes something else into your path, you know it’s time to move on. This coming usually at a point where the outside world will call your work unfinished.

Although the entire process is usually amazing, that last stage often comes with a good dose of guilt and negative feelings. Because, for many multi-passionate people, the journey matters more than the outcome. So, things are left unfinished, or interests change and projects are left for later.

To the multi-passionate person herself, this is not a problem. She’s usually happy with the choices that she makes, with where her passion takes her. It’s for those around her that leaving things the way she does is difficult. In turn, this makes things difficult for her.

We Are Raised to Do, to Achieve

A big part of that is finishing things. Projects and other things we creatively undertake. Even the things we want to learn and master, usually have beginnings, middles, ends. Yet, for multi-passionate women, it’s not finishing that matters. It’s cultivating knowledge, learning something new, mastering a new skill…

Many multi-passionate women are often done with that long before their projects are finished. That’s where the issue lies. Although, as a multi-passionate woman, you might feel satisfied and ready to move on, the world around you tells you you’re a failure, or lazy, or that you can never see anything through. You feel guilty.

But I’m here to tell you that there is no reason for you to feel this way!

You Must Finish What You Start

“You must finish what you start” is a common belief that is certainly true for many things, very helpful to getting things done, I have no doubt. When it comes to multi-passionate creatives, in many cases, this is nothing more than a limiting belief holding them back from being who they are.

Don’t understand me wrong here. I’m not saying that nothing ever needs to be finished, or that systematically leaving things undone is always OK. That’s not what I’m after here. What I am saying is that it’s part of the personality of multi-passionate people to have changing interests once the learning is done, or once a skill is acquired. That is perfectly OK, too.

You might find yourself at a crossroads in your life right now. Maybe a hobby doesn’t serve you well anymore, or maybe you’ve learned all that you could from a particular interest. It might also be that you’re contemplating a much more drastic change, like walking away from a PhD program after investing six years of your life in it, or deciding that your online business isn’t cutting it for you anymore.

Those Are Big Moments, Big Decisions

I want to encourage you to think about yourself and your happiness when you make them. Feel through the guilt and the shame, to what lies ahead on the other side of that: freedom to do what you want to do. Don’t listen to the naysayers, accept that very few people will encourage you at this point. Simply because only a few see the world the way you do.

If that’s your case, if you’re at that point right now, I want you to know that I’ve been there, that I know. I’m so very proud of you. I promise you that quitting is not giving up, or giving in, or lacking willpower.

Quitting, at this point, simply means you’re done.

Do let me know below what crossroads you’re on, or have been on in the past. Where your decisions ultimately led you. I would love to know.

Do you have multiple passions?

We are all born with multiple passions, but many of us lose touch with them as we grow up. We start to think that it’s not possible to have more than one passion at a time. But the truth is, if you want to be successful in business and life, you need to embrace your multi-passions. It will help you become happier and more fulfilled in every aspect of your life.

But what if you're not sure what your passions are? Or if you're afraid of pursuing them because you don't want to fail? That's where private coaching can help. I can help you figure out what your passions are and how to use them to create a successful business.

Click here to schedule your free coaching session today!

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