Get Unstuck with Murielle Marie.

Weekly podcast for creatives & entrepreneurs.

#14 How to overcome perfectionism and stop sabotaging yourself

#14 How to overcome perfectionism and stop sabotaging yourself

Perfectionism is often hard to spot. A lot is going on beneath the surface of hesitation and procrastination. It's a symptom of a bigger problem, usually due to low self-esteem or lack of trust in our abilities. It's been connected to a fixed mindset, the idea that your skills are set and you can't change them, and even to trauma and childhood wounds. Whatever the root cause, perfectionism is a protection mechanism created by our brains in response to our experiences as children (or even later in life) and the beliefs we have accumulated as a result.

I'm a recovering perfectionist. You should have seen me ten years ago. Unable to deliver any report or client work without finetuning it for weeks, often after procrastinating on getting started for at least that long. Today, I'm able to finish projects much faster, and more importantly, create better work in the process. More about how to overcome perfectionism, and how to stop sabotaging yourself in this episode.

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#12 What’s a creative generalist? And are you one?

#12 What’s a creative generalist? And are you one?

Creative generalists are among my favorite kind of people. They're people - and I count myself as one of them, and so do many of my clients and friends - with a broad range of interests and skills across different fields. They could be teachers, entrepreneurs, artists, engineers, mathematicians, scientists, or any combination. Anyone could be a creative generalist, it simply depends on how their creative brain is wired and the way they choose to use it.

If you've been listening to my podcast, you might have heard me mention creative generalists a few times, and you may have wondered what exactly it is. If so, you’re in luck! For after this episode you’ll know all about it!

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#11 How to stop caring what other people think of you

#11 How to stop caring what other people think of you

We all want to be liked and accepted in our lives, whether at work, in our family, at school, or socially. This is a natural and necessary inclination; we're born with it and develop it during childhood. But, when it reaches an excessive level, especially as adults, it can turn into a worrying and even paralyzing habit. 

Here's the thing: You cannot control what others think of you. 

The good news is it's possible to break free from this cycle of overthinking and worrying about what people think. That's what we explore in this week's episode.

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#9 Your environment shapes your life

#9 Your environment shapes your life

When working with people to help them get unstuck, I tend to return to what Jim Rohn, an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker, famously said: “We’re the average of the five people we spent the most time with.”

From personal experience, I believe that statement to be true. When I look back on the environments I was in at specific periods of my life and what I was doing, I see a direct correlation between the people in my life and the decisions I was making or the dreams I was having.

This is what I want to talk about:  that our environment influences our emotions, our emotions influence our thinking, our thinking influences our actions and our actions shape our life.

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#8 It’s not because you know how to do something, that you should actually do it

#8 It’s not because you know how to do something, that you should actually do it

Are you someone who gets excited about new ideas? Do you easily get carried away with your enthusiasm? Are you the one, when something needs to be done, whatever it is, that will raise a hand and say "I'll do it!"

If you said yes to any of these questions, then this episode is for you! Here I want to talk about something very important, both in your life and especially in your career or business, something that I took a long time to learn and that I tell creatives and entrepreneurs all the time: it’s not because you know how to do something, that you should actually do it.

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#7 How to stop being too nice and become authentically assertive

#7 How to stop being too nice and become authentically assertive

Being polite or nice can be a way to be civil and courteous but also a way to avoid real engagement or confrontation. It can be a way to avoid conflict, because it's easier sometimes not to face the situation in front of us. I know that's how I avoided painful situations in the past.

Now, I still don't engage in conflict very much, but it's not out of fear, it's more in a "pick your battles" kind of way. I just decide when or not to engage in it. That is very different from avoiding conflict altogether or accepting other people's behavior without ever standing up for yourself.

I don't want to talk about that type of culturally accepted politeness that’s a superficial way of being nice or courteous. I want to talk about the type of "being too nice" that affects you in a negative way, in your life and at work or in your business.

Being too nice is the kind of attitude that makes you say "yes" to something you don't want to do, that makes you accept disrespect from others and that makes you put your own needs and beliefs aside in order to make someone else happy. The kind that makes a pushover out of you. That's the kind I’m talking about.

Do you feel addressed? Then this episode may be useful for you!

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#6 How to stop procrastinating as a creative (aka, rebels also rebel against themselves)

#6 How to stop procrastinating as a creative (aka, rebels also rebel against themselves)

We’re going to talk about your inner rebel! You have one, trust me! It's a funny character. It's keeping you from doing the stuff you say you’re going to do, making trouble but also making sure you don’t get trapped into a life without freedom.

Do you feel like this is you? Then you are in the right place! We will go into more depth about your inner rebel and how you can deal with it to move forward in everything you want to do!

All of that and a step by step explanation of how I write everything out in a paper planner from StructuurJunkie (The business planner edition) and how you can use my unique freedom schedule strategy in this episode! Let’s get started.

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#5 The fear of change and learning how to deal with uncertainty

#5 The fear of change and learning how to deal with uncertainty

In my daily life it was very difficult to deal with so much stress and anxiety, especially as an entrepreneur who knew how useful it can be to take more risks and worry less. That’s why I’m so glad I’ve taught myself how to deal with it much better. 

There’s no comparison between how anxious and uncomfortable I used to feel just thinking about change, and how I actually enjoy it now because I know that change equals growth, improvement, progress, moving towards your full potential. Without embracing change, I would not be where I am today and I would not feel as happy and successful as I do. 

That’s what I talk about in this episode. What the fear of change and uncertainty actually is, how you can deal with it and how you can learn to let go of control in order to grow.

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#4 Trusting yourself and not breaking promises to yourself to improve your self-confidence

#4 Trusting yourself and not breaking promises to yourself to improve your self-confidence

It seems harmless to tell ourselves something one day and start doing something completely different the next, but this is far from the truth! We’ve been taught to keep promises to others, but we’ve never been told that the same applies to what we tell ourselves. Even though those promises are so much more important! The most important!

The biggest problem with this habit is that little by little, with each promise you break to yourself, you also undermine your self-confidence. If you get into a cycle of promising yourself that you will do something, but end up never doing it, you can lose confidence in yourself so much that eventually you just don't believe that you’re capable of anything - besides procrastinating that is.

Learning to not break the promises I made to myself has been crucial to achieve this. It seems trivial but in this episode I'll go into more detail about it, because it's been a real eye-opener for me, and I hope it will be for you too.

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#3 Get more out of your brain by cultivating a relationship with it

#3 Get more out of your brain by cultivating a relationship with it

In recent years I’ve worked hard to build a relationship with my brain. Today, I believe we understand each other pretty well and have a lot to gain from working together as a team, so I’d say we have a great relationship, my brain and I. But this wasn’t always the case.

Instead of fretting and constantly asking yourself the same questions until you're in a mental cramp that you can't get out of, why not instruct your brain to work with the problem? Instead of consciously overthinking and going around in circles, why not prompt your unconscious mind to look for solutions. That’s the relationship I’ve developed (and continue to develop) with my brain, and what this episode is all about.

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#2 Overcome your fears: reprogram your nervous system

#2 Overcome your fears: reprogram your nervous system

You know that feeling? When the voice in your head never shuts up, when it only says negative things and works out doomsday scenarios about everything that can and WILL go wrong in your life, your work,...?

Chances are that your fears are holding you back from moving forward, keeping you stuck in a place you don't really want to be: in a job you hate, in a relationship that no longer makes you happy,...

If you recognize yourself in what I just said, then this episode is for you! Today I want to talk about how to overcome your fears and anxiety, and the important role that reprogramming your nervous system plays in doing so. 

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#1 Why this podcast?

#1 Why this podcast?

Hi, I'm Murielle Marie. Welcome to this first episode of my brand new podcast! I want to share with you why I decided to launch this podcast, and share a little bit more about myself and my journey. Who’s the voice with the slightly french accent you’re listening to right now? Where does this person come from, and why does she care so much about getting you unstuck?

I’ll do my best to answer them, and hopefully to get you a little bit excited about what’s to come! 

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Get Unstuck with Murielle Marie - Podcast Trailer

Get Unstuck with Murielle Marie - Podcast Trailer

Have you always felt like an outsider? That you don't fit into a box? That you're living more for others than for yourself? I feel you! Sometimes we just need the courage to say 'Fuck It' and break free from everything that holds us back in life! 

I'm Murielle Marie, philosopher, an entrepreneur for 20 years, and now a Career and Business Coach for almost ten years for those who want to move forward in life. Getting Unstuck is my mantra! 

Do you want to free yourself from what's holding you back from living life to the fullest, from choosing yourself and a career that works for you? If so, let's grab a cup of coffee or tea on Monday morning. Let's think and reflect together so you can finally achieve your dreams. We will do this through exercises, experiments, and little acts of daily rebellion that you can try out. It will be super fun, I promise! Let's do this!

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