Career & Business Coaching Blog.

Inspiration and tips for multi-passionate creatives & entrepreneurs.

Creativity, Creative Generalists Murielle Marie Creativity, Creative Generalists Murielle Marie

Multi-passionate Creatives: Why our Flakiness Is a Symptom, Not a Flaw

As multi-passionate creatives we're often told we're flaky, we can't stick to anything long enough to make it work. But the truth is, our flakiness is not a flaw but the symptom of a bigger problem.

As multi-passionate creatives we're forced into an education system that doesn't let our creativity flourish and where our many interests have to be put on hold. On the outside we do as we're told, but inside we rebel against a system that isn't made for us and we refuse to choose. It might not be obvious at first, but as time goes on our inner rebellion leaves a trail of unfinished projects on the shelves.

This makes us look flaky. We often stop before others think we're done, or get discouraged by the lack of support we get when we finally have the courage to follow an interest or creative idea!

Flakiness is a symptom, not a flaw.

As multi-passionate creatives, we're flaky because deep inside our needs for creativity, freedom and self-expression are ignored.

Growing up, I always thought that I would eventually be okay with having to choose one thing over all the others. But as time went by and my creativity became more and more expansive, it became increasingly difficult for me to choose just one thing to focus on.

Every day I thought about how much of myself was lost in all these pursuits: a quarter of me here, a third of me there. I felt so scattered because of how I thought I needed to approach projects, and the time I was supposed to spent on them.

There are so many things that I want to do - from writing to teaching to coaching to getting new and inspiring businesses of the ground.

If I had to choose the "one" thing, I wouldn't be able to come up with anything.

Now, I know better.

The problem is not that we can't choose one thing to focus on, it's not that we're flaky - the problem is that there are so many things out there for us to explore and try! We don't need to choose, instead, we need to figure out how to make all of our interests work together into a life that is worth living.

This pressure to choose is why we're flaky.

As multi-passionate creatives, our flakiness is a symptom of a bigger problem that needs to be solved: our hunger for knowledge, our need for diversity, and our unique creativity must be allowed to flourish and every interest must receive the attention we're willing to give it.

Multi-passionate creatives need to be allowed to explore and not be forced to choose.

It starts by learning more about how our brain works and learning the tools that will keep us focused without robbing us of our many interests.

Here's a few tips on how to get started:

  • Tip #1: Give yourself a creative break: When you feel like quitting on an interest, put it on the shelf for a while first. Sometimes we need a break to get back into the flow of our passions.

  • Tip #2: Work on what you're enjoying right now: Don't focus only on the things you "need to do". Make time to do the things you enjoy, too. Especially if they don't serve any other purpose than to feed your creative nature.

  • Tip #3: Cut down on distractions: Turn off your phone or get into another room so you can focus. Even if you have many interests, when working on one leave the others at the door.

  • Tip #4: Create multi-passionate boundaries: People will always try to tell you what to do. A great way to avoid having to listen to them, is to create what I call strong multi-passionate boundaries. It's OK not to share what you're currently interested in or working on with others. The less they know the better.

  • Tip #5: Find your magic number: From personal experience and working with hundreds creative entrepreneurs I know that focusing on 3 to 5 projects at a time seems to work well for most multi-passionates. It keeps boredom at bay and is still manageable. What's great about having a number is that you know you can always pick something else later.

  • Tip #6: Organize your interests and passion projects: Keep track of all your projects in binders, on your computer, in a note on your phone. The more information you gather about all your interests, the more likely you are to take them further. As a bonus, you'll also feel less scattered, which is always great for a mind like ours.

  • Tip #7: Get creative with flakiness: When you're feeling flaky, go ahead and let an interest slide. Don't worry about what anyone will think or say, because you know best. And remember that you can always come back to the original one later.

I know it sounds so simple! But really, these tips will help you to feel more in control of your many interests and less flaky as a result.

Try them out, you'll see.

If you've ever felt like you have to choose between your many interests, you're not alone.

Through my work I help people find a way to combine their passions and interests and make them work with their career goals. I'll help you explore what's possible so that you can live the life of your dreams.

You deserve more than just an average job or an exhausting business where you're stuck in one place for 40 hours a week. You deserve something fulfilling, challenging, and rewarding. The world needs more people like you who are willing to embrace their unique creative gifts and go after their dreams because you know there is nothing better than living your life doing work you love every day.

Schedule your free session!

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Creativity, Creative Generalists Murielle Marie Creativity, Creative Generalists Murielle Marie

Dear Multi-passionate Creative: You Don't Need More Knowledge, You Need More Action

I don't know about you, but I'm a knowledge junkie. I love to learn and gather knowledge on everything from cooking healthy food, being a good writer, and how best to market my company. I'm sure you know someone like me (psst! if you're reading this article, it's probably you): they love knowledge and are never too tired to learn something new, but using that knowledge and taking action on it isn't always that easy.

"I'm not multi-passionate... I'm not even creative!" is a phrase I hear every day in my coaching practice, even though I coach A LOT of them. The confusion is, I'm sure, partly semantic. As a society, what we associate with passion and creativity is not always how these traits express themselves in us. Traditional creative expression is the form of the arts is probably not how creativity shows itself in most multi-passionate creatives! Problem-solving is much more prevalent as a creative trait than, say, being able to handle a paintbrush or writing poetry (although we can love to do that too!).

Knowledge is our one true passion.

In reality, however, knowledge gathering is what most multi-passionate creatives consider to be their one and genuine passion.

You can see knowledge as the fuel for our creativity. It's what feeds the fire of our ideas and helps them grow into something more tangible - if we take action on them, that is. In that sense, it might be more accurate to call us multi-interested than multi-passionate, with knowledge-craving brains that soak up information like sponges.

The problem is: knowledge can also keep you from taking action on your ideas because there's always something else to learn first!

You might feel like you need another degree or certification before you can do something about your dreams - which in turn holds you back from doing anything and being successful.

If that's you, read on for tips on how knowledge gathering can hinder you and what you could do instead.

  • Tip #1: Knowledge only takes you so far - set yourself a goal for each knowledge-gathering session to take action afterward (e.g., don't just buy the cookbook and read through it, actually learn how to cook one new dish per week).

  • Tip #2: Keep knowledge gathering sessions short - try to limit your trips down the YouTube or Google rabbit hole to no more than 20 minutes. After each session, take a few minutes to write down what you learned and set an action for yourself. What's the next thing you can DO (not learn!) with what you've just researched, read, watched?

  • Tip #3: Focus on one thing at a time - if there's too much knowledge coming at you simultaneously, you won't be able to take action on anything. Turn your knowledge parties into their little projects: it's ok to enjoy it, but have an end goal in mind. Always ask yourself what you can do with what you've learned?

  • Tip #4: Don't feel guilty for indulging in knowledge-gathering - in the end, all knowledge is good knowledge. It won't hold you back forever, and it's good for you to enjoy your passion just for the sake of it sometimes.

  • Tip #5: Remember there's always knowledge to gather - when you feel anxious about not being able to learn or know all the things, remind yourself that knowledge never goes away and that you can always make up camp at the library later.

The key is not necessarily finding more knowledge but taking some action after learning - no matter how big or small that action might be.

It's ok for a knowledge enthusiast like you to indulge in knowledge for the sake of it, but remember that as multi-passionate creatives, we also love building things and seeing them come to life.

When we love knowledge for knowledge's sake and don't take any steps to follow through with our thoughts and dreams, we're just knowledge hoarders.

It's time to stop only gathering knowledge and start taking action too.

Being a lifelong learner will keep you growing as a person (which is fantastic) but being a lifelong doer will add purpose to your life and help you change the world!

You're passionate about learning and knowledge, but you need help taking action?

I'm a certified business and career coach who can help take your passion for knowledge and your many interests and turn them into something tangible. I'll work with you to create a plan that will get you from where you are now to where you want to be (even if you're not sure where that is) - all while still being able to learn new things!

Let's talk more about what we can do together.

Schedule your free session!

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Mindset Murielle Marie Mindset Murielle Marie

How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think of You

My entire life I’ve been intrigued by how differently people perceive the same things, and by how biased we are in our assumptions of what other people think.

As a perfectionist, and people-pleaser I spent a big part of my childhood and adult life worrying about what other people thought of me. On a daily basis I would replay conversations in my head, wondering if I had said or done the right thing. When I was in high school, and later at University, whenever a group of students would stand together talking, if even just one glanced my way, I would immediately assume it was me they were talking about — and probably not in a good way.

Then later on in life, my excessive worry caused me sleepless nights over little conflicts, and friendly disagreements. Any action coming from me that I deemed imperfect would trigger a worry spiral I could hardly get out of.

This constant stress and anxiety was exhausting, and depressing.

This was a long time ago. In the past decade I’ve grown and left most of my worry days behind me and with it the mind-boggling dichotomy that existed between what I was worrying about, and what people were actually thinking.

Of course the road to the (almost) worry-free life I’m living now was a bumpy one. The change didn’t happen overnight. But what I want to share with you today, and what I hope you’ll get out of this article, is that there is a way out of your anxieties and into a more peaceful life. I know, because I’ve been there.

Along that bumpy road I learned a thing or two that I’d love to share with you. So here’s 5 tips to help you stop worrying about what other people think of you: 

#1 Don’t assume you know what someone else is thinking

The group of talking students example above is a beautiful illustration of how our thinking works — and how wrong we are! We almost always assume we know how other people think and feel, based on our own feelings and thoughts. When we’re cold, we automatically assume everyone around us has icicles for feet. When we’re hungry we often think everyone’s ready to eat. When we’re sad the Sun doesn’t even shine as bright as usual. You get the picture.

The first thing to do to worry less about what other people think of you is to realise that you’re most probably wrong about your assumptions of what they’re thinking.

#2 When you think you know go for the best option, not the worst

Although the previous point is a valid one, it’s also hard to do. We’re all — always — alone with our thoughts, and emotions. Just like everyone else is alone with theirs. Assuming we know what someone else is thinking is the normal thing to do. But every time we do we also have the choice to pick the kind of assumptions we make. As a people-pleaser and perfectionist I always assumed the worse because that’s what I was focusing on. But since what we think is probably wrong anyway, we might as well assume the best, don’t we?

The second thing to do to worry less about what other people think of you is to reformulate your negative assumptions into positive ones. Instead of worrying about how silly you looked, or how stupid what you said was focus on how wonderful everyone thinks you are. They were probably not thinking about you anyway. Oh but wait, that’s the next point…

#3 People lead busy lives

I lead a busy life, and I bet you do to. In fact, everyone’s life is busy to the brink. It’s the disease of our times. When you look at the statistics, they’re staggering. On average a worker now produces in 11 hours what a worker in the 1950’s produced in 40 hours. I know, right? Although this is alarming — and the subject of a future article, the good news is that busy people don’t have a lot of time to think about other people.

The third thing to do to worry less about what other people think of you is to remember how busy people are, leaving very little room in their schedules to think about you.

#4 In doubt, ask

Sometimes worry controls you. You’re trying to follow tips one, two, and three but nothing’s working. Whatever you do, you keep on tossing and turning that conversation in your head. If you’re anything like me, you might even have winning arguments with them in your head, you know the ones in which you’re telling them how it is.

The fourth thing to do to worry less about what other people think of you is to ask them about it. Although this might feel daunting to you now, I promise it will release at least parts (and often all) of the fears, the worries, and the anxiety that you’re currently experiencing.

#5 Trust, love and appreciate yourself more

In the end, living an anxiety-free life is an inside job. I’ve found no better remedy to worry than to learn to trust, love, and appreciate myself more. The more you do that, the more self-confidence you’ll have, and the less you’ll worry about what other people think of you.

In the end all that matters is what you think of yourself.

Do you feel like you're always worrying about what other people think of you?

I know how it feels to be constantly stressed and anxious. You might not even realize that this is happening because it's become your normal state of being. But the truth is, we all deserve peace and happiness in our lives. We don't need to live with constant worry or anxiety!

My private coaching series will help you break free from these worries so that they no longer affect your life. It'll give you a sense of relief knowing that there are things in life more important than what others think of us - like living a happy, fulfilling life and doing work you love! Or perhaps even building that business on the side!

Schedule your free session!

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Career Change Murielle Marie Career Change Murielle Marie

7 habits that will completely change your career

Sometimes focusing on the end goal can be daunting when you’re unsure about what you really want. Especially for creatives and multi-passionate entrepreneurs, having to choose often feels like losing. What if I’m wrong? How do I “win” at this game called success? It’s even more difficult when your knowledge keeps evolving, and your interests keep changing… which often happens when thinking about career advancement or change.

Did someone take your idea again or not give you credit? Feeling bored and uninspired? Unhappy where you are? Stuck and unsure? Looking for a new, and greater challenge? Thinking about starting a little something on the side?

There are specific habits that successful creative entrepreneurs consistently act on to help grow their careers or businesses. Developing yourself professionally only works when it’s intentional. You have to want it, and work at it.

We often delay happiness in the relentless pursuit of accolades, status and money. We lose sight of something deeper and more purposeful in our careers when we only feel validated through external self-worth. This isn’t sustainable. Understanding what is helping you or preventing (!) you from creating positive habits in your career can help mitigate some of those stumbling blocks.

In the end, your career can only grow as much as yourself.

#1 Check your baseline

Where are you right now? How are you feeling? What’s been on your mind (or to-do list) lately that is important but keeps going by unnoticed? What’s the itch you can’t scratch, and where did it come from? Checking in with yourself regularly is an important step towards change. What parts of your career need some spring-cleaning or inspiration? Where do you see yourself in five years – is it time to set some new goals?

#2 Give more compliments

Sometimes we’re so fixated on what isn’t working we forget about what is. Build empathy by seeing through someone else’s eyes or walking in someone else’s shoes. By listening, validating and giving positive feedback you can create a foundation for relationship building, even if you’re not best friends with your co-workers, boss or the people on your team. This change in atmosphere can be the reinvigoration you, and your career needs – kill them with kindness. However, it’s not the solution for a very challenging or toxic work environment. If you have to stay there, you can try to make the most of it, for now. 

#3 Overcome perfectionism

Avoiding failure is a deeply rooted focus on the negative. In order to dissolve the barriers holding you back from career success, you have to let go of control. Demanding an abstract form of perfectness might make you miss the mark because you were fixated on doing things perfectly, rather than delivering progress. Remember there’s a difference between setting standards of excellence and setting standards no one can reasonably meet, including you.

#4 Invest more in yourself

Filling your own cup is one of the best returns on investment – you are investing in your future career by growing as an individual. Whether that’s through nutrition, meditation, yoga, a new class, online courses or hiring a coach, valuing yourself instead of waiting for external praise is the mindset that will help you grow the most. Say “yes” to yourself more, and considerately say “no” to others to create the necessary space for your well-being, and growth.

#5 Take leadership seriously

Sometimes we forget we can be role models and lead teams. We go about our day or want to get the job done. Do not underestimate your ability to use your creativity and transformational skills. We all have the potential to step up and create change. This includes self-management, taking the right risks, making those difficult decisions and being adaptable. 

#6 Expand your skills

Sometimes we get stuck because we don’t have a clear vision. The best way out of it is to develop new skills. Manage your money, plan your next adventure, or learn how to write a book – get curious with something you enjoy that doesn’t necessarily pay. Remember that you need your interests and passions to be happy and to thrive, but not all of them need to turn into businesses or a career! Invest in the skills you have and build the ones you’re lacking. Never stop learning and don’t underestimate the power of knowledge to up-level your career, at any stage in life.

#7 Connect, connect, connect

Do you avoid work breaks? Skip on the after-work get togethers? Dread the networking events that you know could bring in new business? My advice is to show up. As women especially, we’re still too often the silent birdies in the workplace and at the decision table. It's not only about connecting, but also about making sure people "see" you and your potential. You never know who you might meet, or what new idea you might get. So get out there. 

Practice these seven habits consistently and you’ll completely change your career. Finding the necessary mentors or coaches to support you can be an added strength. 

Investing in yourself and your growth are career-changing habits you can start with right now. The benefit will show faster than daily trips to the gym, I promise you. 

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Career Change Murielle Marie Career Change Murielle Marie

How to change careers with what you already have

Career exploration sounds more difficult than a NASA mission to Mars. The older you get, the more you wonder: a new career, is that even possible? Changing course might be daunting when there’s a perception that you’re throwing away the “perfect” career or that you don’t have the degrees or skills needed to make the change. Yet, the 9-5 hamster wheel is losing its appeal now that loyalty, benefits and pensions no longer guarantees career success and satisfaction or outweighs the boredom and lack of purpose that many driven creatives experience every day. 

Professionals are job-hopping more than before, some twice as much as they did two decades ago (often not for money). Career change is no longer taboo, it’s becoming the norm. Value differences, burnout, and stress are leading people to second-guess the career they’re currently in. Regardless of the trend, many still feel stuck. What if you could start a new career (or business) with what you already have – the skills, attitudes and value system that could inspire growth in new directions?

Using your experiences and transferable skills is not new. We do this all the time when pivoting or moving up the chain of command. We fake it until we make it. Critical thinking, problem solving, writing, creative thinking, researching – your multi-passionate creative skills can be applied in any industry or niche. The point is: you have what it takes and anything you don’t know yet, you can learn. On the job, that is! Not by first enrolling in another course or degree, you’ve done enough of that already…

Focusing on what that next step is starts with the first step you can take right where you are. Let’s use the four C’s approach to starting that new career, whatever it may be, using what you already have in your proverbial toolbox. 


What’s inspiring the desire for change? Thinking about a new career, what excites you? Being outdoors? Getting more creative? Being your own boss? What will sustain you when you’re not making money from the get-go? Why the change and why now? Change is good, but preparation is key. Being in the right mindset will help you tremendously when the transition might not go as planned. 

Cross-functional skills 

As mentioned, you’re well stocked with skills, even some that are under-utilised where you currently work. What professional muscles do you want to stretch? Remember, you do not have to limit yourself to your current industry. What are the skills, strengths and preferences you can hone in on? What are the skills that are effortless and productive? 


As humans we naturally prefer comfort to discomfort, safety to fear. This is why many delay making a change for weeks, years and even decades. If you’re naturally a predictable person, with an inclination towards security and structure, you might be risk averse, but ask yourself what comforts are you willing to sacrifice for more fulfilling and meaningful work? And ultimately, looking back five or ten years from now, will you regret not making a different choice?


Every new idea is launched with some bravado. A career change is no exception. It helps to have support. As a career and business coach, I help clients overcome the fear and inner doubt that keeps them stuck and plagues professionals seeking change, regardless of age or social status. Ultimately, your experiences and desires will defeat any inner uncertainty, but only when you realize what this change truly means for you. 

You must have heard of imposter syndrome and that inner doubt, but your strengths and interests speak for themselves, as do the accolades (accept the compliments!). The multi-passionate research will move you forward while the four C’s will help you navigate some answers to those tough questions. 

There’s no Secret for Preparation

Preparation requires soul-searching, countless podcasts, and a collection of self-help books you can gloat about, but you cannot stay inactive forever.

What will be that final nudge towards taking that one confident step in a new direction? You might be hesitant to send in your resignation, or you might be feverishly ready to do so without a game plan. Either way, consider what is required if and when you decide to change, but more importantly how that change will look and work for you.

You might not have the time or energy to decipher all of this and that’s okay. If you desire to seek a new career with what you already have, there’s an entire world out there to support your vision. Undeniably, there will be people and factors in your life that will prevent you from seeking change; remember your responses to the four C’s when that happens. 

Always go back to the proof in your achievements and what you’re truly proud of – not what you’re lacking. No achievement you’ve made is without its lessons and merits. Now onto the next career challenge you’re seeking!

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Career Change Murielle Marie Career Change Murielle Marie

Ambitious and creative? Entrepreneurship might be a good fit for you.

Admit it, you’re a passionate, life long learner person. You’re thorough, and a bit of a perfectionist at times. Now, what does that have to do with entrepreneurship?

You’re open to new experiences and you’re never bored learning something new. You’re conscientious too. After all, you want to read and review a report or email at least three times before sending (guilty :)), help others on different teams when you already have four projects on the go, or clean every nook in the house and run 5 errands in one day before calling it quits. You’re ambitious and creative.

But these qualities can work for you or against you. If you feel like you’re hitting a dead end where you are in your life and career right now, here’s something to ponder…

From my coaching experience, more often than not, my clients have a hidden itch and talent for entrepreneurship – actually most of them eventually follow that path. They work with me and uncover what their deepest dreams and goals are. Let’s see if that’s what you want to do also…

1. Was that child curiously leader-driven?

Revisit your younger self, when you were your most passionate and imaginative. What were you doing in unrestrained happiness? Check out the photo albums and speak with family and friends. Was that child hustling and trying to sell things to unsuspecting family members? (Guilty) Was that child in charge, curious and a little, okay, quite bossy? (Yep, that too!) Did you have a stronger feeling of wanting to problem solve or fix everything when you were younger? 

2. Do you have an idea?

You probably have an endless supply of ideas and hundreds of notes in your phone. (Hello multi-passionate mind!) Things you quash or forget easily because, well, you’re busy! Go back and review those notes. Go back to certain years in your life when you had an aha! moment. Go back to those conferences, events or people you learned from that left you in awe. What ideas are you brewing now?

3. What does your dream life look like?

You might keep a journal, a mood board, or a vision board on Pinterest of all you want to do in your life. If you have none of those, now’s the time to do so. Grab some magazines, or just put on your favorite playlist and meditate. Centre yourself on what you’ve been thinking about. 

If money and resources were not an issue, what would you do?

4. Who inspires you?

When getting to know your entrepreneurial spirit, listening is more important than speaking. Listen to yourself and to others. If you’re networking, pause and get to know everyone, and find out from the people around you, what entrepreneurship is like and what their favorite part is. Hey, maybe you’ll end up with a mentor! What entrepreneurs are you instantly feeling connected with? Are their success stories inspiring you to start your own thing?

5. What’s holding you back?

When was the last time you faced uncertainty, but you were in control? That’s kind of like considering being your own boss. You learn the skills as you go, yes (hello, Google), but you also have to get inspired by your inner child, ideas, dreams and professional desires. What types of problems or issues get your juices flowing? Is it fashion, accessories, education, injustice, animals, housing affordability – what’s a problem you face that you would love to fix?

Many preliminary and seemingly impossible daydreams have lead to a lot of creative – and successful businesses today.

Answering these questions got you excited, and inspired to start your own project but you feel stuck where you are, and not quite ready to take a leap (even to start with a little side hustle)? Self-doubt and fear might be holding you back from expressing your true entrepreneurial nature. As will the “stuff” you carry (we all do) that you keep pushing in front of you.

Reflect and review the activities above and get back to me to tell me all about what came up for you in your free coaching session.

It’s never too late to step into the entrepreneurial life.

Admitting you’re bored or uninspired is the first step! Get off the couch after work (and on the weekends), change out of your PJs and start getting inspired. If you journal and seize the moments outlined above you will soon uncover if entrepreneurship is for you and how. I promise!

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Smart Work for Creatives Murielle Marie Smart Work for Creatives Murielle Marie

Smart work habits for creatives and entrepreneurs

There’s a difference between doing things mindlessly and doing things consciously. Have you ever gone grocery shopping and realized once you got home that you bought *some* (ahem, a lot) of unhealthy options? And that you forgot the apples?!

This is only a small example of how we operate on autopilot most of the time. Now what does that look like for a multi-passionate creative trying to get work done? 

Habits and Productivity

With a multi-passionate, creative mind like yours I know you struggle with focusing – I’ve been there. You let distractions get the better of you, you tend to be indecisive about the fourteenth great idea you have, and you just feel like you’re too busy all the time! (Spoiler, you’re not truly being productive, you just look like you are…). So, how can you finally get to work so you can achieve all the things you want? 

Awareness is the idea that you’re mindful of your internal and external surroundings. We practice being aware through specific mindsets or behaviours, for example in the form of a new daily habit or ritual. This adds a layer of meaning and purpose to what you’re doing. What’s a ritual, or formal process (or ceremony) you can start tomorrow that’s small? This could be as simple as a five minute routine in the morning, an act of self-care, something you do when preparing a meal, journaling… The idea is to find something small that can help you shift into action. 

Too many ideas? Journal them.
Don’t know how to start a business as a multi-passionate ambitious creative? Speak with a coach.
Feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list? Take a course on working smarter and not harder.

Trust me, I know because not only was I there (not knowing who I was and what my personal dreams were), but those are the exact clients I serve today (feel free to sign up for a free consult – no pressure!). 

What will help you do things differently from now on? 

Creating new, automatic actions that help you achieve your goals. I like to call them rituals, but you can call them something else. They can help shape or shift you, changing you on a deeper level. 

Daily rituals act like small but important ceremonies, where you’re consciously allowing things to take place rather than being overwhelmed, distracted or careless. That’s why they’re such an important part of the Smart Work that I teach. Adjusting your daily habits is something you can do with anything in your life – regardless of how big or small, whether it’s moving more slowly, eating nutritiously, or making decisions that will impact where your career takes you. But most importantly with purpose rather than just rushing it because everyone else is doing it. A ritual is personal and should fit you like a glove. 

Smart Work is also a free challenge I developed about these very issues my clients face over and over. It’s about more than just knowing what to do to achieve your goals, but embodying it so you don’t give up if it doesn’t go perfectly the first time

By inviting intentional rituals into your life you rewire your entire system. 

You’re addressing those habits that might get in your way, whether it’s distraction, fear, feeling like you’re not enough, or you might not deserve it. The stagnant and exhausted parts of your life need a breath of fresh air. 

Habits and rituals are important because they add your senses to your day-to-day life, so you’re not just centring life on what you produce. Life is not meant to be tedious work. If you’ve been busy this whole time and you still feel like the finish line keeps being pushed back it’s time for a different approach.

Knowing what the first step is – what helps align with who you want to be and how you want to feel – is important. 

You can’t create something new when there’s no space for it.

What is currently serving you? What isn’t serving you? Is stress and overwhelm a common denominator at every turn? Let’s focus on 6 specific habits around smart work.

Smart work habits for creatives and entrepreneurs

  1. Banish Distractions: address distractions holding you back. Overwhelmed? What’s causing it? How do you stop them? Why are you doing what you’re doing and why *that* specific goal? What’s the relationship you have with yourself, and how can you get time to work for you and not against you?

  2. Build Healthy Boundaries: what are safe and reasonable ways for how you expect yourself and others to behave? What do you require to understand your own needs, priorities – mentally and emotionally? How do you communicate? Do you know how to say “no”? Saying “no” and letting go of guilt, negative self-talk and boosting the positive chemicals in your brain are vital to be smart about your time!

  3. Embrace Simplicity: let’s declutter (music to Marie Kondo’s ears!). Not just physical things, but digital, personal and emotional. If you want to be truly productive then you must be willing to move from chaos to calm and easy systems, (eliminate, automate and delegate), to let go and create space for things that truly matter. Are you still holding onto too much baggage? Then you’ll keep paying for the extra fee.

  4. Find Balance: we hear this as “work-life balance,” but it’s more than that because you’re not just the work you produce, you’re so much more! Finding balance means getting focused, intentional and not running on autopilot. What does true success mean to you and not other people? Do you suffer from imposter syndrome? That constant feeling of inadequacy around what you can and can’t achieve? What if those thoughts were learned and inherited from other people? How can you truly find balance as a woman in today’s society?

  5. Create Daily Rituals: working smarter and not harder requires attention and intention – you need to focus on your inner voice. What nourishes you, your habits, and your self-awareness and daily routines? What is the anatomy of an effective goal? Have your lessons in life been practical or short-lived? Do you still feel overwhelmed by chaos, or are you ready to turn new habits into inspiring and life-changing daily rituals?

  6. Master Smart Work: There’s only so much growth you can do on your own, even for an overachieving perfectionist (hello there!). The truth is you must create a deep sense of awareness within yourself. How do you remain present? Accept the highs and lows? Transform the old into the new? How do you keep self-sabotage in check? You’re on a journey to uncover your unique recipe to success and that requires transforming your internal programming in the final step towards smart work.

How do you want to grow as a creative or entrepreneur? Ditch the old, and embrace the new (and not in a cheesy, new year’s resolutions again, kind of way). 

By addressing these key ingredients to Smart Work you might be closer to your dreams than you’ve ever been before. 

So what’s next for you? As we close off the past, I encourage you to slow down and realize that you’ve accomplished so much and only the best is yet to come. 

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