Career & Business Coaching Blog.

Inspiration and tips for multi-passionate creatives & entrepreneurs.

Get Unstuck, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Murielle Marie Get Unstuck, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Murielle Marie

Are you secretly an entrepreneur, and how can you develop those skills to succeed?

In my work, I meet with clients daily who are afraid that their lives aren’t turning out the way they thought they would. Their current world is so different from the goals and dreams they had as a child. We discuss their fears and try to figure out what they would have done if resources and money hadn’t been a factor. Often, they end up discussing a product or idea they would have created. 

I love these moments. This is when I get to point out that they are an entrepreneur. They may have gone to school for engineering or medicine, but if they’ve always dreamed of producing a particular type of silicone scar cream that works on stretch marks, they’re an entrepreneur. The same is true for the mother who loved planners but didn’t like how limiting they were for parents with multiple children. If she believes she could create something better, she’s an entrepreneur. 

Are you picking up what I’m putting down?

If you have an idea or a product you think would help someone, if you see challenges everywhere and come up with solutions in your mind, you’re an entrepreneur. 

So, how does this help you? Why would knowing you’re an entrepreneur help you start a business

Being an entrepreneur is not a job description; it’s a personality trait. Knowing your personality can help you figure out how to achieve your goals. Take the doctor who wants to create the scar cream above. If they think they’re just a doctor, they won’t try making the cream. They’ll offer the idea to someone else in that industry. But, if they believe they’re an entrepreneur, they will take the time to figure out how to get the cream developed, researched, tested, and into public hands. 

Now that you know you’re an entrepreneur, how can you develop those skills to succeed? 

  1. Understand your competition. Entrepreneurs are good at tunnel vision. We know the product or service we want to offer and hone in on that. Sometimes, though, we forget people who might have similar ideas. An essential skill as an entrepreneur is to figure out who your competition might be and why they might be able to produce the product or service quicker or more efficiently than you. Then, develop a plan to stand out and move forward. If you’re creating a planner with families in mind, you’ll want to know what other family planners are on the market, what makes them family-friendly, and what you think they’re missing. Investigate their marketing strategies, where they post online, and how they talk to their customers. Figure out your own voice and marketing plan to make yourself stand out.

  2. Make sure there is a need. If there is no need for your product or service, there is no market for it. When you have an idea, you want to ensure that it’s something people want or need. The second best entrepreneurial skill is being a solution to someone’s problem. You saw a challenge and think you have an answer to it. But is that true? For instance, if you want to create a course on underwater basket weaving, you better know if anyone wants to learn how. Alternatively, if you know there is a need to teach small businesses the benefits of email marketing, you’ll know who to market to after you create your e-course on the topic.

  3. Network like your life depends on it. Networking is one of my favorite things to do and one of the things I’m incredibly passionate about. I think one of the reasons I’ve been successful is how much I enjoy networking and connecting with people. When starting as an entrepreneur, even before you have a solid idea or product, networking can help fuel your fire like nothing else can. When you network, you create valuable connections with people who might be interested in investing in your business later on. It also enables you to expand your knowledge and learn from other professionals or even meet a mentor or two who will have a lasting impact on your work.

Learning that you’re an entrepreneur is the first step to going after the life and work you want to pursue. Discovering how entrepreneurial traits can improve your success is the foundation of your success.

Got an Idea for a Product or Service?

When you have an idea for a product or service but aren’t sure how to get started, it can be super overwhelming.

That’s where I come in! I help my clients turn those ideas into tangible things that make a difference in their lives and the world. Burning to get started?

Schedule your free session!

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How to stop getting stuck in the Zone of Ideation

Have you ever started to think about something - an event, a business, a job, a partner - and then gotten stuck in this loop where your mind just wanders into every possibility - good and bad, but you never seem to get out of that loop?

If you nodded yes, great. You’re in good company!

When creativity hits, I start doing something with it to prevent myself from getting stuck in that loop of questioning and thinking. Sometimes, though, it’s inevitable, and my mind starts to wander. I begin tothink of all the ways I could do this thing I was just inspired to do, and before I know it, I’ve talked myself into - and out of - a hundred different scenarios for how to bring it to life or if I even should. 

For instance, when I was thinking about doing a book launch in NYC, I walked through all the reasons this was a good idea, all the reasons it was a bad idea, and all the ways I could find the time to organise such an event while also continuing to coach, write, and speak. There were a few days where I was fully present in my mind, going through every scenario of how launching “Get Unstuck!” in NYC could play out. I got so lost thinking about it that I almost didn’t do the work I needed to do to make it happen. 

I was in a loop, and it was getting harder and harder.

I like to call this loop the “Zone of Ideation” (ZOI).

Usually, you hit the ZOI right before you fully enter the tar pit of stuckness. You’ll be traveling along, an idea will hit, and before you can do anything about it, you’ve already started your loop of question, answer, question, distraction, answer, distraction, question, etc. Before you know it, that loop has pulled you into the tar. You’re sinking below its depths as it burbles alongside you. 

You’re stuck.

Our goal is to either avoid the ZOI altogether or pull yourself out of it before you hit the pit. 

So, how do you go about doing that? 

  1. Identify your automatic response. Your automatic response is precisely what it sounds like - the response your brain and body make when it experiences a particular stimulus. A good example of an automatic response is breathing. Breathing is so intuitive you don’t even realize you’re doing it - until you’re gasping for it. Another example of an automatic response is how your body feels when you’re called on to share during a work call or your go-to response when someone says how are you. When creativity or an idea hits, what’s your automatic response? Do you burrow and hide? Do you ruminate? Do you start doing? What are the first signs? Make yourself aware of them so we can start to change them. 

  2. Change your mindset. I know it sounds simpler said than done, but sometimes, it really is as simple as doing it. When it comes to our mindsets, we’re either fixed or flexible (commonly called a growth mindset). People with fixed mindsets have difficulty changing how they see things. People with flexible mindsets have an easier time changing their views and going with the flow. The best part is that fixed mindsets can become flexible with just a little work. Once you’ve identified your automatic response and which mindset you lean towards, you can start adapting your mindset to fit the desired outcome. 

  3. Decide on a goal and stick to it. When you have difficulty retreating from the ZOI, it’s probably because you’ve created several goals and want to achieve all of them at once. Instead, focus on one goal you know you can achieve soon and then go after it. Once you’ve accomplished that goal, you can identify the next - and the next - and the next. Before you know it, you’ll have achieved precisely what you wanted. I like to look at these goals as a bucket list instead. Things that I want to achieve just for me, no one else. The word “goal” makes it sound like it’s for someone else’s benefit or some external reward. Bucket list items are solely for me and I can pursue them slowly and with meaning. 

When you enter the ZOI, it can be tough to pull yourself out before getting truly stuck. However, the more you practice the steps above, the easier it will be. Then, one day, avoiding the ZOI or getting unstuck more quickly will become second nature to you. 

P.S. Don’t forget Get Unstuck! is now on the shelves on Amazon! If you’re interested in how to get unstuck when you’re sinking in the tar pit of stuckness, this book is the only roadmap you’ll need! Click here to find the Amazon site nearest to you.

Dangerously close to the Zone of Ideation?

My clients know that mindset work is one of my favorite things to do with them. It is so incredible to see them think one way and then shift not only their mindset but also their actions within a short time.

If you feel like the ZOI is pulling you in, forcing you to focus on all the things that could be from this one idea, it’s time to learn some new tools!

Schedule your free session!

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How She Did It Murielle Marie How She Did It Murielle Marie

How Jill learned to believe in herself and find the right clients

I first met Jill when she was looking for support and advice about how to pursue her dreams of owning a successful branding company without losing herself to imposter syndrome - or to her other many interests! Together, we worked on figuring out what her next steps might be in creating a true portfolio career for the Jill-of-all-trades that she is. It allowed her to let go of her negative self-talk and improve her self-confidence. She always had many talents and skills; she just needed a little bit of help to figure out how to combine them into a fulfilling career. Here’s how she did it.

What was your big dream, and what inspired you to go after it?

When I was younger, I had many interests—and I still do. Art captivated me; I attended art classes in my free time, procured books on drawing, and practiced consistently. I was equally fascinated by computers, and I remember buying one with my savings at age 11, though I had no clue how to use it. Additionally, I was passionate about dancing and gymnastics and pursued them at a club. I even dreamt of owning a tearoom. With any remaining time, I played teacher with my dolls. So, did I have one overarching dream? Not exactly. It was more like a thousand dreams, with life too brief to accommodate them all. Yet, through it all, the arts remained a consistent presence in my life.

Did you always have this dream?

As I grew older, the allure of fine arts persisted. However, I was still determininghow to transform that passion into a career. While my drawing skills weren't exceptional, I was blessed with a vibrant, creative mind and a vast imagination. When two of my friends chose to study a  'Master in Fine Arts - Graphic Design,' it was my eureka moment. It combined creativity, drawing, and computer work – a perfect blend of my interests!

Transitioning from a science background and lacking formal art education from high school was challenging. But my passion and determination were there. I dedicated myself wholeheartedly and emerged successful—with honors, no less!

What was one of the first things you did to get you started?

I was employed as a graphic designer at a company, but over time, I felt my passion waning. So, in 2004, I launched IN.DRUK as a side venture. Within IN.DRUK, I was free to design based on what I believed best suited my clients without the constraints of someone telling me what to do. This lasted for 13 years. During some years, I was swamped with work, while in others, I barely designed anything. Meanwhile, in my primary job, I transitioned to an account manager role at a printing firm. There, I discovered a genuine love for sales and entrepreneurship. By 2017, I felt ready to fully commit, and I embraced IN.DRUK as my full-time endeavor.

What were the biggest challenges you faced in working toward achieving your dream?

I had fears about the financial implications of my decision, as I was leaving a secure position that offered a generous salary, a luxurious car, and various other benefits. Growing up, my parents had always emphasized the importance of financial stability. Hence, confronting this fear became one of my most significant challenges.

What do you wish you would have done differently? What would you warn others about?

In hindsight, I wouldn’t change a thing. While my mistakes were tough in the moment, they provided invaluable lessons later on. One of the most profound realizations I've come to over the years is that I am enough. Simply being myself is not just acceptable, but it's perfect. There's a space for everyone. It's essential not to compare ourselves to others, as each person's journey is unique. We often see only the highlight reel, not the 'behind the scenes' of people's lives. It's also okay if not everyone approves or likes you. Granting myself the freedom to carve my path and to trust my intuition was, perhaps, one of the most empowering decisions I've made.

Would you say you’ve achieved your big dream yet?

I've realized several of my dreams, but there are still a few I hope to fulfill.

What do you think helped you achieve it?

The unwavering belief of my husband and parents has been invaluable; they never once doubted me. My sessions with Murielle Marie revitalized my confidence. Having owned an agency, she understands the dynamics and assured me of the quality of the work I provide to my clients. Receiving affirmation from someone familiar with the industry was incredibly reassuring. My adaptability has also been a strength. In my field, tools, methods, and demands are constantly evolving. Similarly, entrepreneurship requires agility and the capacity to pivot to ensure continued success.

What’s the best advice you have for others who want to follow their big dreams?

All the answers you seek reside within you. Sometimes, you just need someone to help draw them out.

More about Jill and her services  –

Jill is a branding boss who is obsessed with graphic design, strategic branding, and entrepreneurship. She’s worked with clients all over the world to help them bring their company to life with the power of visual communication. You can find out more about Jill and her services at the website linked above. And if you’re interested in learning more about her process, you can book a free 30 minute discover call with her here.

Jill’s favourite quote is:

Feel the fear and proceed regardless.

Jill’s big dream for the world is:

I want female entrepreneurs over forty to assert themselves and step into the spotlight. They should proudly showcase their capabilities and talents to the world. Currently, too much talent remains hidden in the shadows, and that's truly unfortunate.


If you want more inspiring stories, I’ve got great news for you! This story is part of an interview series, you can find all entries here.

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Get Unstuck, Mindset, Mindful Living, Growth Mindset Murielle Marie Get Unstuck, Mindset, Mindful Living, Growth Mindset Murielle Marie

Experiencing technical difficulties: Sometimes things don’t go your way, and that’s okay…

My newest book, Get Unstuck! came out today!

And if you just did a double take at that or thought I wrote the wrong date, you are half right…

Originally, Get Unstuck! was set to launch on October 25th - however - God, the Universe, whatever you want to call it, had other plans for me. What should have been a simple change of date turned into a major issue that required technical assistance and a whole lot of faith. 

Several things added to this debacle, including formatting issues, communication disruptions, and serious technical glitches that could have derailed the entire launch. And I truly believe that my behavior during those 12 hours is the reason that things worked out so well.

Think about it - the last time something threw you for a loop and ruined your day, did any of the next five tasks go well? Or did your day suddenly rush off course, crash, and burn? 

I’m guessing it was the latter. 

That’s because our mindset impacts our attitude, which impacts our environment, which, in turn, impacts our mindset. If you have a fixed mindset - one that doesn’t do well with change or challenges - you might find that your day is completely trashed because of one issue early on. You can’t shake out of the negative headspace that “everything will go wrong.” 

But, if you have a growth mindset, you can see the issue for what it is and stop yourself from carrying it in the next moment of the day. You go into problem-solving mode and work to fix things without reacting.  

The truth is, ten years ago, I definitely would have freaked out. My entire week would have been ruined and I would have fallen victim to all the worst-case scenarios. This time, though, I saw the situation for what it was - a chance to practice what I preach and not have it impact my whole day. The issue was fixed and while it was a bummer that my initial pre-orders were canceled because of an Amazon glitch, I know there’s a reason for it. 

My attitude is positively impacting my environment, which is positively impacting my mindset, which is reinforcing my positive attitude. 

So how can you cultivate a growth mindset and steer clear of attitude derailments? Follow the steps below to get a peak into what I do every day to prevent my mind from wandering into negativity territory.

  1. Accept the situation. I think a lot of the issues we get with our mindset come from refusing to acknowledge that what is happening is happening. Whatever the situation, you have to accept that it is happening so you can prevent it from following you into every other situation that day. For example, if you spill coffee on class notes and start chiding yourself for being a terrible coffee sipper, that mindset will follow you into the next task. You might find that you are dropping more things, cajoling yourself, and breaking things unnecessarily. However, if you spill the coffee and start cleaning it up without making yourself feel bad, your subconscious will recognize that mistakes happen and it doesn’t have to affect the rest of your day.

  2. Think about how your favorite person would react. If you admire someone like Ghandi or Amelia Earheart, think about how they would react in a moment of strife. Would they crumble and let the bad mood follow them? Or would they problem solve their way out of it and protect their peace? I’m gonna go with the second option.

  3. Set realistic goals. This might not sound like something you can do after an issue pops up, but the reality is that setting realistic goals is something you can do all along the way, whatever is happening in the moment. If you’re working on something and you realize the timeline you’ve given yourself is too fast paced, it’s okay to slow down and switch it up.

  4. Try something new. If you’ve noticed that your reaction negatively impacts every other area of your life, it’s time to try something new. Part of having a growth mindset is trying new things and finding what works for you in a particular situation - and knowing that it can evolve over time.

  5. Check in with yourself. Probably the most important thing to do when trying to cultivate a growth mindset is to check in with yourself. How are you feeling about what just happened? What emotions are coming up? Who do you hear in your head that is hurting your heart? How do you think you’d feel if you responded in a different way? 

The only thing we are responsible for - and in control of - are our own reactions. If we are constantly getting overwhelmed with things and outcomes we can’t control, we won’t get anything done and we will constantly be living in fear. 

I don’t know about you, but I refuse to live in that headspace any longer. 

P.S. you can order Get Unstuck! today on Kindle, paperback, or hardcover!

Ready to ditch the fixed mindset?

Our mindset determines so much about our day to day reactions, but also our longterm mental health. Those of us with growth mindsets react more healthily to problems. Whereas people with fixed mindsets can let their frustrations overtake them, getting them stuck without the will to MOVE.

If you want to learn how to change your mindset, get unstuck, and start MOVE-in’, I can help!

Schedule your free session!

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Get Unstuck, Mindset, Boundaries, Productivity Murielle Marie Get Unstuck, Mindset, Boundaries, Productivity Murielle Marie

How to build in rest so you can be productive

I’ve worked so hard to get my book, Get Unstuck!, finished and am super excited to announce the official release date for all editions is October 25th! However, right now, you can preorder the Kindle Edition and save yourself a couple of bucks! All copies come with a free workbook to help you identify what is getting you stuck and how to overcome that mindset so you can go after what you want - as well as tons of prompts to help you achieve the steps to get there! But there’s more! With your preorder, you’ll also get a personal invitation to my virtual book launch in November 2023!

I think the best part about watching a goal come to fruition is knowing that on the other side is some much-needed rest. I’m grateful to be able to take resets. They’re so important to me and my ability to help my business flourish. When I decided to get myself unstuck, I knew that I had to build in pockets of time off. It was scary to admit that I wasn’t a robot who could work 18-hour days, 7 days a week without needing a break - that’s what we are trained to do, isn’t it? No complaining, just working.

But once I finally admitted that I wasn’t a robot, that I needed rest, and that rest would actually make me better at what I did, everything else slid into place. With more rest, and holidays or breaks to look forward to, I became more productive with my time. Instead of doom-scrolling, I was focused on what I needed to get done.

Is this something you struggle with? Have you been raised - like most of us were - to think that work meant grueling hours, always busy, always struggling, and always feeling bad about what you were missing out on? 

If you nodded your head yes to any of that, it’s time to start redirecting that thought process. Here’s how:

  1. Build work boundaries. If you want to have more time for yourself and feel rejuvenated at work, you need to start building boundaries at work. If you are contracted to work 8 am - 5 pm, don’t bring your work home with you. Leave it at work. If you want to see your son’s football game, or your daughter’s fencing competition, or even just go home and bake a cake, you have to make your boundaries clear and then stick to them as much as you can. The more you do this, the more you will see that the work-life balance all the gurus talk about becomes your reality.

  2. Ditch the busywork. I’m a huge proponent of productivity versus busywork. If you’re constantly busy but never getting anything done, you aren’t really busy, you’re just filing your time. If, instead, you focus on getting the thing that needs to be done in a certain amount of time, without distractions, you’ll find you can get more done and be able to rest or refresh outside of that time. And if you aren’t sure how to start, check out the Pomodoro Method. You set a timer for 25 minutes and that is your productive, focused time. After the 25 minutes, you get a five-minute break. You do that over and over again until the work is done. You’ll be surprised at how much you end up working through in those short 25 minutes when you have five minutes built in to breathe.

  3. Visualize the life you want. When you visualize the life you want, you end up motivating yourself to do the small tasks that will get you there. For example, if you want to go to medical school at 35 years old, you need to believe in yourself and have a clear vision of the life you want to get you through the challenges that medical school will present. By getting clear on that vision, you can see how the difficult experiences you have now are helping you get there.

  4. Develop better time management skills. As you learn to manage your time better, you are actually loosening your grip on it. When we focus too much on the time we have left to do something, we can get overwhelmed quickly. Instead focus on how you can maximize the time you have to get the most done. You’ll finish your day feeling fulfilled and ready to start the next day.

  5. Make time to meditate. There are several forms of meditation - mindfulness, transcendental meditation, walking meditations, and more. You can choose whichever one works best in the moment, but the point is to stay consistent. Meditation has been shown to lower your heart rate, help with stress and anxiety, and also increase your cognition. When you meditate, you’re giving your brain time to relax, which can help you think more clearly while you’re working. Even just five minutes a day can provide you with real rest that will boost your productivity, ease your stress, and help you figure out the steps you need to take to get unstuck. It’s really an amazing thing!

Changing our mindset around rest and work is the most crucial step in getting unstuck and having the life we want. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get going!

Time to reset your mindset!

Mindset work is the most important step in all of my work, but it’s also the hardest.

If you haven’t been able to shift your mindset on your own, I can help! My clients and I work diligently to figure out exactly how your brain interprets the world and then create a plan to shift that interpretation. It’s pretty incredibly what we can do together!

Schedule your free session!

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Procrastination, Get Unstuck, Mindset Murielle Marie Procrastination, Get Unstuck, Mindset Murielle Marie

How to choose your hard and get unstuck!

For years, I wanted to start writing a book. When I finally decided to write one, I would wait till inspiration hit before I sat down to write. I would stop the moment I felt like the inspiration had waned. My entire writing experience, then, was centered around getting into - and falling out of - a flow state. But flow states can be fickle. They don’t come when we call, they come when they want to. If I waited for inspiration to write, it would take me years to finish my first book. 

I knew there had to be a different way. I knew I was stuck and had to find a way to get unstuck. So I started writing every day. I gave myself a time frame that I had to sit in front of my computer and type. It didn’t matter if it was cohesive or spelled correctly; I just had to type. Sometimes, inspiration would be there with me, guiding me along, but most of the time, I was on my own. Most of the time, I was writing because I’d built a habit. 

It made me realize that when motivation is lacking, you have to rely on your dedication. On days when I don’t feel like writing, my dedication to the habit of writing guides me to the computer and gets me through the time slot I’ve set aside. 

This experience was the start of of my get unstuck method. I realized that when you want to change something about your life - or your work - you have to start by changing your mindset. I wanted to write, so I changed my mindset about how I write (every day no matter what for 1 hour), focused on taking responsibility for my thoughts and emotions around writing and being an author, visualized the new life and habit I wanted, and then mustered the courage to go out there and do it. 

“Getting Unstuck!” might sound like a tagline, but it’s really a mantra - one that was born out of necessity and evolved into a way of life. It’s about planting your feet and digging deep into the ground of discipline. It’s about daily action and building new habits. 

The truth is, there is simultaneous pain and joy in growing into someone new. You can be both excited to start something new and terrified of the work it will take to get where you want. You can be both happy to change and miss the old life you lived where you knew what to expect. And you can be miserable in your life and work and still choose to stay there because the alternative is even more daunting. There is a duality between freedom and discipline; you’re allowed to feel and experience more than one emotion at the same time.*

I heard someone say once, “Everything is hard. Choose your hard.” Being stuck is hard. You are afraid to go after the life and work you want, so you procrastinate, get overwhelmed, and hide behind your fears. That’s hard and it gets harder the longer you stay in that headspace. However, getting unstuck is hard too. You have to put in the work, change your mindset, figure out what you want to do, create a vision for the life you want, and start implementing the steps to get there. 

Here are a few things to think about when choosing your hard:

  1. You’re going to be sacrificing either way. Whatever it is you want to do to change your life, it’s going to take sacrifice. But it’s also a sacrifice to keep your life exactly the same - only in this case, you are sacrificing your own dreams. For instance, if you currently work in tech, but really want to be an interior designer, you may have to sacrifice some of your free time to build a design portfolio, interview for new roles, and maybe even take a pay cut to get the experience you need for the jobs you really want. However, if you never go after that dream of being an interior designer and instead stay in tech, you are sacrificing your dream for the comfort of what you already know. Both paths lead to sacrifice, so choose the one that actually fulfills you.

  2. Change is scary. Accepting that change is scary is one of the only ways that I can move past the fear. “Yes it’s scary, and I’m doing it anyways,” is one of my favorite mantras. When we acknowledge the fear in front of us, and we still decide to go after what we want, we’re fostering a trust within ourselves. There is nothing better than knowing you have your own back and that the decisions you make are solid, even when they’re scary.

  3. Everything gets easier when you accept that it’s hard. This sounds counterintuitive, right? If we acknowledge it’s hard, then it’s hard. But actually, I think acknowledging that something will take hard work to complete is the first step in making it easier. With this acknowledgement comes the planning, visualizing, and mindset changes that are necessary to do the new thing. Think about it: when the painter decides they want to sell their art, but they know it will be hard to find clients, they start working even harder to find clients. They start posting their art on social media, and use their free time to create a website. They take the pressure off actually selling and focus on the steps to get their art out there into the world for people to see.  

So which hard do you choose? The one that keeps you in place, feeling lost and stuck, or the one where you have the life you’ve been dreaming about? 

*A special thank you to Colleen-Joy for inspiring this blog post during our interview last week for her podcast InnerLifeSkills.

Are you ready to choose your hard?

Getting unstuck is the only way to get to the life you want. You have to get out of your own way and start doing the scary things while changing your mindset.

I help my clients figure out exactly what it is they want to do, why their fear is holding them back, and how to move past all that.

Schedule your free session!

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How She Did It Murielle Marie How She Did It Murielle Marie

How Elizabeth let go of the pressure, refocused her business, and put creativity at the center of her services

I first met Elizabeth when she realized she wanted to create a business that reflected her authentic self more accurately. She was over feeling pressured and restless and just wanted something that put her more at ease. We connected after she finished reading my book on creative generalists. Elizabeth identified herself in that book and decided to explore how she might put creativity at the center of her business. We worked together to make a realistic plan for Elizabeth’s many projects, taking the pressure off so she could focus on providing an incredible experience to her clients. Here’s how she did it.

What was your big dream, and what inspired you to go after it?

My big dream was to help amazing people craft their stories and turn them into inspiring TED-like talks.

Did you always have this dream?

Not always, but I do remember exactly when it came to me. I started watching TED talks 15 years ago. Back then, hardly anyone had heard about TED talks. The inspiration, the impact it totally got to me. A seed was planted.

What was one of the first things you did to get you started?

I believe that if you open the door wide open for your dream and make yourself available for it, it will work out. With some ups and downs inevitably, and steady but surely. So opportunities to teach public speaking came to me. I created the chance to work with TED speakers. I started collecting a beautiful series of testimonials from people who had worked with me.

What were the biggest challenges you faced in working toward achieving your dream?

There were definitely moments when my passion was bigger than my discipline to build the backside of the business. So I had occasional worries about cash flow. But I never stopped believing in myself.

What do you wish you would have done differently? What would you warn others about?

I wish now I would have made some bolder moves. Not let my fears keep me from taking steps forward.

Would you say you’ve achieved your big dream yet?

Yes and no. It's important to always have new dreams. Next to my one-on-one program, I will be launching my group program soon, bringing together a group of female leaders who are ready to write their signature keynote talk. One day I want to have my own TV show.

What do you think helped you achieve it?

Not giving up when things get hard. Learning not to try to do everything myself, get help when and where needed.

What’s the best advice you have for others who want to follow their big dreams?

An inspiring vision is crucial to clarify the meaning and purpose of our lives and give us the energy and motivation to follow our dreams and persist. Articulating your big dream (your vision) is the first step in your journey!

More about Elizabeth and her services  –

Elizabeth Van Den Bergh is a Speaker Coach who coaches leaders to speak with confidence and impact. Whether you want to motivate, inspire, or blow your audience away, she’ll make sure your words have the desired effect. Her clients range from passionate experts, ambitious entrepreneurs, to bold leaders at international institutions and large companies. She is also the proud Head Speaker Coach at TEDxFlanders, the largest TEDx event in Belgium. And coaches speakers for TEDxKULeuvenBrussels.

You can find out more about Elizabeth and her services at the website linked above and her new podcast Powerful Presence on Spotify!

Elizabeth’ss favourite quote is:

“I have learned that people will forget what you have said, people will forget what you have done, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

 - Maya Angelou

Elizabeth’s big dream for the world is:

A kinder world. With more love, care, and attention.


If you want more inspiring stories, I’ve got great news for you! This story is part of an interview series, you can find all entries here.

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